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Posts about Osteoporosis, Tendonitis

arthritis in the thumb of the right hand; osteoporosis11Tibia Tendonitis1deQuervain's Tendonitis - Wrist Tendonitis32Osteoporosis2Osteoporosis1Attention Simone : Help needed for chronic wrist tendonitis1Osteoporosis7Severe Osteoporosis6osteoporosis8osteoporosis1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis and upper arm tendonitis

I have 2 problems. 1) I was diagnosed as having moderate Osteoporosis. My doctor prescribed corticosteroids which i refuse to take.is there any homeopathic remedy for osteoporosis?.

since a few weeks now, i have great pain in my upper left arm whenever I move the arm. Doctor said I have Tendinitis. It is so painful that i cannot pick up a glass from the cupboard. I broke my arm 4 years ago and had surgery where screws and a metal plate were put into the bone of my upper left arm. It gets painful in cold weather. But the tendinitis is something new. Is there any homeopathic help? Thank you.
  sonja1 on 2022-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
CALCAREA FLUORICA 6X,CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 6X , Five tabs of each three times a day.

In addition Rhus Tox 30 five pellets three times a day.

Feedback after 7 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-01-27 05:28:19]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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