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Ammonia Smelling Sweat Page 3 of 3
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
no herbal teas--their medicinal in effect
nothing tht is slightest medicinal
quality beef,lamb ..chicken ok
no duck,goose,pork though
cooked vegetables are best--raw --takes unnecessary energies -----thing is --simple nutritious...rice good
I find simple stir fry method--without ginger or strong spicing..salt ok ---braggs liquid amino acid --best natural flavored thing use..
nothing tht is slightest medicinal
quality beef,lamb ..chicken ok
no duck,goose,pork though
cooked vegetables are best--raw --takes unnecessary energies -----thing is --simple nutritious...rice good
I find simple stir fry method--without ginger or strong spicing..salt ok ---braggs liquid amino acid --best natural flavored thing use..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
may find wine will effect med response--if u allow respons eto med as much time as possible to do as much as can in an unadulterated manner--that is best
as far as toasting an digging th e celebration scene--well can interfere--but u seem have good strength--may tolerate --if not too soon after dose--as mentioned above..
as far as toasting an digging th e celebration scene--well can interfere--but u seem have good strength--may tolerate --if not too soon after dose--as mentioned above..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Just took the med for the first time today...have been on holidays and wanted to make sure there was no chance of being tempted to indulge.
Question decaf coffee allowed either? I assume so, but wanted to chk.
Feeling fine tho, altho it was only 2 hours ago that I took it. A slight sweat when I first took it, but that's gone away now. Will let you know about any other symptoms that I notice.
Interesting to note tho, that while on vacation I have had no smell in my sweat... Must be a stress thing for sure. And that makes me realize that I'm probably more stressed then I think.
Question decaf coffee allowed either? I assume so, but wanted to chk.
Feeling fine tho, altho it was only 2 hours ago that I took it. A slight sweat when I first took it, but that's gone away now. Will let you know about any other symptoms that I notice.
Interesting to note tho, that while on vacation I have had no smell in my sweat... Must be a stress thing for sure. And that makes me realize that I'm probably more stressed then I think.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Not sure if there is a correlation, but my left side of my tongue is slightly swollen and it feels like a canker is started last night & hasn't yet gone away.
When I consume acidic wine I sometimes get cankers, but have not had anything like that... Thought it was interesting & wanted to note it.
For years & years I would get canker sores very frequently, but don't get them hardly at all anymore...except last night :)
When I consume acidic wine I sometimes get cankers, but have not had anything like that... Thought it was interesting & wanted to note it.
For years & years I would get canker sores very frequently, but don't get them hardly at all anymore...except last night :)
nataliescott00 8 years ago
Hi there! Checking back in after months to share more. So the sweat went away completely and only appears when excessive stress occurs... which thankfully doesn't happen often.
Saw my naturopath last week to have blood tests done to see about hormone levels & great news is that Estrogen is down & Testosterone is up. However, where my thyroid function showed fine last year, it is now showing my thyroid is under active... from the research I've done I see that Sepia women are more prone to hypothyroidism.
I've only had one treatment of sepia & that was early August.
Saw my naturopath last week to have blood tests done to see about hormone levels & great news is that Estrogen is down & Testosterone is up. However, where my thyroid function showed fine last year, it is now showing my thyroid is under active... from the research I've done I see that Sepia women are more prone to hypothyroidism.
I've only had one treatment of sepia & that was early August.
nataliescott00 8 years ago
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