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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Requesting help from doctors!! Very bad anxiety and depression

I am a 32 yr old female, married, have a very supportive and loving husband. 10 yrs ago I had a panic attack followed by anxiety and depression for which I was taking Paxil 25 mg for 7 yrs. I met my husband and got off the medication as I moved to the us and started a new life with him. For 1 yr I was off Paxil but then suddenly at work I happened to get a panic attack. And went back on Paxil again. I work in a very noisy high stress restaurant. Everything went well on Paxil but I still feel tightness around my throat and have constant negative thoughts of choking myself. I am so scared that if i lose control I might choke myself with my hands. I know this thought is silly and I think to myself it’s silly too. But when the thought arises it scares me. Along with the thought of choking I also get depressing thoughts about why am I suffering. Why do I feel this way. I should just give up. But I then realize these are just thoughts. But I get depressed that I get these morbid thoughts and wish I could think normal again. So I don’t know if the Paxil is pooping out. But I want to start taking some homeopathy meds along with Paxil to help me and eventually wean myself off Paxil with the supervision of doc. We don’t have a homeopath doc out here. So looking for anything that would help be be happy again.
Also every morning that I wake up, my anxiety is high and the choking thoughts flood my mind. Also if I wear any clothes tight around my neck I get those thoughts.
When I am outside shopping or with friends I am constantly worried or anticipating a fearful thought or panic attack but I don’t get it.
But my thoughts are constantly negative and drain me out.
The only time I am calm is in the evening once I am tired. If I don’t have any bad thoughts my mind is constantly searching if the bad thoughts are goin to appear or not. Espeacially after my periods I get really anxious and depressed for a week and then I am fine. But this constant waves of fear is tiring me please help. I realize when I am calm i don’t really get affected by these thoughts or work. It’s just that In a social or loud setting my anxiety is high and all the negative thoughts flow.
Please help
[Edited by Sas on 2019-06-15 03:46:58]
  Sas on 2019-06-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS

From day 2 Kali Phos 6x five tabs three times a day,feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago

I am not going to suggest medicine and wanted to
Inform you , that there is rarely a dr or real homeopath
On here. This forum is set up for discussion and
Any member can suggest anything. You can click
Any user name, review their history and past
Threads and see who you are really interacting with.

One homeopathic dr who sometimes has volunteer
Time is Dr Jitesh sharma. He and his father have
Helped people on here for years. They have
A homeopathic hospital in India. You could
Email him and go private for a reasonable cost.
Jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com. There are
A lot of homeopaths in USA,but They cost more.
Two homeopaths who work by phone consult
Are Lia Bello in New Mexico ( head of USA nurse
Homeopaths) and Mary Aspinwall ( homeopathic teacher)
In Santa Barbara , California. Both these women
Have decades of experience.

So I would suggest using one of the above.
Also, I was a counselor and worked with
Many having panic attacks. You need to understand
The mechanics. When you had the first one in
The past , there was a reason. Sometimes the reason
Is a physical issue( like low energy from an infection)
Or the attack has to do with an incident.

Regardless of the cause, the body is wired for survival.
The panic is the adrenaline surging thru your body,
To help you Flee or fight. There is a route in
The brain for this system to trigger and go off.the
Brain route first shuts off your front cognitive brain
And moves blood to other areas. This is why you
Lose control. It makes sense, because if there really
Was an emergency ? Thinking is too slow.

Your surroundings, and memory of first attack
Are also coated with stress chemicals and stored
Differently in your brain- so that if you see, smell
Or have any similar situation to the past - it will
Set off adrenaline and panic again.

The body has cave man wiring here- not logical-
For instance if you had an attack in a noisy place?
Then noisy places are going to trigger anxiety in
The future . When you are calm you need to literally
Talk to your lower brain and tell it you are safe from
These triggers. Then what happens is next time?
The panic will be less - it will Not shut down the front
Brain. When the front brain is in charge , it is logical
And will override a lot of the adrenaline release.
Over time, doing this , that particular survival
Adrenaline loop, will phase out .

You may be a very sensitive person, and your present work?
Causes stress to most people anyway, so switching
The job environment would also be a very good thing.
simone717 5 years ago

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