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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dental abscess Page 13 of 20

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Hi Anuj, noted will do thanks. Cheers.
mork 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are well.
Current protocol: Nitr Acid 30C 3x/d, Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & massage with Pot Alum.
Abscess: Occasional mild ache on 2nd molar LL tooth, goes away after sometime but recurs at random through the day. Pus drains daily from abscess. No noticeable improvement on the painful nodule/pimple adjacent to the pus draining abscess hole. Does seem like the pain has increased slightly, but not sure of this.
Raynaud’s: Progressively improving. Older sores mostly healed. Quite a few new chilblains but fortunately they do not get too severe and recover more readily. However fingers and toes do turn blue/grey in the cold.
Thank you. Have a great week. Regards.
[Edited by mork on 2020-02-13 09:01:38]
mork 5 years ago
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, noted - will do , thanks. regards
mork 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are keeping well.
Current protocol: Nitr Acid 30C 3x/d, Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & massage with Pot Alum.
Abscess: Random mild ache on 2nd molar LL tooth, which goes away after sometime but recurs at times through the day. Pus & from several days back some blood drains daily from abscess hole area. Slight increase in pain now noticeable from the nodule/abscess hole region.
Raynaud’s: Most older sores healed. A lot of new chilblains now with swollen red areas and blue/grey colouring on some fingers & toes. These new chilblains do not seem to get too severe as they did before and recover more readily.
Many thanks. Have an enjoyable day. Regards
[Edited by mork on 2020-02-20 20:06:18]
mork 5 years ago
Secale cor 30,five tabs three times a day .Rest no change.Give first feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, addition noted. Ordered, expected early next week. Feedback after 4 days use. Thanks, regards.
mork 5 years ago
[Edited by vishnu4 on 2020-02-27 03:26:36]
vishnu4 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you have been keeping well.
Current protocol: Secale cor 30 3x/d [for 4 days wef 25/2/20], Nitr Acid 30C 3x/d, Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & Pot Alum massage. [Last dose on 4th day of Secale cor taken a little while ago.]
Abscess: Occasional mild ache on 2nd molar LL tooth, ache goes away after sometime but re-occurs randomly. Pus & some blood drains daily from abscess orifice area with a slight decrease in pain and blood output now noticeable.
Raynaud’s: Older sores healed. Some new chilblains. Now only a few swollen red areas and somewhat less blue/grey colouring on fingers & toes.
Many thanks. Have a lovely weekday. Regards
mork 5 years ago
Continue Secale Cor only.Stop Nit Acid.Feedback after a week.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, noted, thanks. Will stop Nitr Acid, Calc Phos & Pot Alum massage & continue with only Secale Cor. Regards.
[Edited by mork on 2020-02-29 15:23:46]
mork 5 years ago
Stop NA only rest no change.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, sorry I got that wrong. Will stop only the Nitr Acid. Thanks.Regards
mork 5 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are well.
Current protocol: Secale cor 30 3x/d, Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & Pot Alum massage
Abscess: Mild ache on 2nd molar LL tooth which goes away after sometime and repeats randomly thru the day. Pus & a little blood drains from abscess orifice area daily. Mild pain from the nodule adjacent to the abscess hole when touched or pressed.
Raynaud’s: A few new chilblains and some swollen red areas. Frequent blue/grey colouring on fingers & toes with the current cold weather..
Other modalities
Skin rash: During the past week have noticed a gradual development of an itching mild skin rash now occurring on a number of different locations on the body – small rash spots on back of shoulders, outer lower upper arms, mid forearms, outer lower thighs. Almost like an allergic reaction but not sure what is causing this as have had no recent diet changes.
Many thanks. Enjoy your weekend. Regards
mork 4 years ago
Stop Secale.Continue CP.Feedback after a week.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Two years is a long time for such a small ailment.
vishnu4 4 years ago
Take over Mr Vishnu and show your curative skills.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
anuj should tell Mork why even after giving him 50-60 medicines and over two years he could not cure him.
[Edited by vishnu4 on 2020-03-13 06:13:59]
vishnu4 4 years ago
Hmmm,I have requested you to take over and show your curative skills and you are shying away.Mork knows I don't have to tell him.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
In that case please tell ABC community what you did for two years and with 50-60 medicines for dental abscess alone.
vishnu4 4 years ago
ABC community is observing all the prescriptions so I don't have to tell them anything at all.You tell them what you are upto.Any way you also don't have to.People out here are quite observant.
I am telling you to take up the case or any other case to prove your curative skills and you continue to beat around the bush.

Are you suffering from some sort of SYPHILITIC MIASM?

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-03-13 17:29:30]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are keeping well.
Current protocol: Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & Pot Alum massage
Abscess: Occasional mild ache on 2nd molar LL tooth. Ache goes away after sometime and repeats at random. Pus & some blood drains from abscess orifice area. Mild pain from the nodule adjacent to the abscess hole when pressed.
Raynaud’s: Some new chilblains and swollen red areas. Blue/grey colouring on fingers and toes when weather is cold.
Other modalities
Skin rash: Now a reduction in affected areas with gradual improvement, thank you. Needs a little more time to recover in remaining locations.
Many thanks. Have a great weekend. Regards
mork 4 years ago
From earlier comments it would seem that dental abscesses get classified inappropriately.
For those interested or concerned – an overview perspective of this case follows.
In this case it is actually a dental abscess with an active fistula on level II of the neck. This particular dental abscess, originally a 2cm diameter lump under the jawbone, has shrunken fully and the protruding soft tissue is now also gone. What remains is a small passage extending from the root of the tooth, through the jaw bone and out at the skin from which a little pus is discharged daily. The prognosis was a high risk of neck spreading infections. The only option would be to extract the tooth and operate in order to clean out the minor infection. Tests on tooth showed it was equally responsive to tapping & cold tests in the same way as adjacent good teeth, suggesting that it was not dead. No dental issues within the mouth.
More recently, December 2019, the Maxillofacial Doctor’s review, after an x-ray, was that there is still a persistent minor infection either in the tooth root or just below it. Thanks to Anuj’s kind endeavours this infection had been contained and not been able to spread. The challenge remaining is to eliminate this elusive residual infection, but that seems to be easier said than done.
mork 4 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are well. Not sure if you are picking up my updates.
Current protocol: Calc Phos 6X 3x/d & Pot Alum massage
Abscess: 2nd molar LL tooth has occasional mild ache which goes away after sometime and repeats at random. However this no longer happens regularly on wakeup. Pus & a little blood drains from abscess orifice area daily and only when pressed there is mild pain from the nodule adjacent to the abscess hole otherwise normally no pain.
Raynaud’s: Some chilblains and swollen red areas. Reduction in blue/grey colouring on fingers & toes possibly as weather is now a bit warmer.
Many thanks. Enjoy your weekend. Regards
mork 4 years ago
Skin rash: During the past week have noticed a gradual development of an itching mild skin rash now occurring on a number of different locations on the body – small rash spots on back of shoulders, outer lower upper arms, mid forearms, outer lower thighs.

anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hi Anuj,
Skin rash: Certainly improving and should be over soon, hence omitted it on update. Still there with mild rash itch, but now only on a few spots.
Thnks. Regards.
[Edited by mork on 2020-03-20 14:52:00]
mork 4 years ago

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