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Sedalia ® - Boiron:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Please suggest remedies for following problems:-

Age: 38 years
Gender : Male
Below is pointwise symptoms:-
1. Lack of confidence and self esteem
2. Sound sleep usually but lack of freshness even after 8 hours of sleep
3. Palpitation
4. Cold hands and feets in winter but both become hot in summer
5. Nervousness, self doubt, anxiety
6. Not able to express anger, dissatisfaction to others. Give up easily in debate and argument.
7. Too much thinking, anticipatory imagination
8. Lack of concentration, mind in background keeps on thinking trivial issues and makes it threatening issue.
9. Feeling of burden in head.
10. Bald patch in middle area of head.
11. Too much sensitive to what others think of me and noise as well.
12. I just cant express my thoughts with seniors, cant articulate properly, loss of words and stammering speech.
  ashish.ritz on 2025-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you sweat excessively on any part of body?
Are you taking any medicine now?
Are there any warts on your body?
Not a doc1 4 days ago
No warts

Excessive perspiration is there and there is thirsty of cold water even in winter

No medication at present
ashish.ritz 2 days ago
Excessive perspiration in any particular part of the body like head, trunk or palms or soles of the feet?
Not a doc1 2 days ago
ashish.ritz 2 days ago
Take one dose Calcarea carb 200 .
Do not take more. Avoid sour food and drink as they will antidote medicine.
Not a doc1 2 days ago
Bar carb 200 one dose
gianchand2gmail.com yesterday

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