The ABC Homeopathy Forum
URGENT.... Arnica Montana for Depression
I have started taking Arnica Montana 30C for depression.I have taken 5 times till now.
I take it at night 2-3 hours before going to sleep.
I have observed that almost after 1 hour taking the remedy I get tendency to cry. Everything from past starts playing in my mind which disturbs me a lot.
Is it worsening my position?
[message edited by Chitleen on Sun, 12 Mar 2017 14:08:50 UTC]
Chitleen on 2017-03-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ telescope 7 years ago
Your info given is too little.
Did your problems have anything to do with accident or injury?
You have to follow one person, someone would have to take your case in detail to give an opinion that is informed.
Did your problems have anything to do with accident or injury?
You have to follow one person, someone would have to take your case in detail to give an opinion that is informed.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
My problems are due to lot of emotional abuse in childhood.
Last year i have taken Ignatia and Nat Mur and I got much relief from it. Before taking these two remedies my condition was of severe anxiety.
Also I have my personality matches with Platina. So last week i also took 3 doses of it. After that I got relief from feeling depressed in evening which is also a big problem for me.
I started feeling very low and depressed in evening. At that time I cannot make a move. I just sit.
Waiting for your reply.
[message edited by Chitleen on Sun, 12 Mar 2017 20:45:50 UTC]
Last year i have taken Ignatia and Nat Mur and I got much relief from it. Before taking these two remedies my condition was of severe anxiety.
Also I have my personality matches with Platina. So last week i also took 3 doses of it. After that I got relief from feeling depressed in evening which is also a big problem for me.
I started feeling very low and depressed in evening. At that time I cannot make a move. I just sit.
Waiting for your reply.
[message edited by Chitleen on Sun, 12 Mar 2017 20:45:50 UTC]
Chitleen 7 years ago
Why did you stop taking Natrum mur when you benefitted from it?
♡ telescope 7 years ago
So when did the homeopath tell you to take arnica?
Last week you gave yourself platina and got relief?
Perhaps telescope can take your case and find out needed details.
Last week you gave yourself platina and got relief?
Perhaps telescope can take your case and find out needed details.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
The symptoms which were to be relieved with Nat Mur have been relieved and it is no further beneficial for me.
Now I feel beaten down emotionally and Low Spirits .
Also I am very weak . I am unable to put on weight even though I take good diet.
I am unable to concentrate in studies.
So Doctor prescribed me Arnica last month.
[message edited by Chitleen on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 14:22:27 UTC]
Now I feel beaten down emotionally and Low Spirits .
Also I am very weak . I am unable to put on weight even though I take good diet.
I am unable to concentrate in studies.
So Doctor prescribed me Arnica last month.
[message edited by Chitleen on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 14:22:27 UTC]
Chitleen 7 years ago
What was the potency of Natrum mur and how many doses did you take?
♡ telescope 7 years ago
I took Nat Mur 30C
Initially I took 3 doses after that whenever I felt the symptoms i took 3 doses again.
Spread over almost 6 months
Initially I took 3 doses after that whenever I felt the symptoms i took 3 doses again.
Spread over almost 6 months
Chitleen 7 years ago
♡ telescope 7 years ago
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