The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Very little appetite in baby
My baby was born premature (30 weeks gestation) and weighed one pound 12 oz. He is now 6 months old (adjusted age is 4 months old) and weighs 11 lbs 8oz.He is on both breastmilk and formula. He takes very little. Around 2-3 oz every 4 -5 hours. Most of the times he does not want milk and I feed him in his sleep. Will homeopathy help him?
What should I try?
sejalk on 2006-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
my son had the same problem . i was breast feeding and had started giving him regular milk. but he would not eat anything . this was when he was around a year old. his doctor was of no help so i switched doctors and he suggested taking him off of milk. the next day he was eating to make up for the time that he hadn't been. the regular milk was making his stomach feel bloated and he did not want to eat. we stuck to rice milk for awhile until the problem resolved itself. i don't know if this helps
Anxious last decade
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