Homeopathy Forum Archive: silica
See also:
☤ Alumina Silicata - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Aqua silicata - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Calcarea fluoro silicata - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Calcarea Silicata - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Kali Silicatum - single homeopathic remedyBelow are posts from our forum containing the phrase silica. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
64 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for silica:Safety of Silica ♥ 1
Silica What does would be safest. My Mother had an angioplasty and a stent was fixed in the artery at the top of her left leg, in the Super Femoral Artery. I have heard that remed...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Andrea50. Last post: 2021-05-04Silica and foreign body parts 24
Can Silica be taken by someone who has had knee replacement surgery? In a chronic condition would the 30c or 200c wet dose be taken by this person?She is almost bald so really is s...
Remedies: Silicea, Thuja Occidentalis, Graphites, Phosphorus, Latrodectus Mactans, Laurocerasus, Lilium Tigrinum, Lithium Carbonicum, Myrtus Communis, Naja Tripudia, Baryta Carbonica, Convallaria Majalis, Influenzinum, Lycopus Virginicus, Strophanthus Hispidus
Started by saltOftheEarth. Last post: 2022-09-24Mercurius and silica r inimical.can I take calc sil After merc Sol? 1
Last week I had merc Sol 200 for tooth pain. It's gone now. I need calcarea silicata for another health problem. Can I take calcarea silicata after mercury Sol? Mercuriu...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, Mercurius Vivus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by monny82. Last post: 2019-06-12Merc Sol & Silica 1
Hello, I have recently taken several doses of Silica 30 hoping to improve my receding gums, however after researching more I feel strongly that Mercury will be a better remedy fo...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus
Started by kiki2. Last post: 2018-09-20Doctors please a guidence - Silica x Silicea 0
Hi doctors, I would like to know if my grandfather can take a bath (and stay for a couple of hours) in a pool where the water is rich in silica. It is a hot pool rich in silica. ...
Started by sacha1. Last post: 2018-07-19Silica 6x 10
Hey I gave to my son silica 6x for developmental delay for two weeks 2 pills twice a day. My spn became sick with cough and runny nose the first day I gave him.it is now the third ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Argie1. Last post: 2018-06-14Advice on Silica please..... 12
I've been in treatment with a homeopath for about 5 months and it's going well. I was told to take silica 6c, one dose every 3 days for one month, which I did. At first I...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Nikky10. Last post: 2018-04-02Silica and Scars. What is Silica? What are Acne Scars??? 647
Skin covers the entire surface of our bodies and protects our internal organs from the harsh elements of the environment. Skin varies in texture, structure and thickness and is mad...
Remedies: Silicea, Coca, Graphites, Sulphur, Platinum Metallicum, Thea Sinensis, Lachesis, Hepar Sulphur, Rhus Tox, Ledum Palustre, Mercurius Vivus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Phytolacca Decandra, Coffea Cruda, Cuprum Metallicum, Belladonna, Eucalyptus Globulus, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Thiosinaminum, Antimonium Crudum, Pyridoxine, Salicylicum Acidum, Bioplasma, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Nux Vomica, Carbo Vegetabilis, Arnica Montana, Alumina, Alpha-dinitrophenolum, Juglans Regia, Dioscorea Villosa, Agnus Castus, Silica Marina, Bromium, Skookum Chuck, Aluminum Metallicum, Mentha Piperita, Arsenicum Album, Bryonia, Calcarea Sulphurica, Caladium Seguinum, Azadirachta Indica, Phosphorus, Gummi Ammoniacum, Heparine, Aloe vera, Benzinum, Cinnamomum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Uranium Nitricum, Grindelia Robusta, Aloe Socotrina, Thuja Occidentalis, Agaricus Emeticus
Started by kuldeep. Last post: 2016-09-16Silica for protection from amalgam fillings 0
Hello, I remember hearing/reading somewhere that one can take Silica cell salts to help protect the body from the toxins in amalgam fillings. Can anyone shed some light on this? ...
Started by Mememe1. Last post: 2016-08-20Silica 6c 46
Is silica 6c supposed to make acne worse first? Any help would be very grateful...
Remedies: Gummi Ammoniacum, Silicea, Gun Powder, Arnica Montana
Started by Lovebug93. Last post: 2016-08-10Silica 20
Is silica supposed to make whiteheads on face?...
Remedies: Silicea, Enterococcinum, Belladonna, ACT, Gun Powder, Propolis, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by Lovebug93. Last post: 2016-08-08Silica 30c dosage for a baby 8
Hi my daughter is 14 m old,with constipation issue.what should be the dosage for silica 30c for her?...
Remedies: Alumina, Silicea, Heracleum Sphondylium
Started by caltest07. Last post: 2015-11-04Distended abdomen/bloating with Silica 1M 7
Hello everyone: I am hoping to get some advice here. I have long thought that I might benefit from taking Silica as a homeopathic remedy. I tend to suffer from minor bloating an...
Remedies: Silicea, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by ngtoronto. Last post: 2015-07-23Calcium, Silica and Magnesium 13
I would like to start this discussion on these three mineral, Calcium, Silicon and Magnesium. I would request each of the homeopathic consultant to participate in this. In Normal...
Remedies: Silicea, Calcarea Fluorata, Lactic Acid., Aceticum Acidum, X-ray, Calcarea Phosphorica, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by bhuptgu. Last post: 2015-06-25Evocationer help, Hair loss (I think silica constituent) 8
Hi Evocationer, I would like to consult with you for my hair loss. I m 37 yr and have hair loss since I started college. I used to take homeopathy medicine on and off , but never ...
Remedies: Ambra Grisea, Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallicum, Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum, Baryta Sulphurica, Baryta Carbonica, Bovista, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Silicata, Dulcamara, Kali Silicatum, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Silicofluoricum, Nux Vomica, Ozone (Oxygenium), Palladium, Conium Maculatum, Mercurius Proto-iodatus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Silicea, Spongia Tosta, Stannum Metallicum, Staphysagria, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by coolme. Last post: 2015-04-20Chalazion and Silica 70
I have a problem of recurring chalazions in my eyes. It used to be at the beginning only in my left eye and I had 2 of them surgically removed. Now the problem moved to my right ey...
Remedies: Solanum Tuberosum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Staphysagria, Sepia, Silicea, Viola Odorata, Conium Maculatum, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by Wafaa.N. Last post: 2014-12-07More Silica 200c or not? 1
I am 34 year old woman. I have been advised to use Silica 200c for five days in the morning and in the evening (two pills). This helped me A LOT with my social anxiety, I am also m...
Started by nikoletayu. Last post: 2014-11-08Diatomaceous Earth and Silica For Bartholin Cyst 3
Hi all! So I have had the same bartholin cyst for 7 years! Since I was 17. The one I have has never burst/drain, I have never had any pain with it, its just there on the left si...
Remedies: Silicea, Sulphur, Sepia, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Soakette. Last post: 2014-04-11Silica Question 5
I am a 24 year old female, not taking oral contraceptives or anything. I have very oily skin and mild to moderate acne. I have been taking horsetail (silica) supplements for about ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Sulphurica
Started by lilm903614. Last post: 2013-12-03Can you give silica to someone with a rod in their back? 12
Hey, Homeopaths. I have a question about silica. I know that you are not supposed to give it in high potencies if the person has some piece of metal in their body, correct? Well...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by nature_girl. Last post: 2013-10-24Silica for delayed ejaculation 2
hi, I have tried silica 200 and find my self better in ejaculation.It increased duration of intercourse.effect of silica-200 last only for few day, then i took 1m potency only one ...
Remedies: Silica Marina, Silicea
Started by xiang. Last post: 2013-09-12Syphilinum and Silica 12
I have taken Syph. in the 30c in the past and presently in the 200c and have reacted badly (well, agrivated fatigue and a few other things) and dont know if i should let it ride or...
Remedies: Syphilinum (Luesinum), Silicea, Graphites, Mercurius Vivus, Belladonna
Started by openeye5. Last post: 2012-12-03Barthollin's Cyst and Silica 47
Hi, I have had a swollen bartholin's cyst for about 4 weeks. It wasn't sore or infected. I went to the obgyn because I noticed it was swollen (slightly smaller than a q...
Remedies: Silicea, Zincum Metallicum
Started by ollie123. Last post: 2012-11-18Bartholin cyst and silica 30c 9
I just started taking silica 30c in an attempt to cure my bartholin cyst that I have had for several years. What should I expect to be happening? How should I feel? When I go to th...
Remedies: Silicea, Mercurius Solubilis
Started by Lost27. Last post: 2012-11-18Silica for scar tissue 5
hi, i have had acne scars, got dermabrasion done which was a complete diasater and left me with huge discoloured (hypopigmented) patch of scar tissue on both my cheeks along with a...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by ishha389. Last post: 2012-10-17Silica Mar-What potency 1
I am currently taking silica mar 30c in liquid form for constipation. I am wondering if there is a better potency to take. I'm afraid I know little about potencies. I need to ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by nicoledgraziano. Last post: 2012-08-19Homeopathic silica 6x hpus 2
There is no indication of a percentage of how much is in each pill. So how much silica is in a pill? Thank you....
Started by rf7he5. Last post: 2012-08-13Boils and Silica 1
Hi, There is yellow fluid draining from a small opening in my skin which was originally a painful boil. the boil ruputured by itself but this fluid continues. This has been happ...
Started by volnteer. Last post: 2010-07-20Silica for Chalzion! Help! 0
Hi I want to take Silica for a chalazion thats been recurring for 2 years. But I know it pushes things out the body and I have a root canal in my teethe enemal (they put some thing...
Started by yogaiskey. Last post: 2010-06-02Silica and sperm problem myth 3
hello sir i want to ask you a question i am male and hav bad scars on my face i read about silica that it is useful but also heard that it kills sperms for male so is it true am i...
Started by hamza6us. Last post: 2009-09-10Silica Remedy - possible over dosing? 18
I stared giving my 2yr old autistic son the Silica remedy about 2 months ago at our homeopath's recommendation. She said to give 1 drop of and see what happens. I did notice...
Remedies: Silicea, Camphora , Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by KXP5058. Last post: 2009-06-18Silica contraindications 3
Does anyone know if taking Silica after having a surgical implant (titanium plate) is contraindicated? I talking about years after, not right after surgery....
Remedies: Silicea, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by Leah1. Last post: 2008-12-22Attn: Dr. Sameer, Is it silica ? 24
My husband is 41 yrs old. He has had acne during youth, deep scars of which still remain. Ever since I can remember he has recurrent boils (big ones) specially in the arm pits and ...
Remedies: Silicea, Tabacum, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by zombie. Last post: 2008-11-08Silica 30c 0
Hi, I was wondering if someone could expl,ain something to me please. My six year old son has a silica consitutional type. My daighter is currently seeing a homeopath because our p...
Started by ecomum. Last post: 2008-08-28Silica and Chalazions Testimony 0
Hi, I just wanted to provide a testimonial for this remedy. My daughter who was 16 months, had a chalazion on her right eye for 5 months. I did not want to have it surgically remo...
Started by Ocean2. Last post: 2008-04-23Homeopathbuff? Silica for baby reflux advice please 3
Hi, I have read a few of your posts on silica for infants suffering reflux... my girl is six months and has had reflux since about six weeks... it did seem to subside for a while, ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by emma1979. Last post: 2008-04-17Silica baby 3
Misi is 16 months old, and looks like + acts like a 6 months. He tried to sit for half a year, at least - but still not good. When I hold him,he flops left or right. (mostly left)H...
Started by varbiro. Last post: 2008-03-09Silica for a Hydrosalpinx 15
I have the above condition which is a blocked, dilated, fluid-filled fallopian tube. This is causing infertility and, even though I have had attempts at IVF, the chances are halve...
Remedies: Silicea, Scilla Maritima, Castor Equi
Started by Stark140. Last post: 2008-01-19Body Jewelry and Silica 10
Good Evening -- I wanted to know if there can be any complications with taking silica and having body jewelry and tattoos since it rids the body of foreign objects. I want to t...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Bioplasma
Started by xvxjennyxvx. Last post: 2008-01-11Silica 0
does anyone know how to make a homemade silica mask and how long it should be left on? thanks.....i swim in a lake full of silica and it makes my acne scars go away but i can'...
Started by jwalz120002002. Last post: 2007-07-05SIlica 1
Will SIlica help in expelling parasite infestation...
Started by Rio1234. Last post: 2007-02-08Which is better? store bought silica or home made? 11
which silica should I use for my acne scars?? Were can i buy it? what potency should i start out with?? can some one help me??...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by chamoy. Last post: 2007-01-02Does silica really help acne scars?? 0
i am confused aout how this works if it even works at all..i am so depressed...my self esteem is very low..i dont even what to go out in public....has anyone had success with silic...
Started by chamoy. Last post: 2006-12-30Can Silica have caused my prolonged menstrual bleeding? 3
I am experiencing unusually prolonged menstrual bleeding (for the first time ever), though the amount of blood is not much more than the usual amount. My past 3 period were marke...
Remedies: Silicea, Sulphur, Ipecacuanha
Started by Nejlika. Last post: 2006-09-21Sandstone for making silica / silicea 0
Hi All Is Sandstone OK to use for homemade silicea / silica. I'm surrounded by this type of stone which is pretty flaky and soft. Also known as yorkshire stone. Thanks Chaha...
Started by chahat. Last post: 2006-09-21Silica 6x and Styes!!!! Please help!! 4
hi i have had a stye i could not get rid of. my doctor perscribed me oral antibotics and antibotic gel. niether helped. my doctor aslo sliced it alittle to see if some pus would dr...
Remedies: Silicea, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by brandie. Last post: 2006-08-01Silica 2
i was reading dr kuldeep's posts about silica and acne scarring and i want to make my own batch like he suggested.....i found silica sand at the local hardware store......is t...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by jwalz120002002. Last post: 2006-07-02SIlica helping acne scars 2
Hi everyone. My face is completely clear but I have scars. They are not that bad but I want to get rid of them. I have heard of a man named Kuldeep on here giving advice and I emai...
Remedies: Hecla Lava, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Antimonium Crudum
Started by jwalz120002002. Last post: 2006-06-22Silica and calcium sulphate-confused!! 0
It it is my understanding that for treatment for boils, silica would push the pus through the skin, while calcium sulphate strengthens the liver and bloods ability to reduce the to...
Started by vijay99. Last post: 2006-04-30Silica and breast implants 2
I looked for the answer to this question on previous posts but didn't find it.Since it's supposed to drive foreign objects out of the body, would using Silica affect brea...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by ruth45. Last post: 2006-04-20Acne scars and silica 0
Do I have to visit a homeopathic specialist in order to determin what dose I require for my acne scars?Craig...
Started by craig66. Last post: 2006-04-02Does silica cause sterility in men?? 1
I read some where that silica causes a lot of health problems, especially people who work in the glass industry. Is this silica different from the homeopathic version?? I even read...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by ratan. Last post: 2006-01-11Which silica for acne scars? marina or regular? 3
marina or regular silica?also what potency should I start out with? some say 30c,6x,3x. I dont know what....
Remedies: Silicea
Started by hotty198. Last post: 2005-12-06Silica and Scars Didn't seem to help anyone! 7
I just posted below. How disappointed I was to waste hours reading about this Silica that most everyone started breaking out from. Not one person came back to say it was the help t...
Remedies: Silicea, Arnica Montana
Started by curious123. Last post: 2005-10-01Silica and reflux 0
I read a posting that suggested using silica to help with a nursing baby's acid reflux. I purchased some silica, but the potency isn't listed--only the milligrams. Did I ...
Started by augie. Last post: 2005-09-21Dr kuldeep and others. Quick question on silica dosage transition 12
Based on the advice of Dr kuldeep, I am going to make silicea in my home using rocks based on the method outlined in a recent thread by the doctor.Till last week I have been taking...
Remedies: Silicea, Phytolacca Decandra, Graphites, Arnica Montana
Started by unluckyguy. Last post: 2005-09-07Silica and Tuberculosis 3
I don't want to cause any panic, and this is more in the nature of seeking opinions from practitioners. Silica (along with certain other remedies) is supposed to be used cauti...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by homlee. Last post: 2005-07-11For all those who have used silica pls read 12
hi everyone!i just read a few of the forums regarding silica. most people havent actually reported whether it has worked for them or not. i am thinking of using silica too, but i w...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Isma1. Last post: 2005-07-01Silica for thyroid related hairloss? 13
Is silica the proper remedy for hairloss most likely due to thryoid hashimotos hypothryoidism? I have had continued hairloss since i was diagnosed 2 yrs ago and now my once very t...
Remedies: Silicea, Selenium, Arnica Montana
Started by sangale. Last post: 2005-06-12Silica 2
I would like to know where I can get Silica..can it be bought a health food store, etc? I have a blocked Eustachian tube, and have read that Silica can help ....
Remedies: Silicea
Started by dixie. Last post: 2005-05-26Dear Kuldeep: Isotrex and Silica 1
Dear Kuldeep,I was reading your thread on Silica and currently thinking about using it for my acne scars.The catch is when I previously had acne I was prescribed Isotrex [a form of...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Morris. Last post: 2005-04-30For Star123 -pls read regarding silica 0
i have the same query as yours. i wnated to know aswell if u can buy it in a crushed form. have u managed to find out? pls do let me know if u have. it would be greatly appreciated...
Started by Isma1. Last post: 2005-04-21Silica already crushed?? 0
Hi,For those of us who can not get a hold of the rocks to make our own silica, isn't there someway we can buy it already crushed? It seems as though if we purchased it in its ...
Started by Star123. Last post: 2005-04-17Silicea and Silica are same right? 2
Then why all the inconsistency among a few sites about that medicine name.Why are the 2 names "silica "and "silicea" used interchangably.Am I missing something?Thanks...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by unluckyguy. Last post: 2005-04-16
As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.
If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.