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Nail Fungus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nail fungus

Dear Dr. friends.
Age: 45 tears
I am suffering from nail fungus of left feet thumb since 2'3 years but infection apprently
Treatment done:
I consulted my friends who advised me to use the following medicine:
but no improvement. Kindly advise me about your experienced perfet remedy in this regard
  Mahfoozurrehman on 2007-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi I just posted a nail fungus reply today, check recent posts for the info. Good luck, and yes Vaporub works!
klp24 last decade
I have not received any post as yet. Please reply again.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Finger Nail Fungus,
It sounds quite serious.
I once had this problem, but on my toes. At one point, after a stressful move, I found the fungus had moved into the skins between my toes and had caused a very painful absess. I am sure that this absess would have required medical attention as you run the risk of a serious blood infection if you let it get out of hand, and frankly it sound pretty bad right now for you. I ended up cleaning out the absess through lancing it and sooking it in warm salt water severall times a day, until it dried up. It was still a few years before I was able to rid myself of the fungus all together, as I was using the over the counter remedies and the infection would come and go. I did finally go in and get a prescription for the Lamicil and my doctor, who hates liver damaging medications and she gave me this little pearl of info. She said in cases where topical meds might do the job you can try putting 'vicks Vapo rub' on the fungus infected area several times a day and at bedtime. She did not have a real explaination as to why it works, but it does work! I did take both the oral lamicil for the first month (as it requires several months to clear) and after that month of meds, I started the Vicks instead of a second course of lamicil, and it finally disappeared entirely. I am so glad it is gone, I hate being a host of a unwanted parasites. Good luck to you, and I hope that you find you cure soon.
klp24 last decade
Thanks very much
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hi Mahfooz

Did you try the vicks vaporub and if so what is the result?

gavinimurthy last decade
It is news. Let us the result
Rajendra last decade
Oil peperment,oil cinamon,oil cloves and oil galtheria in equal portion mix in a bottle and apply on affected nail twice morning and night will able to kill fugus formed there.Our homeopathic remedy psorinum or Cistas can 1m once in a week in the morning can be taken safely.Use this with a good patience continue till cured.Thanks
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Don't construe it as my endorsement to these prescriptions of either this or that, but we must, as homeopaths learn to spell our remedies correctly, as the patients are not familiar with them.

This is the least we can do as responsible prescribers.

The correct remedy name is


However, as I told earlier I am not endorsing these 'this for that' prescriptions.

gavinimurthy last decade
Enterference is bad habit.I have made the reply to a responsible doctor of this forum who is good and more confident about the name of homeopathic remedy.I dont like any master like advice from you Mr.Murthy you should not think that you are only one learned person here.You should leave up that idea and be respectful to others.I have been looking that you always give threat to patient for wastage of money and side effects of medicines whenever any other more learned doctor suggesst any medicine to a patient.I suggesst if there was a mistake occured during type being learned person you should correct it.Once you also insulted me that there is no medicine in the name of calcium Carbonate in materia medica.Please remember that and treat the sufferer not for learning.Thanks
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
I rarely address individuals unless it is absolutely necessary.

All my posts are for the benefit of the public in general, and some times the public include the prescribers too.

I once again repeat that 'either this or that' sort of prescriptions show the lack of ability on the part of the prescriber to zero in on the correct medicine.

We can always ask more questions if we are in doubt, and try to choose the single remedy, based on analysis.

gavinimurthy last decade
In my reply i have clearly mentioned that Psorinum or Cistus can, can be used as both medicines are good and effective for nail diseases here is no advice for this and that.Thanks
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
This was the advice.

Psorinum (this) or Cistus (that) : )

gavinimurthy last decade
In my experiences with Nail Fungus patients Silicea or Graphites or any medicine in high potency never worked.

I have cured several patients with nail fungus (one is my own father) with following.

Silicea 6x + Calcarea Sulpurica 6x once a day for 3 weeks.
only if there is inflammation and abscess.

After the inflammation is over or there is no inflammation
Otherwise start with homemade Graphites

In my cases I have used all above mentioned medicine made at home. However when substantial relief comes in about 2 months, one must shift to Graphites 30C once a day till the infection is over.

kuldeep last decade
Surprised Mr. Murthy does not have any answer to the problem but only correcting spelling mistakes.

I posed two poblems earlier but without any response.

Here again correcting the spellings only.

God bless you.
Rajendra last decade
My primary goal is to help the patient in every possible way, and lead him in the right direction to follow what I perceive as correct homeopathy.

Making him to understand the 'correct' names of remedies is part of it.

If the prescriber is familiar with the medicine there won't be any spelling mistakes.

I will take up cases at my own convenience, and it is not possible for me to prescribe when the details are insufficient.

gavinimurthy last decade
The necessity of giving correct spellings, or corecting them in the next post, if it is a typing mistake, is becoming more and more important, in these internet days, as the softwares automatically latch on to the correct remedy names, and give you more information.

If you look at the left side bar, you can see a lot of the links with remedy names.Those links are generated automatically by scanning the content of the posts on that particular thread.

I don't get any vicarious satisfaction in correcting the spelling mistakes of others. I do it as a service for the patient, as then he will be in a position to read more about the remedy.

gavinimurthy last decade
The software as with any computer programmes gives the link, only when the CORRECT name of the medicine is mentioned, as is given in the materia medicas.

It will not show you any link, if you say Calcium Carbonate instead of Calcarea Carbonica.

gavinimurthy last decade
Nice way to deal the cases.
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much to all. I have successfuly applied 'vicks Vapo rub' and my fungus is cured. I have not used any internal medicine during the couse of this vicks vapo rub.It is a great invention towards fungus treatment.
I again pay heartiest thanks klp24, who has given this useful information.
I also request my other colleagues/prescribers not to forget it in such cases.

thanks all again.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks Mahfoozurrehman, this Viks Vapor Rub must be tried on such cases. Excellent.
sam_thrish last decade
Dear dr mahfooz

The company who manufactures this product may not be knowing this because this is being commonly used for common cold. I think they will be grateful to you. But this aspect needs to be confirmed.
In Homeopathy I would like to add one medicine Antimonium Crudum 10M Please confirm.
mazharmhm last decade
Dear Dr.Mehfooz

Thanks for the confirmation. A really wonderful tip, for this most vexing problem.

gavinimurthy last decade
I may explain som healing process of fungus. When 'vicks Vapo rub' is applied at night time, I saw morning the position of the nail. The space in between nail and skin become black. It perhaps tries to kill the virus. Though it take some time but it is safe, economical, and better treatment of fungus.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I am so glad it worked for you. No one wants to damage their liver to rid themselves of such a painful and persistant problem. Might i ask how many weeks it took to work? For me I had already begun the use of oral Lamicil and it took me an additional two months using VapoRub to have a nice healthy nail return.
klp24 last decade
Dear Klp24,
Thanks for your reply. I have applied it approx. 2 month.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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