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Yours is a difficult problem to treat without meeting you in person. I feel that your problem is due to the acids and enzymes in your stomach that are usually released when food enters it are being released before, and as a result they start to erode the mucus lining in your stomach thereby causing you discomfort. It is also possible that you have an excess of these stomach juices which can cause your problem.

One way of overcoming this problem is to keep your stomach acids under control and to do this you will have to eat something like a biscuit, a slice of bread or fruit like a banana, or an apple every two hours to keep these stomach acids occupied with the food, thereby preventing them from eating into the mucus lining of your stomach.

You can continue to take the Nat Phos 6x if it relieves you but I feel that if my diagnosis is correct and you try out this eating regime for about a week, you may succeed in overcoming your problem.

The idea is to eat little but often with no heavy meals which can cause distress and I would like to know how you react to this treatment.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
ok.. i shall continue to take Nat Phos6x.
Any other fruits / vegetables, that can be eaten to cure this naturally ?.
If you come across, any new cure, please let me know.

amitavam 2 decades ago
Amitavam !

Pl. try Lycopodium 200c morning and evening for 3 days then stop.

report results after one week.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Amitavam !
pl. tell your age and if there are signs of early greying of hair??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hello Joe,

Today is 5th day, since your last advice, still the problem is not completely gone. Acidity is there only in the afternoon, and before evenings.
Any thing else, u can advice.

amitavam 2 decades ago
It is unlikely that your problem can be overcome with a few days treatment as you have been having it for some time and it can be considered chronic.

Have you taken the Cina 200 to eliminate worms in the gut ? This will eliminate any parasites as they too can create problems similar to yours.

Follow my instructions on eating little but often to keep the stomach acids busy. No fatty fod to be taken as this can also contribute to acidity. If the Nat Phos 6x helps you it can be used when you feel the acid build up.

You can also take the Lycopodium 200c suggested by Dr Pankaj Varma twice daily for 3 days and see how it helps.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
should i take lycopidium & cina together ?? how many times in a day ???

pl. reply.

amitavam 2 decades ago
You must only take just one dose of 4 balls Cina 200 for the worms.

You can then stop the Nat Phos and take the Lycopodium 200 twice daily for 3 days.

Let us know how your system reacts to this treatment in a week after you have stopped all remedies.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
one more thing, my mother has been taking Blood pressure medicine, which are Promodil 5mg 1 tab in a day & Losartas(losartan potassium) 50mg, i tab per day. This is been taken regularly, to control blood pressure. Whether the remedy suggested by you has any impact on the above allopathic medicine ?.
amitavam 2 decades ago
all this treatment so far has been for mother?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
yes ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
in fact i was writing on behalf of my mother. She is 55 yrs.

amitavam 2 decades ago
--stop all other homoeopathic remedies--we will gain more information first ..

how long been using promodil? (check for alternative name of medicine)

any white spots on/under fingernails?

any eye/vision complaints?

any antibiotic use in health history?

what energy state ?
how active?

what other medications use? reason?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Since 1999, taking Primodil (Amlodipine Besylate B.P).
Losartas (Losartan Potassium).
No white spots.
Both eye operated for Cataract: Left eye in May 2001; Right eye in April 2004.
No Antibiotic used for long time.
She is full of enery & active.
Other medicines used are :
Omeprazole capsule 20mg alongwith Domstal(Domperidone) 10mg, for acidity, for the last 1 year.
amitavam 2 decades ago
continue case in other post topic

"acid reflux/heartburn amitavam's mother""
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i did not get you ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
pl. reply ..
amitavam 2 decades ago
click 'on' ""homoeopathy forum "" button in top left...and look for post topic
""""acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother""""

---- i have contiued the case there---ok?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
For those who are having chronic heart burn it is also wise to have an upper GI completed. Speaking from experience, long term acid reflux causes a change in the cells where the stomach joins the eosaphagus and it is called Barrett's. This Barretts can then evolve into terminal esophgeal cancer(EC). Catch it early and there is an operation to remove it, otherwise the prognosis is very poor.
dgemmell 2 decades ago
I am suffering from acidity and gas for last 1 month. I took Omeprozel medicine for about 15 days to stop acidity..but after stopping the medicine i again have acidity. I have a slight burning feeling sensation under throat while taking food during lunch time only. Heartburn..or chest pain..both sides of the chest)is continuing daily from morning 11 to 2 p.m. for last 3 days. I am taking a homeopathic medicine (i do not know the name) for last 7 days. Please suggest for the remedy for acidity and heartburn and gas elimination.


somen 2 decades ago
what about Lemon water.. is it good for acidity ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
From past experience,

Good to have Nat Phos 6X and Mag Phos 6X together after meals.

four tabs each, can take together.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Glad to have your confirmation on my suggestion to use Nat Phos 6x to help digestion. Nat Phos promotes peristalysis and thereby sends the food from the stomach into the small intestine.

This remedy may be used to overcome discomfort shortly after a meal when one feels the stomach is unhappy.

The Mag Pos 6x is useful to soothe the gut, especially if one feels some pain after meal or if one gets a diarrhoea after eating tainted food.

If the diarrhoea is severe Nux Vomica 200 is indicated to be taken after every two watery stools and if this does not work Ars Alb 200..
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Pankaj/Joe : Can my mother try this by taking Natphos & Magphos together ??? Just to check, if it improves.
amitavam 2 decades ago
Yes you may take the Nat Phos 6x and the Mag Phos 6x together as they cannot do any harm to your mother's problem.

John Stanton started another thread for your mother and you should consult him about the use of these 2 remedies as he is handling your mother's case and is more qualified that me to do so.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
ok .. i shall consult John Stanton ...
amitavam 2 decades ago

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