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Nail Fungus



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Dear Klp24,
Thanks for your reply. I have applied it approx. 2 month.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Just curious - doesn't vicks vapo rub contain menthol and camphor. is it compatible with homeo meds.

I have pus between the skin and the nail on my left toe. Smells real bad and you can see the yellowish color of the nail.
pimathew last decade
You are right pimathew

Vicks vaporub does contain mentol and camphor. So, if you want to use it,make sure that you are not taking any other homeopathic remedies, for any other problems, as the Vicks is likely to antidote them.

Camphor is a known antimicrobial. That may be the reason why vicks is effective in this case.

gavinimurthy last decade
dear pimathew,
My fungus was dry and no pus formation was there. If you want to try vicks vapo rub then please make sure that the pus must be dired first. for this you can take Silicia 200 one dose after 4 days for a week and see if it is dried then apply vicks.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Pimathew,

To help dry the pus you might want to soak 10-15 minute in warm salt water a few times a day, let dry, then put on clean socks to keep dirt out and leave open to the air at night.

My question to you is:
Are you sure you have a fungus? If it is in the corner of the nail and the toe, it might be an ingrown toe nail.
The nail fungus that I have dealt with made the nail bubble an split, and turned it white. Once the skin is infected it can cause puss to collect. Then you would see mall blister and itching.
Just checking to be sure it is what you think it is.

A small tip: Extremity infection pain like nail pain can be diminished by grinding up an over-the-counter pain reliever (tylenol or advil) in water to make a paste. Place it on the infected area until the pain reduces or soak it in a wet dressing for 15-30 minutes.

If you think you might have a ingrown nail, my suggestion would be do the above then I would and aseptically remove the corners cutting an angle similar to / or on the infected side to remove the obstruction and carefully remove the extra cuticle. Most of the time these things happen when you cut your nails too short.

Hope you feel better soon.
klp24 last decade
I have a fungus on my right big toe nail and the little toe nail on the same foot. The surface area of each nail is about 45% infected with the fungus. They have been this way since about 1999/2000.

About 5 years ago I saw a foot doctor about it and he took a sample of my big toe nail, which later was determined, after a lab analysis, that I had a nail fungus.

My options were Lamisil, some other similar drug or a topical solution which I don't remember the name of.

Since the Lamisil is expensive and can cause liver damage in some people, I chose not to take it at the time.

I tried applying Tea Tree oil to the toenail with no effect. And after that applied White Vinegar to the base of the toenail for two months daily (which I read about on the net and it also did nothing).

I had not heard about using Vick's Vapor Rub on it until reading this thread tonight.

Do you apply the Vapor Rub to the top of the toenail or try to push it underneath the edge of the toenail so it can make contact with part of the nail bed skin?

I'd really like to get rid of this without having to resort to Lamisil if at all possible.

Thanks for any and all help!
TonsilStoneWars last decade
dear tonsil,

Frist sure that there is no pus in this place.

Then apply it morning and night at whole nail beneath the nail.

If it is suppurated then please take some doses of Silicia-200 twice a day and let the infection heal and then apply this vicks.

and report after 2 weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Regarding your question about how to apply the Vaporub.

It has been several years since I rid myself of this fungus. From what I recall it should be just as effective on top of the nail as under it. I would leave it up to you and your pain threshold.

I am not entirely sure what the purpose of allowing the puss to heal, but a salt water soak also help in this process. Maybe Dr. Mahfooz (also cured by this application) can elaborate on the necessity of that.

I remember applying it to the corner of the toenail, several times a day and after my shower and putting on a clean pair of socks until I went to bed.

Remember: Your toe nail grows extremely slowly so be patient and consistent and it should show signs of improvement in a month or two. I would keep it up until shortly after the last of it grows out.

Good luck and thank god you don't have to take those expensive and liver damaging drugs that are pushed on desperate nail fungus sufferers everywhere. ;)

Let us know how long it takes to go away.
klp24 last decade
I have tried the Vick's Vapo (sic) Rub treatment for my toe nail fungus without any success. I have also tried the tea tree oil and white vinegar treatments also without any success. Any other suggestions?
josefbach last decade
I have had this problem for years. 6 years ago it started to manifest in my finger nails. I am somewhat sucessfully ridding the fingernails FINALLY with the use of oil of oregano, used topically. i also understand i can use it internally, but haven't started that yet. This topical application has had no affect on my toenails however, so i will begin VIC's ASAP! I am posting pictures and will come back in a few weeks with report on progress. Thanks for all the insights!
bapindi last decade
no one is helping me. plz you help me. dr.mahfooz i m a patient of irregular menses cycle and infertility.plz help me
kitipk last decade
Dear KLP4

I faced nail fungus from last 10 year and start with allopathic medicine but nails is not cured, in my hand two fingers and both the thumbs of the hand is infected with nail fungus. I use homepathy many medicine since 4 years named not known because the homeopathy prescriber is not tell me. But from last year I use Graphite 30, 200, Sulpher, Silacia, and Thuja 30,200 then thuja Q, but there is no improvement. I see this fourm and use vicks vaporub from last one month. As i use vicks in night and next day nail become soft and some of the outer part of the nail is break and i cut the nail. I continue Vicks on my nail in days 1 to 3 times and inn night one time. Please tell me I use graphite 30 with it or not. Please reply
ranjeetrjp last decade
Hello ranjeetrip

I did not use Graphite and unfortunately I cannot advise on it. I have heard that any use of mint in your diet can counter act Homeopathic remedies and I am not sure if this effect applies to the use of Menthol, which Vicks contains. Maybe there is a qualified homeopathic doctor that might be able to comment on this.

I can tell you the infected nail really has to grow all the way out which is why it takes so long to cure the infection. If you are seeing the infection grow out and not continue to grow up into the nail bed, then this is the improvement you are looking for. Patience and diligence will pay off. If you are impatient you might want to consider a prescription to get it going, though the side effects must be considered.

I hope this helps you.

Kind regards,
klp24 last decade
Having had a look at the ingredient list there is Menthol in Vicks, and I think you will want clarification on whether homeopathy is negated by the use of mint in the form of menthol.

My source was word of mouth, but below is another reinforcement of this theory.


Kind regards,
klp24 last decade
Dear KLP24,

Thanks for your replies, as you say I can't take any medicine with the use of Vicks. But I discussed it with my current homeopath and he said that We can use Vicks (Camphor & Menthol) on nail as extrnal use. And we not not inhale it, so we can take any medicine - is it okey. And if I take some of remedy with it then what is the side effect of it I faces.
ranjeetrjp last decade
No side effect to speak of... the rumor is that homeopathy will not work with the use of Menthol, but it sounds like your dr. has concluded it should be fine.
The Vicks will work either way. Be diligent in using it as often as you can, and it might be most effective after a hot shower/bath, as the skin is moist and pliable.

Let us know how this turns out.
klp24 last decade
Dear KLP24

I use Vicks from last 2 months, in starting days it will work very fine and nail given very soft and I remove extra nail the inner area of nail from top is ok, but near root there is fungus, when i cut the nail from top to inner the blood is coming from and i stop cutting the fungus is not gone from root of nail to top there is 60% area of nail is infected with fungus then remaining 40% is okey, What I can do now
ranjeetrjp last decade
Many people said that Vick's vapor rub is effective for toenail fungus. But, I'm not sure if there is a medical basis to such claim. Just to be on the safe side though, why don't you just settle with home remedies like tea tree oil or cider vinegar. The latter option works well for my friend. What she did was heat the cider vinegar until it's lukewarm; place it in a basin and soak her feet for a good half an hour everyday. Then, she combined these natural treatments with a liquid treatment called Fungusil and she also practiced good foot hygiene like drying her feet well before wearing shoes, avoid using socks two days in a row, etc.
HelgaWade009 last decade
The nail takes a while to grow out and see improvements. I don't know if this is something that you may consider but people from the gym, work, etc. -who've found it so unbearable and have seen it come back- have recommended laser treatment for nail fungus removal. Some medical clinics are even open 7 days a week so that helps our busy schedules. It can be a risk, money-wise, but heard it's clinically proven to be the most effective.
clynnb last decade
I was suffering from nail fungus for about two years. There was a small boil at the root of the nail, that was preventing the nail to grow. I tried many Homeopathic medicine, but ultimately I tried Graphite 200. To my utter surprise the boil disappeared in a week and the nail started growing properly. After 4 months now the nail has grown in full in perfect condition. You may try this medicine.
dnbarola last decade

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