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Posts about Depression, IBS

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2ibs3Gastritis And IBS2ibs8Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anxiety, sleep apnea, depression, IBS

I am 50 year old female, suffering from ailments that bother lots of women my age. However, sleep apnea seems still the most difficult to bear, as it is impossible to control.
During the day, sleep apnea does not allow me any rest, but at night, at least I fall asleep.
I have struggling with this for 5 years now. I am not on any medications, as I refused them, however, my life is very painful because of this.
I have looked up and done research, which led me to several options: Opium, Nitricum Acidum, Calcarea Carbonica, Lachesis, Grindelia Robusta, Cenchris Contortrix, Sulfur and Mag Mur/Silica.
I woke up an hour after falling asleep, having cravings for the chocolate and carbs. Maybe sleep apnea wakes me up and maybe my brain needs sugar to keep working.
They all look like a good choice to me, but I believe that I should go with one choice only.
Please advise - thank you kindly.
  Satori10 on 2017-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Kali Mur 30, four pills in the morning and Natrum Sulph 30, four pills in the evening, every day. Report back after a few days with the changes noticed, especially your bowel movement. This is the foundation needed for the appropriate medicine to act permanently.

Keep your house clean, esp the kitchen, clean all the time, with no left over foods sitting too long. Bath room is the next place to keep it really clean. once your body starts winning the pathogens, a few remedies can improve your quality of life
[Edited by Reva V on 2017-08-26 15:52:17]
Reva V 7 years ago

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