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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

gum swelling

i have gum swelling on the right side..that usually happens when i eat beaf..so please advice me any good medicine thank you....
  uzma khanum on 2007-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please use MercMERCURIUS SOLUBILIS-30 thrice a day for 3 days and come back.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thank you dr mahfooz
uzma khanum last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz AsA

I'm having gum swelling too, I do have MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANI-200 can I take this potency? if yes what dosage should I take.

Also I have other topic at http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/187150 can you help or recommend any other person please, its very urgent as I'm not getting any response.

Kind Regards

yunus last decade
Give your prblem in detail. For gum swelling there are plenty of medicines.

How ever
you can take combination of
Bell 200
Merc.sol 200

This combination is good for toothache and scurvy of the gums.
Rinse your mouth with plantago
Q diluted with water frequently.
mazharmhm last decade
Dear Mr. Mazhar

I'm having problem with my left kidney, its non functional. I have an ongoing thread at http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/187150 one of the member suggested me Berberis Vulgaris Q. for my kidney problem, after 2-3 days of taking medicine I feel pain and gum swelling, I reported it at the topic and he suggested me to take Merc Sol 200 and Kreosotum 200 twice a day but he didt tell how many drops, anyway i took 3 drops each for 3 days but still my gums are swollen.

As I'm not getting reply from the gentleman (maybe he don't have excess right now)I search ed and found this thread.

I went to the dentist he cleaned the teeth, he wanted to give some allopath medicine for the swelling but I'm not taking such med at this time because of my kidney prob.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Kind Regards

yunus last decade

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