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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

John Stanton Please help - Eczema

I came to know about you from a friend who talks highly of you and your line of treatment.
I had posted another topic asking for your help with no response, I guess it went unnoticed.
My son who is 6yrs old has been suffering from eczema since birth and it had been under control with minimal steroid applications. But he developed asthma later on and had to be given the nebuliser and inhalors. we started homeopathy for him 7months back. I am sorry to say after horrible aggravation for the last 7months we stopped the treatment last week when his feet got infected, swollen and he could not walk anymore. It is extremely frustrating to see him back on antibiotics and steroids.
His aggravation was something we had never seen before. His skin was black, raw, bleeding, oozing. His joints were stiff and even though he is 6yrs old, he cried a lot and forgot how to smile.
The homeopath whom we were consulting gave him different medicines and did not disclose the names. We need to make sure he does not get infected further, but in the same time we dont want to give up homeopathy altogether.
i would like to know your opinion on this case please. Do you think homeopathy can help him? He is scared of those white pellets and solutions and so are we. But we still have faith in homeopathy becoz we know the steroids will bring back his asthma again --- sooner or later.
You had helped my friend with her post delivery pain and she asked me to write here asking for your help. Please respond when you have time, I look forward to it.
Thank you and wish you all the best.
  wintercolor on 2006-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if want,then email me ...and ill take case from there....
John Stanton last decade
I just wanted to say good luck with your son.

John has turned my daughter's life around. That isn't an exaggeration. I've been following his advice for my now 15-month-old who had eczema. It's been about two months now and she's doing so well it's almost unbelievable.

I hope your son heals quickly.
josiewales last decade

you give me hope. you wont believe the amount i have spend for my son with such frustrating results. he had aggravation to such an extent that we thought he was going insane. my friend recommended john and i was weary for a very long time. but now he is infected and as i said he is on antibiotic again.
can you pls tell me more about your daughter's case? did the treatment cause more aggravation? i am scared of steroids as it brings about his asthma, but right now we have no options.

thanx for listening.
wintercolor last decade
dear john,

i am trying to summarise my son's case and will post it soon. as i said earlier he is on antibiotics and steroids right now. do you think i can start treatment now or should i wait till these medicines are over, which will be another month or so? i cant stop the antibiotics midway so it will take some more time.

will this treatment cause more aggravation? as i said earlier he has gone through hell for the last 7 months which is a long time for such a young boy.

thank you for responding.
wintercolor last decade
Well, our case is very different.

Here is my original post:


My daughter got aggravated a few times, but it was a walk in the park compared to where we were a few months ago.

I've done a ton of alternative treatment but John's help, along with some good supplements have turned my daughter around completely.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
josiewales last decade
I wanted to ask, too, with such bad eczema, have you identified potential food allergies and eliminatd (entirely) those foods?

Also, John's email is in his profile (click on his name on his reply on this thread) and contact him that way. You'll need to speak often and he needs a lot of information. I found it much more comfortable to communicate off-board.
josiewales last decade
Hi josie,

thank you for writing back so soon. i read your case although towards the end john removed himself from the forum so i could not make out what happened, but i presume your daughter got better.
you talk about supplements, what kind of supplements are about talking about? where did you get your medicines from? i stay in the US and thats one of the main thought i have in mind, where do get the homeopathy medicines from. so far the homeopath we were consulting gave us the pills, but now we have to buy it.
everybody thinks i am crazy to have faith in homeopathy even though my son has been through so much, but my alternate is steroids which i simply HATE.
wintercolor last decade
Oh, he's been helping me entirely through email.

I get some of the remedies from health food stores like Whole Foods or Wild Oats (I'm in the US, too). Some of the remedies I've had to order online.

My daughter was on Evening Primrose Oil for a while and it cleared up several of her eczema patches (on her scalp). She's also been on probiotics for 7 months.
josiewales last decade
john, i have posted my son's summary at your email id. waiting for you to take a look at it and guide us.
thank you.
wintercolor last decade
wintercolor--i recieved no info in my email yet---

send again--if you have other email address use that..

as soon as i recieve i will respond saying so---
John Stanton last decade

I posted it again in your hotmail account. Is there any other email id where i can post it as well. please let me know.
wintercolor last decade
still didnt receive any--this has occurred before --my email filter---send as copy paste in emailcontent and not as attachment..

also i have posted another email account of mine in my profile---use that one--as said --i will respond as soon as get in email...
John Stanton last decade
i just send you the mail again, this time in the new email id. hope you get it this time. i am not sending any attachment, its a hand-typed post. please let me know if you recieved it.
thank you.
wintercolor last decade
ok --i recieved info...
John Stanton last decade

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