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Hi Anuj, noted, sounds like the appropriate thing to do.
Thanks , regards.
mork 4 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are well & safe.
Current protocol : None.
Abscess: Now only an occasional mild ache daily on 2nd molar LL. A little pus and almost no blood oozing out from abscess orifice area. No scab formation. However nodule/cyst adjacent to the abscess orifice has been growing, now approx. 12mm in diameter and quite firm and hard.
Many thanks. Keep safe and have a great week. Regards
mork 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are well.
Current protocol : None.
Abscess: An occasional mild ache daily on 2nd molar LL. Now a little less pus and almost no blood drains out from abscess orifice area. Interesting that the nodule/cyst adjacent to the abscess orifice is now decreasing in size.
Many thanks. Keep safe and enjoy your week. Regards
mork 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, am wondering if all is okay with you, as have not had any response from you for a few weeks now. Anyway hopefully you are safe and well.
Current protocol : None.
Abscess: Now only an occasional very mild ache on 2nd molar LL. Very little pus and rarely any blood oozing out from abscess orifice area. Interestingly the nodule/cyst adjacent to the abscess orifice has been shrinking and is now barely perceptible.
It seems that with your treatment you’ve been able to trigger the inner healer within as now with no further treatment we are seeing continual improvements. Thank you !. Keep safe and have a lovely week. Regards.
mork 3 years ago


anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, noted thanks.
Regarding lost mail notifications - no worries, kindly advise Simon [moderator] & he will redress these issues for you.
Re:- wait & watch with no meds - yes seems the right approach.
Many thanks. Regards
[Edited by mork on 2021-03-26 14:56:20]
mork 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you are safe and well.
Current protocol : None.
Abscess: An occasional very mild ache on 2nd molar LL. A little less pus and rarely any blood oozing out from abscess orifice area. The nodule/cyst adjacent to the abscess orifice has shrunken a bit more and is almost at skin level.
Am seeing gradual but nevertheless further improvement, which is great.
Many thanks. Keep safe and have a lovely Easter weekend. Regards.
mork 3 years ago
We will wait and watch for one week.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, noted, that should be fine. Thanks. Regards.
mork 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, hope you have been keeping safe and are well.
Current protocol : None.
Abscess: Very rarely a brief very mild ache felt either on 2nd molar LL or in that region. A little pus and barely any blood oozing out from abscess orifice area. The nodule/cyst adjacent to the abscess orifice and the abscess orifice are now both receding further inwards.
Seems to be slow but certainly improving. As there is a sinus tract through the jawbone, bone healing could take many months. If you deem that no further treatment should be undertaken for now in order to permit it time to heal itself, then maybe I should not continue to trouble you with weekly updates but only revert if the situation takes an adverse turn.
Many thanks. Keep safe and have great weekend. Regards.
mork 3 years ago
You are causing no trouble at all.

I prefer not to prescribe any remedy as of now,since I see healing has started taking place after a long time.

As it suits you.Most welcome to respond as and when you feel that the healing has stopped.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Anuj, noted that is actually a great approach. Your treatment appears to have bootstrapped the internal healing mechanism and I am happy to let it progress at it’s own pace. Bone healing is notorious for taking a rather long time so I need to simply be patient.
May I take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere appreciation for all your generous and consistent support over the past years in aiding me thus far – a big THANK YOU. Thanks also for your kind offer of continued support. Will be in touch should the need arise.
Take care, keep safe and well. Cheers.
mork 3 years ago
Thanks A ton for all the encouraging words. I am honoured.In fact I should thank you for continuing with my treatment for so long,which requires real patience .

Take Care.And recover soon.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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