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JustSayin2 - whats the next step? Page 4 of 6
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Try Thuja 30c, ½ teaspoonful dose.
JustSayin2 last year
I had bought Thuja200c and Psorinum 200c upon your suggestion earlier.
Can I take Thuja200c instead of 30c?
Can I take Thuja200c instead of 30c?
soul123 last year
How is your nasal congestion?
Yes, you can take Thuja 200c.
Wait a week after the last dose of Arnica 200c and then take Psorinum 200c every two weeks for a month.
Yes, you can take Thuja 200c.
Wait a week after the last dose of Arnica 200c and then take Psorinum 200c every two weeks for a month.
JustSayin2 last year
Nasal congestion is better. I will take Thuja200 today.
When should I take Arnica200? I have not taken its last dose.
When should I take Arnica200? I have not taken its last dose.
soul123 last year
My head has been itching for the last 2 days, not sure if its related to Carb-V or because I shared hair product with someone 2days ago.
Also I do have 2 small warts (HPV) at the bottom of my feet. I got this 3 years ago from sharing an outside shower on the beach. I tried freezing it but nothing helped remove it completely. I think Thuja helps with warts, so I hope it works.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-30 02:32:24]
Also I do have 2 small warts (HPV) at the bottom of my feet. I got this 3 years ago from sharing an outside shower on the beach. I tried freezing it but nothing helped remove it completely. I think Thuja helps with warts, so I hope it works.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-30 02:32:24]
soul123 last year
Is this symptom any better “eyelid giving a sunken look, going more inside the socket”? If yes, continue with Arnica 200c after 2 days.
Are the warts painful, horny or flat?
Thuja is not particularly indicated for warts on the soles of the feet, other remedies may help if it doesnt. Has there been any change in these warts after using Nat-m 200c?
Itching on which part of the head? Rubbing helps or not? Scratching helps or not? Anything else that makes it better or worse? Any time specific?
Are the warts painful, horny or flat?
Thuja is not particularly indicated for warts on the soles of the feet, other remedies may help if it doesnt. Has there been any change in these warts after using Nat-m 200c?
Itching on which part of the head? Rubbing helps or not? Scratching helps or not? Anything else that makes it better or worse? Any time specific?
JustSayin2 last year
Sunken eyelid looks better, this is not a big issue as I naturally have eye shaped like that.
Its a plantar wart. Warts are not painful, they are flat but protruded a little showing it exists. Its located on the ball of the feet and one on the toe. Nat-m200 didnt change anything.
Itching is all over. I have noticed this before by laying on a pillow used by another, and by changing the case and washing my hair removed the issue. I shared a comb with my mom recently and she has itching scalp issues and I believe I got this from her. I washed my hair but the problem is there, I need to change pillow case. Scratching helps. I am not too worried maybe it will disappear in a couple of days.
I took thuja200c last evening, I have passed stool 3 times this morning and it smelled like nitrogen gas, third time it was diarrhea, just fyi.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-31 05:24:24]
Its a plantar wart. Warts are not painful, they are flat but protruded a little showing it exists. Its located on the ball of the feet and one on the toe. Nat-m200 didnt change anything.
Itching is all over. I have noticed this before by laying on a pillow used by another, and by changing the case and washing my hair removed the issue. I shared a comb with my mom recently and she has itching scalp issues and I believe I got this from her. I washed my hair but the problem is there, I need to change pillow case. Scratching helps. I am not too worried maybe it will disappear in a couple of days.
I took thuja200c last evening, I have passed stool 3 times this morning and it smelled like nitrogen gas, third time it was diarrhea, just fyi.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-31 05:24:24]
soul123 last year
I got rash on back of hands again since last 2 days and it was turning black yesterday and back of hands are too dry. I took Arnica200c yesterday the final dose, but today I have been having sneezing spells all day. Why is this sneezing issue not going away?
soul123 last year
Did the rash turn black after taking Arnica 200c, your post didnt say?
You should have informed me that the rash was coming back so that the dose of Arnica could have been further delayed, it was not urgently needed. If you get new symptoms before a scheduled dose, check with me first before taking it. Ive given this rough schedule as a guide, but you should not strictly follow it if you have any new & emerging symptoms.
Is the sneezing violent, frequent and exhausting?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-02-05 16:18:06]
You should have informed me that the rash was coming back so that the dose of Arnica could have been further delayed, it was not urgently needed. If you get new symptoms before a scheduled dose, check with me first before taking it. Ive given this rough schedule as a guide, but you should not strictly follow it if you have any new & emerging symptoms.
Is the sneezing violent, frequent and exhausting?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-02-05 16:18:06]
JustSayin2 last year
Oh I didnt realize I shud have delayed arnica, sorry.
The rash is disappearing but excessive dryness (breaking skin) is still present which is over the knuckles of the hand mostly the right hand.
I am not sure what violent sneezing is but it is loud when it starts I have 2 or 3 at a time, and it would come on at random times throughout the day. My nose closes up the next day like its happening today. I think today sneeze started after exposure to water like washing hands and mouth upon waking. I dont remember how it started 2 days ago.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-02-05 12:27:54]
The rash is disappearing but excessive dryness (breaking skin) is still present which is over the knuckles of the hand mostly the right hand.
I am not sure what violent sneezing is but it is loud when it starts I have 2 or 3 at a time, and it would come on at random times throughout the day. My nose closes up the next day like its happening today. I think today sneeze started after exposure to water like washing hands and mouth upon waking. I dont remember how it started 2 days ago.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-02-05 12:27:54]
soul123 last year
This is what I meant to say in my last post, as I made a typo, that you should not strictly follow the dosing schedule if you have any new & emerging symptoms.
For sneezing if you’ve Phosphorus 6c-30c, you can try a single dose.
The dryness especially on the knuckles was present when you first complained of the rash?
For sneezing if you’ve Phosphorus 6c-30c, you can try a single dose.
The dryness especially on the knuckles was present when you first complained of the rash?
JustSayin2 last year
Yes the dryness was there. I feel that the skin at knuckles(joints) look black/purple after washing hands. There might be toxins accumulating there. Is there a way to get rid of the toxins?
Unfortunately I do not have Phosphorus 6c. Should I buy this 6c or 30c? Do I meet the profile for the rest of the symptoms it covers?
Unfortunately I do not have Phosphorus 6c. Should I buy this 6c or 30c? Do I meet the profile for the rest of the symptoms it covers?
soul123 last year
I finally had my period but again it was only for 2 days and the flow was very less as compared to before starting remedies. It also came only after 24 days cycle.
Rash on right hand seems to be getting better, I have applying moisturizer but the skin on the joints seem darker than the rest of hand.
Rash on right hand seems to be getting better, I have applying moisturizer but the skin on the joints seem darker than the rest of hand.
soul123 last year
Try Sepia 200c.
JustSayin2 last year
I took Sepia200c, the next day I was having leg pain. I also noticed some hair fall like before when I was taking coffee. Also feeling a little gassy. I assume these will go away after a few days if its happening as a side effect to the remedy.
soul123 last year
JustSayin2 last year
I have also taken ginseng tea a couple of times last week, not sure if this is now causing hair loss.
soul123 last year
Still losing hair. I am also noticing feeling more wet in the private area like liquid leaving. 2nd day after taking sepia, felt leg pain, and right nose blockage after few days. Its better now.
For past 3 days, I think I got food poisoned after eating something, was having loose stool/diarrhea, and gas is stuck and causing borborygmi still today.
For past 3 days, I think I got food poisoned after eating something, was having loose stool/diarrhea, and gas is stuck and causing borborygmi still today.
soul123 last year
Try Aloe 30c, take wet, ½ teaspoon dose.
JustSayin2 last year
I am not having diarrhea with gas just to be clear. Gas is present while sitting, standing.
Another thing I have noticed is my nose gets blocked due to sitting continuously or while laying down, even cold gets better after walking.
I dont have aloe 30c, I do have aloevera leaf raw.
It happened because I ate some junk food, dont I need to Arsenicum album?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-02-19 12:50:14]
Another thing I have noticed is my nose gets blocked due to sitting continuously or while laying down, even cold gets better after walking.
I dont have aloe 30c, I do have aloevera leaf raw.
It happened because I ate some junk food, dont I need to Arsenicum album?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-02-19 12:50:14]
soul123 last year
No, Ars Alb doesnt cover most of your symptoms besides food poisoning, there are also other remedies indicated for food poisoning.
In the absence of Aloe, and in the light of new symptoms, try Pulsatilla 30c, wet, single 1 tsp dose.
In the absence of Aloe, and in the light of new symptoms, try Pulsatilla 30c, wet, single 1 tsp dose.
JustSayin2 last year
I dont have pulsatilla either. I have been sneezing alot since 2 days and nose closes up while sitting or laying down.
soul123 last year
Continous spell of sneezes has stopped after 2 days. But I am wondering why this happens like every month. How do I fix the allergy inside or whatever is causing it?
Also the knuckles on my right hand is still looking dark/black compared to the rest of the hand. This only started after taking homeopathic remedies. How do I fix it?
Also the knuckles on my right hand is still looking dark/black compared to the rest of the hand. This only started after taking homeopathic remedies. How do I fix it?
soul123 last year
Is there a pattern to this constant sneezing, is there anything that triggers it? You once said that you started sneezing after coming into contact with water while washing your hands, this is typical of Phosphorus. Are you sensitive to smells? Are you afraid of dogs?
Do you have difficulty hearing especially human voice? I believe I read it somewhere in your initial description. Need more information.
Any itching or other sensation with dark/black skin on your R knuckle? Recommended Sepia for this, didnt get any further information on this symptom so assumed it got better.
Do you have difficulty hearing especially human voice? I believe I read it somewhere in your initial description. Need more information.
Any itching or other sensation with dark/black skin on your R knuckle? Recommended Sepia for this, didnt get any further information on this symptom so assumed it got better.
JustSayin2 last year
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