The ABC Homeopathy Forum
post natal depression and beyond
Hello, I would be grateful for any suggestions you may have on the following.I had my son in May 2003, our only child so far, and we had a difficult labour (I didn't dilate and we were in labour for 52hrs, eventually had an emergency caesarean-my son was 10lb 8oz).
There were difficulties following the birth-my son wouldn't sleep for any longer than 20mins for the first 8months. He was born with a deep "dent" in his skull and still has osteopathic treatment to relieve the pressure, which is also partly why he couldn't sleep-but to cut a very long story short I think I developed some kind of postnatal depression.
I'm very surprised that whilst I'm typing the above I am still angry at the hospital and upset-to the point of holding back tears-at what I feel my son went through.
Following the birth I went through a period, for a bout a year, where I really couldn't cope, I wanted to scream at my child to sleep, I just wanted to get away and get some space. I resented my husband hugely as he really didn't help out much, if at all.
Things are a lot better now and I've used homeopaths, osteopaths and reflexology-all of which have been a help.
There are times however, usually before or after a period, when similar symptoms/feelings return and I am keen to try and make these as few as possible as its so terrible.
What happens is that I wake up one morning and I just feel like I don't want to be there. I want to be able to get up and get dressed and go out without having to deal with anybody other than me.
At these times I have little or no patience and it takes a herculean effort to not just scream my head off at people to go away and leave me alone. The strongest emotion I can describe from these times is the feeling of needing some space.
I also get extremely heavy and long periods and these times usually coincide (at most times, since reflexology and homeopathy, the periods have eased enormously).
I am currently at home with my son and we have a great time but at these times I have find it a real struggle to get involved in any play time with him-though I am much improved from going out in the air (not shopping, somewhere like the park or so, and also better if the weather is rainy or cold).
When I am feeling this way I am very cold towards my husband and the smallest things can make me very, disproportionately, angry at him-but I hold all these emotions inside.
I also have very little self confidence any more-I had much more before I fell pregnant, and at times I do not want to go out because I feel so frumpy (I am 2st heavier since having my child but I do intent to lose that).
I also seem to dwell on things that happened many years ago-old family arguments and then get annoyed about these things again!
Sorry-this is making me sound like a complete mess isn't it!
Then, and this is the incredible part, suddenly these feelings go!
I wake up and suddenly I don't feel as bad. The confidence issue never really goes away though, and my energy levels are pretty low generally but I would be really grateful for any advice on any remedies which you think may help.
I have taken Sepia and Pulsatilla, both recommended by Homeopaths.
The Sepia helped with my period and PMT for a time, the Pulsatilla I don't recall having much effect but I did try it again recently and I remember feeling better.
I'd really be grateful for any replies and will honestly answer any queries.
Thank you
dazedandconfused on 2006-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I request you to fill the below given form so that I can minutely study your symptoms so that I can prescribe you the best medicine to cure your disease very soon. Kindly submit the details for evaluation of symptom from your case
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. What exactly is happening ?
7. How do you feel ?
8. How does this affect you ?
9. How does it feel like ?
10. What comes to your mind ?
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. What exactly is happening ?
7. How do you feel ?
8. How does this affect you ?
9. How does it feel like ?
10. What comes to your mind ?
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Hello, thank you for your response. I have answered as fully as I can below each question:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
Unstable to say the least (currently very cold with hailstones and strong winds)
6. What exactly is happening ?
Intermittent, usually around time of period, feelings of being overwhelmed by responsibility, no self confidence/self esteem, resentment against others, lack of energy, feeling old and sluggish and frumpy, feelings of needing to get some space away from others
7. How do you feel ?
as above and this can sometimes include feelings of suspicion towards others; i.e. my husband may be having an affair or lying to me
8. How does this affect you ?
Makes me inpatient and irritable with little time for others; chatting to people irritates me and I want to be left alone
9. How does it feel like ?
Like I can't get any space or I don't have my own identity any more-or I've become someone I don't know or like.
10. What comes to your mind ?
Feelings of inadequacy, boredom, restlessness
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
complete lack of control and being taken over by others who had little empathy or concern for your welfare
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
fear and anger
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
oldest child to single mother (1 younger brother). No major health concerns in my immediate family but maternal family has cancer and mental instability
I have an at times strained relationship with my mother-she gets very jealous of things I get and also of my marriage. When I buy new things she will copy. Whatever I'm wearing when I see her she will be dressed in an almost exact copy of it the next time I see her. I left home early as I could not get on with her current live-in boyfriend and she always took their side.
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
I desire sweet foods daily
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
At these times I get very irritable and also very very restless; I find it very difficult to sit still and want to be constantly on the move; I constantly compare myself to others and find myself lacking; I get annoyed at myself for not having the confidence and self esteem I used to have (possible tied into being in a high, responsible, and well paid position when I was working prior to pregnancy);
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Aggravated either before or after my period. Usually alleviated once my period starts. I've also found that listening to muic helps me enormously-no specific kind.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
Unstable to say the least (currently very cold with hailstones and strong winds)
6. What exactly is happening ?
Intermittent, usually around time of period, feelings of being overwhelmed by responsibility, no self confidence/self esteem, resentment against others, lack of energy, feeling old and sluggish and frumpy, feelings of needing to get some space away from others
7. How do you feel ?
as above and this can sometimes include feelings of suspicion towards others; i.e. my husband may be having an affair or lying to me
8. How does this affect you ?
Makes me inpatient and irritable with little time for others; chatting to people irritates me and I want to be left alone
9. How does it feel like ?
Like I can't get any space or I don't have my own identity any more-or I've become someone I don't know or like.
10. What comes to your mind ?
Feelings of inadequacy, boredom, restlessness
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
complete lack of control and being taken over by others who had little empathy or concern for your welfare
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
fear and anger
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
oldest child to single mother (1 younger brother). No major health concerns in my immediate family but maternal family has cancer and mental instability
I have an at times strained relationship with my mother-she gets very jealous of things I get and also of my marriage. When I buy new things she will copy. Whatever I'm wearing when I see her she will be dressed in an almost exact copy of it the next time I see her. I left home early as I could not get on with her current live-in boyfriend and she always took their side.
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
I desire sweet foods daily
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
At these times I get very irritable and also very very restless; I find it very difficult to sit still and want to be constantly on the move; I constantly compare myself to others and find myself lacking; I get annoyed at myself for not having the confidence and self esteem I used to have (possible tied into being in a high, responsible, and well paid position when I was working prior to pregnancy);
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Aggravated either before or after my period. Usually alleviated once my period starts. I've also found that listening to muic helps me enormously-no specific kind.
dazedandconfused last decade
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