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Any other ideas to help her?
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Good Morning Everyone,

Do i have to take Carbo Veg 30 alongwith Nat & Mag Phos 6x ?. OR Today for 3 days, if i take carbo veg30, i have to stop Nat and Mag phos 30
Please let me know, what is the dose and at what frequency to be taken ?

Awaiting for your reply
kamala 2 decades ago
Take the Carbo Veg 30c in addition to the other remedies that you are already taking. Dose is 4 balls taken under the tongue preferably first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before you drink anything.

You can take this daily for a week and report as soon as you have any relief.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Nat.Phos and Mag.Phos to be used in 6x potency,alomg with Carboveg 30c.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Good Morning, I have started taking Carbo Veg since yesterday morning, alongwith Mag & Nat Phos 6x, as directed by you.
i have one more question, that is , i take allopathic medicine for Blood pressure, which i have informed you, at the start, i want to know, what time difference should i maintain between homeopathic & allopathic medicine. Is it any harm, if there is a difference of 1 hour ?.

Awaiting for your reply.
kamala 2 decades ago
One hour gap is o.k.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
It occurs to me that there may be a possibility that the drug you take for your Hypertention may be causing some irritation of your stomach which in turn causes to your acid reflux problem.

Suggest that you consult your doctor and change the drug that you take for your hypertension.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Correct "Hypertention" to read Hypertension.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
for how long you have been having hypertension ?

After medication what is the reading?

what symptoms do you experience with respect to hypertentison?

Any skin rash, any skin growths(warts) etc.?

Can you give details of medical history from young days onwards?

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I am new at homeopathy and I was diagnosed as having a hiatal hernia and gastritis in July (endoscopy). They have me on Nexium (40 mg) daily. I have been taking it consistently but the reflux seems worse lately. Are there any remedies that can cure GERD? I noted in one of your posts Barrett's disease - what is considered long term reflux - I'm nervous about cancer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
teenee65 2 decades ago
Teenee Meenee!

Pl. start a new thread....easy to locate the question next time around.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I think that Joe is right. I used to have severe acid reflux 2 years back. Then i had consulted a different doctor in a different city. He changed my hypertension remedy and the heartburn stopped.
So Kamala you may talk to your doctor and see if he changes your medicine.
maya_hari 2 decades ago
Glad to learn that my guess about acid reflux being caused by drugs used for hypertension have actually caused it.

I wonder how Kamala is faring. Many of us tried to help her but she has not responded for some time.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I am Soorayesh,44, with several stones in my gall bladder and two attacks of cholecystitis in 2000 and nothing after that. The first attach came about after I came off a 72 day all fruit diet and lost 18 kilos. I have been taking chinese bitters to ward of any further attacks.

I have a very disturbed sleep pattern and after a sleep apnea study I found out that I had severe palpitations throughout the night.The doctors wanted me to have a ventilator every night and the heart doctor wanted me to have the surgery for arrhythmia. Deep down I knew that whenever I woke up at night I simply passed wind and went to bed. SO the problem were digestion oriented rather than any thing else.

When I went to the dentist for a regular check-up he said I had acid reflux as my teeth dentene was damaged by the acid.The reason I didnt think I had acid reflux was because I dont have heartburn or belching even in the slightest.But I went on Domasal and Riza (acid suppresant)to see if I had acid reflux and if these medicine made me feel better. I took these medicine for 21 days and I had excellent nights sleep (even allowing for the placebo effect). But the moment I stopped it was hell. SO I did stop and looked yonder. This is when I came across this forum and
I read Pankaj Varma's Nat Phos 6X and Mag Phos 6X. I thought this was the perfect medicine.
I took it religiously for 5 days and then I had stones in my right kidney. I would never have made the inference that Nat Phos causes stones in the kidney but I cant help comming to that conclusion.

Any way what I need help is for
1-get rid of my palpitaions at night casued by the wind not being able to be released whilst I am sleeping
2-Also to reduce the wind forming in the first place
3-better digestion including peristaltic

Any suggestion are welcomed.
Soorayesh 2 decades ago
Please read the many posts on this thread by me and others as some of them can help you.

Nat Phos 6x is your remedy to help peristalysis and this should also stop your flatulance or 'wind formation'. Dose 2-3 tablets after meals. If you are overweight you can look out for a reduction of weight of about 0.5-1.0kg per week as Nat Phos 6x has this bonus effect.

Palpitations are another problem that others more qualified than me can solve
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I am also suffering from Helicobacter Pylori. When I did Gastroscopy and sonography, They said that there is no symptom of Ulcer or any other problem other then hyper acidity. Now I am taking some ayurvedic treatment. But along with that am also asked to take Lan 15 or Omez -20. I would like to know for how many days/times should I continue with this tab and also what are the food that I should avoid eating. Can this be cured with daily excercise. I am losing weight now. I do not have proper health after this problem. I was also having severe stomach ache and vomiting problem. After tretment, vomiting is under control but not stomach. It is still continuing to some extent.I am 23 yrs old. And this problem has been started from last year.
srilakshmi last decade
I just want to say that I appreciate the moderator of this site. I get online to look up free, helpful info (like I've found on here, thanks) and to help others when i can. I don't charge people for my advice. I just thought it was cool to read that the moderator deleted a link from a person who, instead of posting what home remedy helped them, linked to a site that cost money. That's awesome.
thecutestlild0rk last decade
To Srilakshmi

Your name suggests that you live in Sri Lanka and I notice that you have posted your ailment on an old thread where I have prescribed Nat Phos 6x in February 2005 for a similar ailment.

This remedy holds good for you as well. You are advised to stop all other remedies and drugs you are now using and use the Nat Phos 6x which I am confident should stabilize your condition in a few days. Dosage is 2-3 tablets after meals.

If you have any difficulty in obtaining the Nat Phos in Colombo you are welcome to contact me by email which you can get from my profile by clicking on my name above and I can give you the remedy free of charge.
Joe De Livera last decade
Quick Action Plan for Preventing and Treating Heartburn (Acid Reflux of GERD)

1. Conventional physicians recommend over-the-counter antacid medications for heartburn. Although these drugs can provide temporary relief, long-term use may be harmful, as they reduce the amount of stomach acids necessary for proper digestion and assimilation of food.

2. Screen for food allergies, which contribute to poor digestion, thus leading to heartburn. Avoid the following: foods you are allergic to, eating too many different types of foods at the same meal, drinking excess fluids during the meal, wolfing down food, or eating under stress.

3. Avoid overeating, do not eat acid forming foods, commercially-processed foods, overly spicy foods, refined sugars and carbohydrates, hydrogenated fats or oils, coffee, chocolate, sodas, excess alcohol, orange and grapefruit juice, tomato products, pasteurized milk or dairy products, and foods containing peppermint and spearmint.

4. Eat an organic whole foods diet, full of organic fresh green vegetables and green vegetable juices, especially freshly-made cucumber juice, which can provide instant relief. Free-range organic meats and poultry, and wild-caught fish are recommended. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water throughout the day.
winingteam last decade
mr . Manmohan verma,

I have been suffering from acidity since one and half year. For two months i will not have any problem and after that i will have burning sensation. Every 2 to 3 months it starts. I started drinking lots of water.
can you please suggest me the proper medicine .
maanyasri last decade
I have already replied to your post on:

Joe De Livera last decade
i am suffering from acidity since last 20 yrs. i am 51 yrs. male. before 2-3 yrs. doctor confirmed that i am suffering from g.e.r.d. (acid reflux). now i have stopped using all medicines. i want to use homeopathy meicine which is good for health even for regular use.
i feel heart burn after eating or even in empty stomach (some times).
pl. advise.

s rao
surya2127 last decade
It is very likely that you are suffering from Gastritis aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux disease) and I shall copy the therapy I have prescribed to hundreds of patients who presented GERD, the large majority of whom have been cured.

Your remedies are as follows:

Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within 24 hours.
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall when you will experience a stomach ache which in some cases can be very acute.

You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

Please visit the links below which record the cases of other patients whom I have treated for GERD.




STOP using all other drugs and report progress in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am suffering from severe halitosis and acid reflux problem. I do not have pain or burning in stomach or heart. Air or something pushes strongly from stomach to throat. Anti reflux surgery was performed. Many good medicines were given. But nothing worked. I even have indigestion problem. Can you help me to get rid off and solve my problem related to severe halitosis, acid reflux and indigestion ?
abcxyz4321 last decade

Halitosis is not your main problem.

GERD is.

You can read and follow the therapy I have prescribed in my response immediately above yours and report your response in a few days.
Joe De Livera last decade
You have insisted in your email to me that it is your Halitosis that is your main problem:

'Halitosis is my main problem. Acid reflux is also there. Something may be air pushes every 15 min from stomach to throat. Whatever I eat or drink, I can feel the taste and sense in my mouth. I do not have heart burn or stomach burn. What could be the other reasons for Halitosis ? Its really embarrassing and irritating me due to the bad breathe and I am unable to talk to people and vice versa. Request to give me a solution to get rid off Halitosis.'

I can only repeat my advice to you in my last post to follow the therapy I have prescribed for GERD which I am sure will CURE you.
Joe De Livera last decade

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