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I have noticed in the last that when I drink wine the next day my breasts are larger.. The supplements I was taking seemed to help with controlling that. Will watch for that now that I'm off of the supplements. But it's a peculiar thing that I think points to estrogen / xenoestrogen, so wanted to share.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Typically only on weekends - Friday & Saturday, however have & can go thru times when most days of week...
nataliescott00 8 years ago
For the last few days I haven't been able to fall asleep at night. Very similar to how I was before I started taking the supplements...
nataliescott00 8 years ago
ok- --here Is where -keeping ur eye on subtle things occurring and posting as such...
describe the whole ''sleep' scene last night --u mentioned
describe the whole ''sleep' scene last night --u mentioned
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Ok, so usually we do go to sleep late - 11pm, but then I can usually fall asleep... Sometimes with the aid of a melatonin spray if my mind is active or I have been busy up until bedtime, but not always. Over the weekend, even though relaxed I was tossing & turning and unable to fall asleep, or if I did fall asleep I woke within the hour. I took the melatonin spray but that didn't do anything... Not at all how the spray usually works, or how I usually can fall asleep.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
No change as of yet with scent of sweat... I haven't done hot yoga yet, so I should know once info that how the ammonia is. As for the typical BO - still present.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
unless something changes...
once menses is come and gone..and menses characteristic symptoms have been noted...treatment Is to be started.....
of particular importance are the things associated with menses (symptoms and such)--just before?at the onset?during?just after?
once menses is come and gone..and menses characteristic symptoms have been noted...treatment Is to be started.....
of particular importance are the things associated with menses (symptoms and such)--just before?at the onset?during?just after?
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
nataliescott00 8 years ago
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Woke this morning to tender breasts (primarily right side), this is fairly typical of a higher (perceived) estrogen level. Feel somewhat like I'm retaining water as well...or that I've gained what feels like 5 pounds. I have just come off a super stressful (altho exciting) job promotion so I expect that it's all part of the stress, lack of sleep and not great consumption.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Went to hot yoga today & noted something interesting... I did not have any BO...which is shocking based on this week leading up to cycle, because it is typically unbearable. I still had strong ammonia, but literally no BO. Very interesting.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Ok! Cycle came yesterday & almost all symptoms have passed... Energy is back, cramping & breast tenderness is gone. Probably one more day of flow, and still have water retention/weight gain/bloated, but otherwise all back to normal. I expect the water retention / bloatedness to be gone tomorrow.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
I am still experiencing BO - had an important presentation tonight & was extremely stinky, so wondering if it's stressed based? Have never made that correlation before, but have not been very smelly lately, so it was noticeable. Did consume wine (more then I maybe should have) over the weekend & perhaps body is detoxing?
Sleep - have been waking one or 2 times the night, which is slightly unusual.
Otherwise no really is good and all else seems stable.
Sleep - have been waking one or 2 times the night, which is slightly unusual.
Otherwise no really is good and all else seems stable.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
keep eye on consistency with the possible ''stress'' trigger
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Noticing definite correlation between stress (even if it is good stress for good reasons) and BO. And perhaps even deeper, bodily stress (like lack or sleep or too much wine & unhealthy food choices) are perhaps causing too...
nataliescott00 8 years ago
ok if ready
single dose sepia
3 pellets 30c in 4 oz watewr
in drinking glass..stir vigourously
1 tablespoon dose..
take in morning on empty stomache --1/2 hour before eating
do no repeat dose
keep on the quality foods meals and snacks..
no other meds,herbs and such..
avoid all acidic foods and drinks
avoid coffee,teas,colas...caffeine scene
no alcohol at all
no topical ointments and such at all on skin
keep eye for new symptoms after dose..
questions?please ask..
single dose sepia
3 pellets 30c in 4 oz watewr
in drinking glass..stir vigourously
1 tablespoon dose..
take in morning on empty stomache --1/2 hour before eating
do no repeat dose
keep on the quality foods meals and snacks..
no other meds,herbs and such..
avoid all acidic foods and drinks
avoid coffee,teas,colas...caffeine scene
no alcohol at all
no topical ointments and such at all on skin
keep eye for new symptoms after dose..
questions?please ask..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Ok! I can do this :) clarify, no coffee's or tea's...what about herbal?
And as for no wine etc...indefinitely? Or for a specific amount of time after I take the medicine? I'm planning on massively reducing my intake, however I do have a few celebrations approaching that I'd like to toast to...
And as for no wine etc...indefinitely? Or for a specific amount of time after I take the medicine? I'm planning on massively reducing my intake, however I do have a few celebrations approaching that I'd like to toast to...
nataliescott00 8 years ago
no herbal teas--their medicinal in effect
nothing tht is slightest medicinal
quality beef,lamb ..chicken ok
no duck,goose,pork though
cooked vegetables are best--raw --takes unnecessary energies -----thing is --simple nutritious...rice good
I find simple stir fry method--without ginger or strong spicing..salt ok ---braggs liquid amino acid --best natural flavored thing use..
nothing tht is slightest medicinal
quality beef,lamb ..chicken ok
no duck,goose,pork though
cooked vegetables are best--raw --takes unnecessary energies -----thing is --simple nutritious...rice good
I find simple stir fry method--without ginger or strong spicing..salt ok ---braggs liquid amino acid --best natural flavored thing use..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
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