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Ammonia Smelling Sweat
I am a 39 year old female, overall I am fairly healthy, but since having my daughter 3.5 years ago I have developed strong body odour issues as well as strong ammonia smelling sweat... I have always consumed a clean & healthy high protein diet and feel that that could be contributing to the high ammonia, so I have cut down and have incorporated a more vegetarian diet. In addition to the ammonia and BO I also have very high estrogen and issues with losing weight, despite tons of exercise & clean eating. Please advise thoughts on why and how to rectify this. Thank you in advance for your help![message edited by nataliescott00 on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 19:47:50 UTC]
nataliescott00 on 2016-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please explain symptoms envolved with ''high estrogen'?
weight loss---do u enjoy the exercise part of this? please explain
weight loss---do u enjoy the exercise part of this? please explain
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
High Estrogen symptoms - nothing excessively noticeable, but blood work has my Estrogen on the very high end and Xenoestrogen is off the charts. Testosterone is practically non existent. I have had dizziness, hair loss, unexplained inability to lose weight or build muscles despite heavy weight training and clean diet.
I do hot yoga 3-4 days a week, weight train 2-3 days a week and do 2-3 days of cardio... I love exercising but have also put my body through an enormous amount of it over the years and wonder if the stress of that - I also have cortisol issues as well - has caused issues. I was working with a nutritionist and focusing on my macros and I would drop a couple pounds only to gain them back again, with no change to my exercise or diet.
I take DIM once a day and have also taken Metagenics Estrium shakes as well... but no actual meds or treatments aside from that.
I feel that my body is un able to detox properly and so my body is loaded with them... hence the BO and ammonia. I have done Hydro Colonics and saw 2-3 litres of ammonia come out... all of my years of high protein consumption perhaps the culprit?
I have been trying to avoid taking actual hormone replacement - I've been trying to do this as naturally as possible... but it's been 1.5 years of trying to rectify why nothing seems to change in or on my body, despite efforts. To qualify this -I am a personal trainer & owned a studio where I helped many people lose weight and become healthy, so I know everything I need to do but nothing seems to change...
Hope this helps you some more...thank you for your help. n.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 14:05:19 UTC]
I do hot yoga 3-4 days a week, weight train 2-3 days a week and do 2-3 days of cardio... I love exercising but have also put my body through an enormous amount of it over the years and wonder if the stress of that - I also have cortisol issues as well - has caused issues. I was working with a nutritionist and focusing on my macros and I would drop a couple pounds only to gain them back again, with no change to my exercise or diet.
I take DIM once a day and have also taken Metagenics Estrium shakes as well... but no actual meds or treatments aside from that.
I feel that my body is un able to detox properly and so my body is loaded with them... hence the BO and ammonia. I have done Hydro Colonics and saw 2-3 litres of ammonia come out... all of my years of high protein consumption perhaps the culprit?
I have been trying to avoid taking actual hormone replacement - I've been trying to do this as naturally as possible... but it's been 1.5 years of trying to rectify why nothing seems to change in or on my body, despite efforts. To qualify this -I am a personal trainer & owned a studio where I helped many people lose weight and become healthy, so I know everything I need to do but nothing seems to change...
Hope this helps you some more...thank you for your help. n.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 14:05:19 UTC]
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Oh!!!! I have also done about 3-4 months of BIE, which did help to balance hormones... I also take 5-MTHF to help with detoxing, as that gene was out of whack when muscles tested.
The best I felt was in mid April when I had completed a juice cleanse, colonics and my BIE testing came back all balanced. Had a stressful month end in my business and things seems to have reverted back to where they were before. I decided to go mostly veggie after feeling amazing being off meat for 7 days...
Perhaps this isn't as straight forward as I thought :) Hope all this info is helpful... thank you again & again!
The best I felt was in mid April when I had completed a juice cleanse, colonics and my BIE testing came back all balanced. Had a stressful month end in my business and things seems to have reverted back to where they were before. I decided to go mostly veggie after feeling amazing being off meat for 7 days...
Perhaps this isn't as straight forward as I thought :) Hope all this info is helpful... thank you again & again!
nataliescott00 8 years ago
info very helpful
when stopping the trainings u do u feel?what happens?please explain
when stopping the trainings u do u feel?what happens?please explain
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Physically there tends to be a leaning out when I stop after working out hard for a long time. But my body does feel at peace or a sense of relief... There isn't a massive drop in weight, but definitely a leaner feeling. It doesn't last long, but perhaps because I start training again.
Emotionally or mentally there is first a sense of relief and calm and less frantic'ness but then a certain amount of guilt or fear that comes from thinking how I should be exercising because I know it's good for me & i know that will help with the weight loss goals & I don't want to gain weight.
The sense of needing to slow down and being gentle on myself is why I took up hot yoga... for balance and to be kind to myself. But I still do hot yoga because i feel like I'm at least sweating and getting more then just stretches.
Emotionally or mentally there is first a sense of relief and calm and less frantic'ness but then a certain amount of guilt or fear that comes from thinking how I should be exercising because I know it's good for me & i know that will help with the weight loss goals & I don't want to gain weight.
The sense of needing to slow down and being gentle on myself is why I took up hot yoga... for balance and to be kind to myself. But I still do hot yoga because i feel like I'm at least sweating and getting more then just stretches.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
no, I have no nausea, dizziness or any other issues that some people have doing hot yoga. Other then my sweat smelling strong and not being able to breath in child's pose due to heavy ammonia smell from my sweat, it's an amazing practice.
Sometimes after camel pose or sleeping hero (heart opening poses) I feel a sense of swirling afterwards while we sit quietly... very normal because it is a heart opener.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:59:37 UTC]
Sometimes after camel pose or sleeping hero (heart opening poses) I feel a sense of swirling afterwards while we sit quietly... very normal because it is a heart opener.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:59:37 UTC]
nataliescott00 8 years ago
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
what menses characteristics?
what accompanying symptoms occur?JUST PRIOR?at onset?DURING?after? interval?
what accompanying symptoms occur?JUST PRIOR?at onset?DURING?after? interval?
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Have been using DIM and Estrium fairly consistently for 1.5 years up until 3 months ago. Found that it was helping but when I started to see results from BIE I didn't think I needed to continue & was/am wanting to move to not having to take daily supplements if at all possible. Maybe a lofty wish, but believed that BIE was helping make that transition.
I can tell when my estrogen is super high when the week before my cycle I retain water, have breast tenderness (primarily right side) and have dizzy spells... have to hold on to things so I don't fall. That hasn't happened recently, but I have had the water retention, breast tenderness. My cycle has typically been 28-32 days, but have had some that have gone 33-35 days...when I am feeling my most dizzy and water retained... the most recent was 2 cycles ago. When I'm high in estrogen the week prior my cycle is heavy and longer - 4-6 days When there isn't many signs of my period coming on (lower estrogen) I tend to have lighter periods that last 2-3 days. Since taking the DIM and estrium those seem to be most consistent, but not always the case. As soon as my period is done I notice an obvious leaning out and the feel of weight loss leading up to ovulation...
I think that answers everything you asked?
The Estrium primarily is a liver support & cleanse and so I think that it is helping with the detoxing of the estrogen... I believe the DIM does the same thing...
Again, I'm so very grateful for your help!
I can tell when my estrogen is super high when the week before my cycle I retain water, have breast tenderness (primarily right side) and have dizzy spells... have to hold on to things so I don't fall. That hasn't happened recently, but I have had the water retention, breast tenderness. My cycle has typically been 28-32 days, but have had some that have gone 33-35 days...when I am feeling my most dizzy and water retained... the most recent was 2 cycles ago. When I'm high in estrogen the week prior my cycle is heavy and longer - 4-6 days When there isn't many signs of my period coming on (lower estrogen) I tend to have lighter periods that last 2-3 days. Since taking the DIM and estrium those seem to be most consistent, but not always the case. As soon as my period is done I notice an obvious leaning out and the feel of weight loss leading up to ovulation...
I think that answers everything you asked?
The Estrium primarily is a liver support & cleanse and so I think that it is helping with the detoxing of the estrogen... I believe the DIM does the same thing...
Again, I'm so very grateful for your help!
nataliescott00 8 years ago
A little more about 'charactersistics'... I usually have 1 day where there is cramping (heaviest day), which is usually the day after I start. The day that I start I have lower back ache / stiffness. Very fatigued and low energy on day 1-2 which I have now started to rest & practice self care, but have for my entire life forced myself to exercise... thinking that it would give me energy and make me feel better...
nataliescott00 8 years ago
what coincidinggs do u see with ammonia smell sweat and the starting of the use of mentioned meds?
as these things are medicine--any treatment I would suggest--these will interfere...
if u were to off these --symptoms may be modified..most probably will....and this gives confused look to treatment if using other meds with homoeopathy...
as these things are medicine--any treatment I would suggest--these will interfere...
if u were to off these --symptoms may be modified..most probably will....and this gives confused look to treatment if using other meds with homoeopathy...
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Ooooh... yes, I would say that the BO would have started aroudn the time of using these products. The ammonia I started smelling when I started back to hot yoga a year ago, but I am absolutely fine to be off the DIM and 5-MTHF... have been off Estrium for 3 months. I'd prefer to not have to take anything, or at least minimal amounts.
I assumed because there was detoxing happening being on the meds that it was why i was smelling of ammonia - body getting rid of toxins thru sweat, but it's just excessive and so there has to be something else going on.
I'm absolutely fine to be off everything I've been on to try your treatment. I'm a good student/patient :)
I assumed because there was detoxing happening being on the meds that it was why i was smelling of ammonia - body getting rid of toxins thru sweat, but it's just excessive and so there has to be something else going on.
I'm absolutely fine to be off everything I've been on to try your treatment. I'm a good student/patient :)
nataliescott00 8 years ago
ok--then --stop these products and post symptomology (whether changes or not)
once there is a stablness--then medicine (homoeopathic ) can be ascertained--to deal with the current ( at that time) symptom scene
once there is a stablness--then medicine (homoeopathic ) can be ascertained--to deal with the current ( at that time) symptom scene
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
ok, great... if there are no changes in symptoms, how long should I wait to post? Do you think there is a certain length of time required for meds to work thru body? 2 weeks, 4 weeks..etc?
nataliescott00 8 years ago
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Sleep has been a very very challenging thing & no doubt a huge component to cortisol & bodily stress. My dog - who just passed away 2 weeks ago was a major part of that as he woke often in the night and for 10 years I woke to feed him at 5am every morning... Add in a baby & well you get the picture. For quite sometime if I was not asleep by 10pm I wouldn't be able to fall asleep until 3am and then I would be up at 5am and then off to work...I have since closed my business and life has calmed substantially, but sleep is always a luxury that I don't always get... When I haven't had sleep I can look as if I've gained 10 pounds overnight...
I could go on & on about sleep...bottom line is that I don't get enough.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Fri, 24 Jun 2016 11:51:43 UTC]
I could go on & on about sleep...bottom line is that I don't get enough.
[message edited by nataliescott00 on Fri, 24 Jun 2016 11:51:43 UTC]
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Also... Thinking about the BO smell... usually it gets more intense a week before my cycle, not sure if that helps, but I know that it is coming when I get a little more 'ripe' :)
I first noticed the intense smell 2 weeks before I gave birth as the hormones were changing. It went away after that but came back around 1.5 years ago. Just came to mind and wanted to share!
I first noticed the intense smell 2 weeks before I gave birth as the hormones were changing. It went away after that but came back around 1.5 years ago. Just came to mind and wanted to share!
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Daughter is 3.5 and ammonia only apparent when I sweat yoga primarily. Some long cardio sessions, but not as noticeable.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
I can sweat very easily... It doesn't take me much. I haven't always been that way, more so in the last 5 years, and then even more in the last 2 years.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
u may notice other aspects change..being off those substances...keep close eye for any subtle changings
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
I have noticed in the last that when I drink wine the next day my breasts are larger.. The supplements I was taking seemed to help with controlling that. Will watch for that now that I'm off of the supplements. But it's a peculiar thing that I think points to estrogen / xenoestrogen, so wanted to share.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
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