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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


from last 3 years i have started suffering from hayfever it starts in may and ends till aug -sept


i get itchy eyes
sore throat
sneezing and blocked specially after sunrise

what should I take
i tried allium cepa 6c minor effect but as days getting warmer not much relief
  Nkale on 2006-06-09
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Joe De Livera last decade
if some of your other symptoms match with the remedy,
a dose of BARYTA CARB 200C taken everyday for a few days will protect you from hayfever for the next few months.
rishimba last decade
Thanks rishimba,

but could u advise how many pills of BARYTA CARB 200C and how many times a day should be taken
Nkale last decade
4 pellets make one dose.

take it 2 times a day empty stomach.
rishimba last decade
Thanks for reply
I got the medicine yesterday and to a glass of water i added 8 pills and started taking the water . since yesterday eve

I have noticed that itching of my nose and pallet (upper part of mouth) has gone but I still suffering from blocked nose . so should i carry on taking 4-4 pills eve and morning everyday?
Nkale last decade
take 4 pellets directly under the tongue. dont mix with water.

baryta should clear blocked nose as well.

take it 3 times a day, 4 pellets directly.

you can continue it till all your symptoms get relieved.
rishimba last decade
Rishimba - does BARYTA CARB 200C work for most people suffering from seasonal allergies?
Jay 15 last decade
it depends on other symptoms.

if the person's allergies and mentals match, it will definitely work.

for now, i can say, you need to study the symptoms before you recommend anything for seasonal allergies.
rishimba last decade
Thanks a lot Rishimba Baryta Carb has helped me alot

my tickly thorat ,itching eyes and itchy mouth is 90% better
really aprreciate your help :))
Nkale last decade
Baryta carba 200c its take every one for fever like my wife has fever problem from last 10-15 days,and after take paracetamol she get relif,So pls suggent what tipe of homeo. medicne every one take in normal fever.
anilsharma last decade
Please present symptoms of your wife for the forum to suggest. While presenting, document possible cause/reason for the fever, mental and emotional changes observed since the onset of the fever, her thermal modalities i.e., hot/cold preferences and food cravings.

Its better to start a fresh post thread than post.
srisri last decade

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