The ABC Homeopathy Forum
acid reflux / heartburn amitavam's mother
--stop all other homoeopathic remedies--we will gain more information first long been using promodil? (check for alternative name of medicine)
any white spots on/under fingernails?
any eye/vision complaints?
any antibiotic use in health history?
what energy state ?
how active?
what other medications use? reason?
♥ John Stanton on 2004-06-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if medicine you call "promdil" acts as a peripheral adrenergic inhibitor then acidity is complicated by use...possibly causation--in which case removal is proper;;but if mother is to be treated homoeopathically --we willneed close monitoring---prescribing homoeopathically when dealing with removal from medicines is tricky over internet---we will see what we can do though--just answer questions and we willsee...
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
re: acid reflux / heartburn From amitavam on 2004-06-30
Since 1999, taking Primodil (Amlodipine Besylate B.P).
Losartas (Losartan Potassium).
No white spots.
Both eye operated for Cataract: Left eye in May 2001; Right eye in April 2004.
No Antibiotic used for long time.
She is full of enery & active.
Other medicines used are :
Omeprazole capsule 20mg alongwith Domstal(Domperidone) 10mg, for acidity, for the last 1 year.
Since 1999, taking Primodil (Amlodipine Besylate B.P).
Losartas (Losartan Potassium).
No white spots.
Both eye operated for Cataract: Left eye in May 2001; Right eye in April 2004.
No Antibiotic used for long time.
She is full of enery & active.
Other medicines used are :
Omeprazole capsule 20mg alongwith Domstal(Domperidone) 10mg, for acidity, for the last 1 year.
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Mother is taking primodil since 4 years, and acidity has started since 2 years, hence it may not be linked to primodil.
what are your views>
what are your views>
amitavam 2 decades ago
start treatment 1 dose "only" nux-v 30c before bed--2 hours after food
stop acid medicine and look into adjusting primodil.thsi is tricky part--monitorization is manditory--
NO acidic foods and drinks at all-coffee,tea,coca cola,pepsi and the like,fruit and juices,vinegar ,sour foods, spicy foods--no milk products
post back with changes or lack of
stop acid medicine and look into adjusting primodil.thsi is tricky part--monitorization is manditory--
NO acidic foods and drinks at all-coffee,tea,coca cola,pepsi and the like,fruit and juices,vinegar ,sour foods, spicy foods--no milk products
post back with changes or lack of
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
is it Nux Vomica 30 ...???
i did not get "using essential fatty acid supplement" >> can u please calrify ...
i did not get "using essential fatty acid supplement" >> can u please calrify ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
Only 1 dose ... I mean, just one dose in the evening. Whether it should be continued every evenings ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
yes only 1 time 1 evening only nux-vomica 30c
essential fatty acids---buy as supplenment oil sometimes in capsules
essential fatty acids---buy as supplenment oil sometimes in capsules
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
yesterday my mother has taken Nux Vomica before going to bed. I shall let u know the response.
Also can u tell us, if Kokum juice is good for acidity ?.
Also can u tell us, if Kokum juice is good for acidity ?.
amitavam 2 decades ago
yeah according to aurvedic medicine helps acidity and digestion- affinity for liver--- cooling effect ---BUT do not use during homoeopathic treatment--HIGHLY SOUR--this need be avoided for now--
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Mother has taken Nux Vomica 1 dose only, 2 days back. There are no changes in sleep, appetite ....
amitavam 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
1 dose "only" calcarea carbonica 30c
avoid all acidic foods and drinks (list as advised for father)
remember start essential fatty acids supplement
post response or lack of -
avoid all acidic foods and drinks (list as advised for father)
remember start essential fatty acids supplement
post response or lack of -
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
There is no improvement , still there is acidity in the evening.
She takes light food only. No acidic foods at all.
pl. advice.
She takes light food only. No acidic foods at all.
pl. advice.
amitavam 2 decades ago
any skin ailment/condition in past?when?how treated?
1 dose "only" natrum muriaticum 30c
follow same restrictions
post changes or lack of
1 dose "only" natrum muriaticum 30c
follow same restrictions
post changes or lack of
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
what reasons/symptoms mother take bp medicine for ?what were the symptoms leading to using Amlodipine Besylate and Losartas?please explain?
what characteristics have changed (considering mother totally) since using Amlodipine Besylate and Losartas?please explain?
what characteristics have changed (considering mother totally) since using Amlodipine Besylate and Losartas?please explain?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
There is no skin ailment so far.
Her BP was high, 170/100, then doctor gave only Amlodipine. Continued for about a fortnight, but still BP was not coming down. Then Doctor gave in addition Losartus. She has been taking both these, since 3 years. Now the BP is 140/90, which is constant. As adviced by doctor, these medicines is to be continued.
She has very much strain, stress, anxiety all the time, without any reason.
Her BP was high, 170/100, then doctor gave only Amlodipine. Continued for about a fortnight, but still BP was not coming down. Then Doctor gave in addition Losartus. She has been taking both these, since 3 years. Now the BP is 140/90, which is constant. As adviced by doctor, these medicines is to be continued.
She has very much strain, stress, anxiety all the time, without any reason.
amitavam 2 decades ago
this strain-stress -anxiety exists before BP medicines?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
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