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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Itchy skin. Please help

Female, 49 yo. Itchy skin issue started on 08/22/2016. When just started, I had itchy bumps on skin that looked like mosquito bites/hives. Started with 2-3 bumps on buttocks, then thighs; now it’s all over the body except face and neck. Applying hot pack made it better.
After a while I started feeling crawling on the skin. Now I don’t have hives, but my skin on some fingers getting thicker and sometimes cracks.

In January 2017 started treatment with Permethrine 5%. Applied after shower at night, washed off after 12 hours. Symptoms of itchiness and crawling were gone for 3 days, but came back again on 4th night. Used permetrine again, this time washed it off after 24 hrs. My skin is not irritated by permethrine although my skin is very-very sensitive. I’ve noticed that permethrine keeps the issue under control and used it without washing off for 2-3 days several times. Then eventually I stopped it. There were no itching for about a week after that, but now I feel it is coming back slowly.

I understand that my issue is not scabies and probably not demodex mites as I don’t have itchy eyelids or itchy face (only body). I don’t have health insurance, so I cannot afford going to dermatologist. I see that my treatment is keeping the issue calmed down, but cannot keep applying permethrine as it’s not curing the issue. I need help please. I definitely will appreciate any information.
  orange8 on 2017-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL take
1. Arsenic Alb-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then come back
homee helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago

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