Homeopathy Forum Archive: staphisagria
Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase staphisagria. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
8 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for staphisagria:
Mercurius Vivus 2 Natrum Muriaticum 3 Nux Vomica 2 Staphysagria 3 Staphisagria with kali phos 23
Can we use STAPHISAGRIA with Kali Phos for urino - genetial problem?...
Remedies: Kali Phosphoricum, Staphysagria, Pulsatilla, Nux Vomica, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Tabacum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by Hub. Last post: 2021-04-09Anyone with experience with Staphisagria 6
[message deleted by mrahsanahmad on Sat, 30 May 2015 12:07:25 UTC]...
Remedies: Staphysagria, Baryta Carbonica, Sulphur, Alumina, Bovista, Zincum Metallicum, Chamomilla, Aconitum Napellus, Kali Sulphuricum, Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum, Capsicum Annuum, Iodium, Lycopodium Clavatum, Mercurius Vivus, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Spigelia Anthelmia, Aurum Muriaticum, Palladium, Stannum Metallicum, Crotalus Cascavella, Drosera Rotundifolia, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Naja Tripudia, Niccolum Metallicum, Ozone (Oxygenium), Ruta Graveolens, Spongia Tosta, Strontium Carbonicum
Started by mrahsanahmad. Last post: 2014-11-20Help: Nat-Mur patient profile with Staphisagria Partner 1
My girlfriend is Nat-Mur profile and I am Staphisagria profile. Due to some misunderstanding she stopped talking to me. She doesnt know she is a Nat-Mur personality. We separ...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum
Started by hemant77. Last post: 2011-12-22Staphisagria 200c 0
Are there any side effects after taking this???? Ive been advised to take 1 drop in one table spoon of water daily in the evening for 3 days and to repeat weekly with one dose only...
Started by Thaiba2000. Last post: 2009-12-06Staphisagria side effect 2
I had depression and felt inferior in 2 years after divorce. Then I went to homeopatic doctor for help. She gave Staphisagria in high potency - C 1000. In few months I could make a...
Remedies: Camphora
Started by 111John. Last post: 2009-02-23Staphisagria correct doses 1
Hello Doctors, I am sufferring from the weakness due to over musturbation.Very weak genitals and very thin emmission-almost sperm less. One of my friend suggested staphisagria30,bu...
Started by elkuna. Last post: 2006-05-30Staphisagria - pls suggest the correct dosage 6
i will be having my second baby in a few weeks. for my last baby, the episiotomy brought about severe pain for several days which made my life miserable. i read somewhere that Stap...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Staphysagria, Arnica Montana
Started by nineclouds. Last post: 2006-03-27Mercurius / staphisagria 2
hello! i'm new to this forum and would like to ask some advice. my partner is suffering from psychiatric problems including compulsive behaviour, depression and anorexia. acc....
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus
Started by iwiat. Last post: 2006-01-04
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