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Obsessive fears of aging illness dying, constant impending doom, debilitating depression, severe anxiety all the time
I am 48. I have been struggling with C-PTSD, severe anxiety, debilitating depression, obsessive fears of aging illness dying that consume me every second of every day. I feel constant impending doom. My life is a big mess. I have no job, no money, no friends, no partner, no family, etc. I also have a lot of physical ailments. I feel paralyzed from fear. I cannot function normally at all. I feel constantly unsafe, scared, and worried.. My life is very lonely, empty, boring, meaningless, useless, no purpose etc. I have been fighting these things for the past 22 years with no solution. I have tried everything and nothing works. Please help and suggest effective remedies please.feary on 2022-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi feary, that is a very tough road. i am not trained but i have similar sufferings. when i searched “impending ” there was a long list like that which came up. the remedy that stood out was psorinum. my understanding is that it is a powerful slow and deep acting polycrest, so you don’t want to start too high or take too often or for too long. if you can get a 30c and take one dose twice in a week and see what that does someone qualified here may guide you further.
it is also a skin remedy, which makes sense if think of the skin as a protective barrier, your protective barrier has been damaged by trauma.
this is not your fault anymore than being caught in a hurricane could be your fault. i wish you well.
[Edited by EP6 on 2022-02-22 07:17:08]
it is also a skin remedy, which makes sense if think of the skin as a protective barrier, your protective barrier has been damaged by trauma.
this is not your fault anymore than being caught in a hurricane could be your fault. i wish you well.
[Edited by EP6 on 2022-02-22 07:17:08]
EP6 3 years ago
Aurum Metallicum 200
2-3 drops in water OR 02 pills twice a day for three days
Post changes whenever you feel any
2-3 drops in water OR 02 pills twice a day for three days
Post changes whenever you feel any
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Thank you so much. I ordered it and it should be here in 7 days but I wish it were sooner. I am scared to try it but I hope it helps. I am trusting you and getting my hopes up. I am desperate for relief. Thank you again.
feary 3 years ago
feary 3 years ago
Love has never destroyed anyone it’s the expectations from the persons we love which destroys us
Moment you throw out the expectation and think you will realise that all the misery that is around you is created by you alone
So love means no expectations
Love is very strong Emotion
You may think the world is like that only and do not love anyone in future
Love has never destroyed anyone it’s the expectations from the persons we love which destroys us
Moment you throw out the expectation and think you will realise that all the misery that is around you is created by you alone
So love means no expectations
Love is very strong Emotion
You may think the world is like that only and do not love anyone in future
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
I get my aurum metallicum on Monday. Hopeful but also worried about negative side effects or worsening condition.
feary 3 years ago
Let me know what ever you feel after every dose
Post what you feel around mid morning post breakfast
Hope to see u well
Post what you feel around mid morning post breakfast
Hope to see u well
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
I just received the package of the 200c aurum metallicum 80 pellets. It is Monday 2/28/22 at 2:30pm.
When time do I start the first dose and then second? Do I take the first dose now or wait until tomorrow morning? Do I need to take it with food?
I just received the package of the 200c aurum metallicum 80 pellets. It is Monday 2/28/22 at 2:30pm.
When time do I start the first dose and then second? Do I take the first dose now or wait until tomorrow morning? Do I need to take it with food?
feary 3 years ago
feary 2 years ago
I am not getting any results I am hopeless. I feel constant fear and impending doom. It is unbearable
feary 2 years ago
What is it that you are afraid of?
What do you mean by impending doom ?
Have 3 pills twice a day
What is it that you are afraid of?
What do you mean by impending doom ?
Have 3 pills twice a day
♡ Kaps 2 years ago
Fear of aging
Fear of diseases
Fear of dying process
Fear of future
Fear of everything
Never calm
Never feel safe
Fear of diseases
Fear of dying process
Fear of future
Fear of everything
Never calm
Never feel safe
feary 2 years ago
It is normal and everything that lives ages
Dying process
It is not clear what do you intend to say by process but everything that takes birth has to die it is certain to why be afraid of this death ends everything
Fear of future
Nobody has seen of will see tomorrow so live in the present
For health and disease get a thorough medical check up done you will know and the doctor will tell you about your health
Never calm
It is up to you to be calm whenever you feel like that do some deep breathing
Have you ever been on some psychiatric medication
It is normal and everything that lives ages
Dying process
It is not clear what do you intend to say by process but everything that takes birth has to die it is certain to why be afraid of this death ends everything
Fear of future
Nobody has seen of will see tomorrow so live in the present
For health and disease get a thorough medical check up done you will know and the doctor will tell you about your health
Never calm
It is up to you to be calm whenever you feel like that do some deep breathing
Have you ever been on some psychiatric medication
♡ Kaps 2 years ago
I feel like I was scammed about the Aurum Metallicum here.
Logically, I know all of these things but that does not prevent me from being tormented by the racing, relentless, constant obsessive thoughts.
Logically, I know all of these things but that does not prevent me from being tormented by the racing, relentless, constant obsessive thoughts.
feary 2 years ago
I have no reason to scam you to rather nobody on this forum
Have patience let me look up for something else
You did not post about psychiatric medication
Have patience let me look up for something else
You did not post about psychiatric medication
♡ Kaps 2 years ago
I cannot handle all of this anxiety and depression. I cannot do anything. I lay in bed all day every day bc I am paralyzed with fear and hopelessness. I have no energy or motivation. Nothing at all is enjoyable. I dread the future. Constant worries. Impossible to do even the smallest things.
feary 2 years ago
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