The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nervousness, anxiety
Whenever I am going to get something very important to do I get so nervous. I start sweating and get diarrhea. I was in an accident and I need to go to court. I need to get remedies to stop this anxiety problem that I have. Please help. What meds should I buy, doses and how many times a dayAmaia2020 on 2016-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take Escitalopram 10 mg(name of chemical) one tablet every morning after breakfast.
daily do surya namaskar (google or youtube it) 11 times in morning, empty stomach.
report improvement in depression and anxiety after 15 days.
daily do surya namaskar (google or youtube it) 11 times in morning, empty stomach.
report improvement in depression and anxiety after 15 days.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
Wrong. There are better medicines in homeopathy. These allopathic medicines complicate the issue and will get you addicted.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
99 percent people suffering from these get treated with allopathic medication without addiction.
Are you not addicted to food you eat, water you drink, air you breathe.
So treatment takes time which does not mean that allopathy is bad.
Are you not addicted to food you eat, water you drink, air you breathe.
So treatment takes time which does not mean that allopathy is bad.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
These medicines doesn't address the root cause. They simply suppress the symptoms.
Properly selected Homeopathic medicines can cure the problem.
Many times prescribers are lazy to look for the correct medicine, and tend to do go the easier way.
Prescribing allopathic remedies is one of those easy ways.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:06:30 UTC]
Properly selected Homeopathic medicines can cure the problem.
Many times prescribers are lazy to look for the correct medicine, and tend to do go the easier way.
Prescribing allopathic remedies is one of those easy ways.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:06:30 UTC]
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
so if you get an accident you will not take allopathic medicines because they are easier to prescribe and suppress the symptoms, you will go to a homeopath or allopath.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
If I break my bones, I need to see an orthopedist to set them right. If I loose too much blood, I need transfusion. That is not allopathy.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
i dont want to be in any baseless debate about allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, unani.
I dnt know anything except to cure the patient by any means.
If you want to see my previous cured cases you can click on my username
and go through the link.
Good night.
I dnt know anything except to cure the patient by any means.
If you want to see my previous cured cases you can click on my username
and go through the link.
Good night.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
I think someone else already told you how authentic are so called cures on that thread.
Any way, I will debate any length of time to defend proper homeopathy.
Any way, I will debate any length of time to defend proper homeopathy.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Dear Amaia,
Please look thru forum posts. Do a new thread and request a prescriber in your headline.
If you google cured cases of anxiety, depression, panic, etc you will find hundreds and hundreds of cured cases of this using many remedies that are individualized to the patient.
Allopathic med covers over the problem . You will know the problem is still there and have to take the med. you could also try therapy to get
To why? It is a common issue. And it is about fear.
Please look thru forum posts. Do a new thread and request a prescriber in your headline.
If you google cured cases of anxiety, depression, panic, etc you will find hundreds and hundreds of cured cases of this using many remedies that are individualized to the patient.
Allopathic med covers over the problem . You will know the problem is still there and have to take the med. you could also try therapy to get
To why? It is a common issue. And it is about fear.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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