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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst

My M.D. diagnosed a sebaceous cyst on my face. It drains and is a real problem. He recommended surgery. I prefer no surgery. I have tried antibiotics, bactroban creme, antibacterial soap, castor oil and moist compress.

Nothing works. The only options left may be surgery(last choice) or possibly Silicea. Any recommendations before I have to do the dreaded under the knife?
Thanks you
  grefra on 2006-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have mentioned Silicea but have you used it ?

Silicea 6x dose 2 tablets twice daily can help you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Can you please explain more about the cyst. Does it drain and not heal? Is that the problem? How long have you had? Whereabouts? Colour of pus? Size of cyst? Condition of rest of skin? Age / colouring / sex ...
carlotta last decade
It drains white pus, never heals, have had it for 5 months. MD said sebaceous cyst and referred to dermatologist. He said $400 and in office surgery to remove it. Never had one before. It is next to my nose on my cheek. Cyst is fairly small. I am white, 58 years old, male. Definately cyst not cancer or melanoma.I prdered Silicea from this website and will try it. Next Sulphur, and if all fails, traditional medicine and surgery.
grefra last decade
I think Silicea is your remedy. Well indicated for cysts and abcesses that are slow and stubborn to heal. What potency did you order?

Post when you receive so we can guide you through treatment. You'll need to be patient and give the cyst one last good drain , no compresses - nothing topical applied while the silicea acts.

Can you post some more info about what happens when it does drain? Does it close up and heal at all? How soon does it drain again? How's your skin in general? Is this an isolated occurance?

Also check your diet. Slow wound healing = a zinc deficiency, so make sure you eat a good handful of fresh pumpkin seeds per day, or take a supplement. Make sure you eat fresh fruit and veg every day.
carlotta last decade
I ordered from this web site the Silicea 6X, 80 tablets.

On this web site I have seen two different dosages. One was 5 tablets in the morning and another 5 tablets at night. The other recommendation was 2 tablets morning, 2 tablets noon, two tablets evening. I am not sure which one is right.

It drains a little every day. If I leave it alone it starts to heal in rwo days, but the it still drains.

I take daily multiple vitamins with zinc and have a very good diet.

My skin is normal, not light, not dark and have very few blemishes or pimples ever. I am not 58 and the doctor told me that it might have started from working in the yard with heavy sweat and dirt.

After I figure out the right dosage I will post back and update you on the progress.
grefra last decade
Brazilian Ucuba

A remedy of great antiseptic powers. Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. Traumatic infections. Parotitis. Fistulas. Carbuncles. Specific action in panaritium. Pain in the finger nails with swelling of the phalanges. Hands are stiff, as if from squeezing something a long time. Coppery taste and burning in throat. Tongue white and cracked. Phlegmonous inflammations. Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often does away with use of the knife. Inflammation of middle ear, suppurative stage. Fistula in ano. Acts more powerfully often than Heper or Silica.



For all stubborn cysts, you can try this medicine in a low potency for about two weeks.

gavinimurthy last decade
To Grefra

You are advised to add Arnica 30c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times daily to enable the cyst to heal on the inside when the Silicea expels the pus. The reason why this is causing you so much distress is because up to now you have not used the Silicea with the Arnica to heal and dry up the lesion.
Joe De Livera last decade
No.Never two medicines together.

gavinimurthy last decade

This is where experience overides your limited classical knowledge.

I have often used multiple remedies each to help with a particular problem and you have only to visit the Fistula thread to realize that I have used 3 remedies PLUS an antibiotic ointment directly inserted into the anus and this has cured many cases which had been in surgery on many occasions.

Your advice which is based on just 4 years of book learning cannot equate a quarter century of hands on experience where I have proved beyond doubt that my Joepathy is a major force to be reckoned with in Homeopathy for the simple reason that the vast majority of practicing homeopaths throughout the world, qualified or otherwise also use this same method to help cure their patients.

Remember that Joepathy is not unique as it has been practiced under other classifications for centuries. It is only recently that this term was used to deride me but it has come to stay and I am proud of it as this direct healing method cures faster than your own narrow classical method which in any case you do not use directly to help patients on the ABC or the Hpathy as you are still scared of the results that can arise of the single remedy which can even kill a patient if he slavishly adheres to your dictates.

This is I believe the real reason behind your order to the suffering patient to consult a classical homeopath.
Joe De Livera last decade

Murthy seems to be ignoring you completely. Any way, good for this forum.

Why don't you let the patient decide what is good for them?

Why do you want to push your multiple prescriptions down their throat?
grk2006 last decade
To Murthy

You may like to read this quotation from Aldous Huxley carefully:

'At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political ideas.'

Aldous Huxley
Joe De Livera last decade
I think Murthy analysed the Fistula cases, and proved that not a single case is cured. Majority of them are not even palliated.

Why to make big big claims, when the facts are otherwise?
grk2006 last decade
good quotation. Why don't you start a thread on quotations to spend your time?
grk2006 last decade
You may like to know that the study of English was my speciality during my academic carreer a half century ago. I use it whenever I have to ferret out a suitable quotation to counter the insanity that prevails on the ABC in the hope that it will have a salutary effect on the victim of my post.

I have since modified it by the addition of the word Homeopathy to the last line which will now read :

To Murthy

You may like to read this quotation from Aldous Huxley carefully:

'At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political ideas.'

Aldous Huxley

'Zeal on behalf of religious or political or Homeopathic ideas'
Joe De Livera last decade
grk2006 is another id of Murthy !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If you focused half as much energy on the patient as you both do on denigrating each other you would be half way to really helping someobody.

What a shame that once again the patient gets lost in the fight.

Joe, question for you on this case? Why the 6x Silicea for this man , this is cell salt. Why not a 6c or 30c ?

Murthy, question for you also. Wouldn't
Myristica be more approp. if the cyst isn't draining but building up , building up ? How about introducing this rememdy if no joy from the sil, which is obvious place to start?
carlotta last decade
This is the indication, why I thought Myristica could be useful.

'Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often does away with use of the knife.'

The above is from Boericke.

gavinimurthy last decade
Yes Carlotta and Grefra,

Myristica 200 ...one dose every 5 days.

After the cyst bursts....give Silicea 6c or 30c (not higher potency...must).

Let pus drain out.

To close the wound and remove the scar...Silicea 200c...once the pus has drained out.

(Also ..see my numerous posts on pilonidal cysts...though not same...but cause is similar).

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sebaceous Cyst contains sebum, a putty material (semi solid) and not pus.

And until and unless the sac is removed completely it will recur again.

Since these fall under one sided disease (according to Hahnemann), it is hard to cure.

Best option is surgery!
drprodip last decade
Dear Drprodip,
This is what grefra posted on 2006-12-02:

'It drains white pus, never heals, have had it for 5 months. MD said sebaceous cyst and referred to dermatologist.'

That is why I made my earlier post.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
It seems only one person got it right.


Best option is surgery!

I tried the silicea and arnica.
Nothing worked.
I think surgery is best.
I have spent enough time and money for things that do NOT work.
gregf last decade
The above post is not from 'grefra' the patient ...some one else.

Some one trying to confuse every body here.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
It is from me the original patient. I was using grefra but had to sign up again as I lost my password and sign info. I also got tired of all the off subject posts to my original question.
The homeopathic remedies did not work. I did two viles of silicea 6x that I ordered on this web site, and the arnica, I think recommended by Joe or Murtha. Nothing.
gregf last decade
Without using Myristica...don't expect it to burst.

Silicea ...6c or 30 c was to be used ...not 6X (C potency not x potency) (There is a lot of difference between the two).

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
It was Silicea 6c that I used.

Please give me the complete routine of treatment and in order.

6c first
then Myristica.
Hpw much of each and how long?

gregf last decade

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