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JustSayin2 - whats the next step? Page 5 of 6
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Is there a pattern to this constant sneezing, is there anything that triggers it? You once said that you started sneezing after coming into contact with water while washing your hands, this is typical of Phosphorus. Are you sensitive to smells? Are you afraid of dogs?
Do you have difficulty hearing especially human voice? I believe I read it somewhere in your initial description. Need more information.
Any itching or other sensation with dark/black skin on your R knuckle? Recommended Sepia for this, didnt get any further information on this symptom so assumed it got better.
Do you have difficulty hearing especially human voice? I believe I read it somewhere in your initial description. Need more information.
Any itching or other sensation with dark/black skin on your R knuckle? Recommended Sepia for this, didnt get any further information on this symptom so assumed it got better.
JustSayin2 last year
I am not sure if there is a pattern to sneezing. But all I have noticed is sometimes when hand is exposed to water or feet exposed to cold floor these trigger it. But I wash my hand all the time and sneezing just happen randomly. One time I had fish this month and next day I was sneezing so I am not sure if I have seafood allergy as well, also noticed skin swelling on a bruise when applied a skin care product that has snail component.
I am not sensitive to smell. No I am not afraid of dogs.
I do have difficulty hearing when there are others talking amongst each other and if someone is talking to me its hard to hear while others can hear.
I am not seeing itching on dark knuckle, the area on dorsum of hand is really dry for past few weeks. The darkness seems to be gradually disappearing, but I wonder if sepia also made it worse? But I feel knuckles are looking better.
I am not sensitive to smell. No I am not afraid of dogs.
I do have difficulty hearing when there are others talking amongst each other and if someone is talking to me its hard to hear while others can hear.
I am not seeing itching on dark knuckle, the area on dorsum of hand is really dry for past few weeks. The darkness seems to be gradually disappearing, but I wonder if sepia also made it worse? But I feel knuckles are looking better.
soul123 last year
I stepped outside for an hour in cold weather 40degree Fahrenheit and now I am having congested nose while sitting and postnasal drip while walking. Also sneezing since morning. I dont understand why I have such low immunity, I catch cold easily.
soul123 11 months ago
Try Merc Sol. 30c.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I took Merc vivus 30c last night, I am not sure if its helping, I sneezed this morning, I do feel better as compared to 2 days ago. My eyes were watering and I was sneezing like 10 times in a row every 2-3 hours. My nose feels congested hard to breathe if for example I put my head down on the floor. I read that for Allergic rhinitis, pulsatilla, saponaria officianalis, arsenicum album, nat mur, allium cepa, camphor q, hepa sulph helps. Should I get any of these? I have arsenicum album and nat mur, if I need any of the other ones, please let me know. I also tend to get Vit D deficiency.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-12 17:37:36]
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-12 17:37:36]
soul123 11 months ago
Try Nat-m.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to frequent colds.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-03-12 19:14:30]
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to frequent colds.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-03-12 19:14:30]
JustSayin2 11 months ago
On day 2 after taking Merc vivus, I woke up with blockage of the left nostril. Also saw hair loss of like 5 strands this morning, not sure if merc vivus triggered it.
Is it safe to use Nat mur this time? Last time I think it brought on period, spotting to be exact.
Is it safe to use Nat mur this time? Last time I think it brought on period, spotting to be exact.
soul123 11 months ago
It was two quick doses of Silicea 200c that you took (you were only asked to take one dose) that caused the spotting and also affected your regular periods. Nat-m 200c helped to correct this, not cause it.
Sharing for your reference:
“Also I am still seeing little bit of gum recession left so I took silicea200 yesterday. Today I had spotting(period), I already had my period earlier this month, so I think this happened due to aggravation from silicea yesterday.”
Sharing for your reference:
“Also I am still seeing little bit of gum recession left so I took silicea200 yesterday. Today I had spotting(period), I already had my period earlier this month, so I think this happened due to aggravation from silicea yesterday.”
JustSayin2 11 months ago
Oh ok I only have nat mur 200 and nat mur 6x. Should I take 200 or 6x?
soul123 11 months ago
Start with 3 doses a day (single dose = 2 tabs) of Nat-mur 6x. If you see an improvement, reduce the dose further.
If nothing happens after 3 days, wait a day before taking a single dose of 200c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-03-15 16:47:43]
If nothing happens after 3 days, wait a day before taking a single dose of 200c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-03-15 16:47:43]
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I allready took nat mur 200c, but I have a flu right now so not sure how much this will help. Congested nose, sneeze, chills, sorethroat these are the symptoms.
soul123 11 months ago
Any fever or body aches?
Any specific timing of chills?
As you have already taken 200c it is better to wait for any signs of improvement, if none then will recommend something else.
Any specific timing of chills?
As you have already taken 200c it is better to wait for any signs of improvement, if none then will recommend something else.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I was having body aches, I also took tylenol and nasal spray. 1st and 2nd day chills were present all day. 3rd day during evening.
Also submandibular glands are still swollen and my face complexion turns darker than my neck and rest of body from time to time and especially when sick. I dont even go out and its still happening. I can understand it gets darker being out in the sun. But its happening even indoors, dark patches appear over maxillary sinus, skin around eyes looks darker and thinner, over nose and around mouth, side of forehead. I normally use slightly warm water which darkens skin and when I use only cold my skin looks better. Also right side of the face looks wider than the left. I imagine this information maybe helpful.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-16 16:51:28]
Also submandibular glands are still swollen and my face complexion turns darker than my neck and rest of body from time to time and especially when sick. I dont even go out and its still happening. I can understand it gets darker being out in the sun. But its happening even indoors, dark patches appear over maxillary sinus, skin around eyes looks darker and thinner, over nose and around mouth, side of forehead. I normally use slightly warm water which darkens skin and when I use only cold my skin looks better. Also right side of the face looks wider than the left. I imagine this information maybe helpful.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-16 16:51:28]
soul123 11 months ago
Darker skin seems to be due to poor upper body circulation during illness.
Any changes after taking Nat-m?
Based on the above shared symptoms, Gelsemium. looks indicated, try 30c.
Any changes after taking Nat-m?
Based on the above shared symptoms, Gelsemium. looks indicated, try 30c.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I still get chills while laying down and nose is still congested. I look sick from the face, eyes burning and watering as well.
soul123 11 months ago
Try Pulsatilla 30c, ½ tsp water dose.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I dont have this. Should I get pulsatilla 30c, phosphorus 6c, Gelsemium 30c, and Aloe 30c? Do you have any recommendation for a good mineral test that I can take to better understand what mineral I may be missing that can further assist with selecting the remedy?
I think cold symptoms are getting better, congestion is still there but getting better.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-19 19:38:08]
I think cold symptoms are getting better, congestion is still there but getting better.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-19 19:38:08]
soul123 11 months ago
No need for a remedy since symptoms already improving.
It is usually assimilation problems rather than deficiencies that lead to health problems. Personally, I dont know of any particularly good mineral tests for nutritional deficiencies. Even if you could get one, it wouldnt be a good measure of which remedy might help, because the choice of remedy is based only on symptoms and not on lab test results.
Get Puls, Phos, Gels and Aloe all in 30c.
Also get Bio Combination 28, a combination of 28 essential cell salts for various health functions. Buy a large jar so you have a good supply for the future.
You can also infrequently take 2 drops of nascent iodine (Lugols Solution of Iodine 2%) and one tsp of colloidal silver (40 PPM) to maintain a high level of immunity.
It is usually assimilation problems rather than deficiencies that lead to health problems. Personally, I dont know of any particularly good mineral tests for nutritional deficiencies. Even if you could get one, it wouldnt be a good measure of which remedy might help, because the choice of remedy is based only on symptoms and not on lab test results.
Get Puls, Phos, Gels and Aloe all in 30c.
Also get Bio Combination 28, a combination of 28 essential cell salts for various health functions. Buy a large jar so you have a good supply for the future.
You can also infrequently take 2 drops of nascent iodine (Lugols Solution of Iodine 2%) and one tsp of colloidal silver (40 PPM) to maintain a high level of immunity.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
I do have lugols and silver, tried it long time ago but gave up as it didnt do anything for stomach issues. Will try again. Should lugol iodine be mixed with apple cider vinegar in water or just iodine with water?
How will Puls, phos, gels, aloe will help me?
Does Kali Sulph or kali phos match all of my symptoms?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-21 03:18:29]
How will Puls, phos, gels, aloe will help me?
Does Kali Sulph or kali phos match all of my symptoms?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-21 03:18:29]
soul123 11 months ago
2 drops of nascent iodine Lugols Solution in a cup of water.
These remedies have been suggested to you for symptoms already mentioned in the thread, you can have a look at them for better understanding. Also, these remedies are in the list of every Essential Remedy Kit, so it is better to have them.
Kali Sulph is nothing more than the cell salt version of Pulsatilla, which is already part of the recommended remedies.
Why do you think you have Kali Phos symptoms?
These remedies have been suggested to you for symptoms already mentioned in the thread, you can have a look at them for better understanding. Also, these remedies are in the list of every Essential Remedy Kit, so it is better to have them.
Kali Sulph is nothing more than the cell salt version of Pulsatilla, which is already part of the recommended remedies.
Why do you think you have Kali Phos symptoms?
JustSayin2 11 months ago
No I have Kali Phos with me so was wondering if I should use it.
I think I am deficient in Natrum Phos. My main concern is gas, h.pylori, lactose intolerance, coating on tongue. So Natrum Phos seem to fit me best. I see lower potencies such as 6x, 12x are also available, but I dont want to take it too often, should I get 30c or 200c? I feel like I match most of the symptom, so 200c would be better. Lycopodium didnt really help much with gas both flatulence and burp. I also got morning sickness and leukorrhea sometime.
Last I took was Nat mur a week ago. And took iodine today. Is it safe to start Nat Phos after these?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 02:12:54]
I think I am deficient in Natrum Phos. My main concern is gas, h.pylori, lactose intolerance, coating on tongue. So Natrum Phos seem to fit me best. I see lower potencies such as 6x, 12x are also available, but I dont want to take it too often, should I get 30c or 200c? I feel like I match most of the symptom, so 200c would be better. Lycopodium didnt really help much with gas both flatulence and burp. I also got morning sickness and leukorrhea sometime.
Last I took was Nat mur a week ago. And took iodine today. Is it safe to start Nat Phos after these?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 02:12:54]
soul123 11 months ago
Start with 30c and observe before moving to higher potencies. It is ok to try after Nat-m.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
Which one is better, Bio Combination 28 or 12 in 1 Cell Salts by Hyland and 12 in 1 Boiron Schuessler? The hyland one has Calc fluor and Nat mur in 6x and rest in 3x VS bio combination has all in 3x.
I think these meds will work for me: Nat phos, Kali sulph, and Calc Sulph.
Can you please advice which order is safe for these 3? or if it would it be just better to take bio-combination tablets? or both can be taken at the same time?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 15:36:35]
I think these meds will work for me: Nat phos, Kali sulph, and Calc Sulph.
Can you please advice which order is safe for these 3? or if it would it be just better to take bio-combination tablets? or both can be taken at the same time?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 15:36:35]
soul123 11 months ago
When taking cell salts as a supplement, 3x is preferred. Bio Comb. 28 is better than 12.
The 3 remedies can be taken in any order both in cell salts & in dilutions, the only thing to watch out for with dilutions is similarity of symptoms. It is better to start with Cell Salts at 6x to observe any benefits, later you can switch to 30c.
Don’t mix cell salts with dilutions.
The 3 remedies can be taken in any order both in cell salts & in dilutions, the only thing to watch out for with dilutions is similarity of symptoms. It is better to start with Cell Salts at 6x to observe any benefits, later you can switch to 30c.
Don’t mix cell salts with dilutions.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
Would it be too much to take the 3 remedies in cell salts along with bio-comb 28? or should they be taken at different times? How often will I have to take biocomb 28?
6X I thought you said acts superficially. I am looking to improve more internally thats why I am thinking of getting 30c.
Will any of these help with sleepiness in the morning after I wake up? I try to wake up early before 6am but when I do, I feel tired after 30min and go back to sleep whether I eat or not. When I dont eat, I feel morning sickness.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 20:22:16]
6X I thought you said acts superficially. I am looking to improve more internally thats why I am thinking of getting 30c.
Will any of these help with sleepiness in the morning after I wake up? I try to wake up early before 6am but when I do, I feel tired after 30min and go back to sleep whether I eat or not. When I dont eat, I feel morning sickness.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-03-22 20:22:16]
soul123 11 months ago
Hi Justsayin2,
I think I figured it out why my nose closes up and I sneeze continuously. It is due to food being left outside for few hours and then I develop those symptoms. This would be food poisoning so I believe wouldnt Arsenic album help in this case?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-04-08 04:24:19]
I think I figured it out why my nose closes up and I sneeze continuously. It is due to food being left outside for few hours and then I develop those symptoms. This would be food poisoning so I believe wouldnt Arsenic album help in this case?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-04-08 04:24:19]
soul123 10 months ago
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