The ABC Homeopathy Forum
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have insisted in your email to me that it is your Halitosis that is your main problem:
'Halitosis is my main problem. Acid reflux is also there. Something may be air pushes every 15 min from stomach to throat. Whatever I eat or drink, I can feel the taste and sense in my mouth. I do not have heart burn or stomach burn. What could be the other reasons for Halitosis ? Its really embarrassing and irritating me due to the bad breathe and I am unable to talk to people and vice versa. Request to give me a solution to get rid off Halitosis.'
I can only repeat my advice to you in my last post to follow the therapy I have prescribed for GERD which I am sure will CURE you.
'Halitosis is my main problem. Acid reflux is also there. Something may be air pushes every 15 min from stomach to throat. Whatever I eat or drink, I can feel the taste and sense in my mouth. I do not have heart burn or stomach burn. What could be the other reasons for Halitosis ? Its really embarrassing and irritating me due to the bad breathe and I am unable to talk to people and vice versa. Request to give me a solution to get rid off Halitosis.'
I can only repeat my advice to you in my last post to follow the therapy I have prescribed for GERD which I am sure will CURE you.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Until and unless detailed symptoms are posted i.e. what food affect the digestion, what are your eating habits, the sickness is acute or chronic, if peptic ulcer is suspected have you gone endoscopy and what were the results, proper homeopathic remedy can't be prescribed.
♡ arnadeem last decade
i am having h.pylori since two months and i feel continuous little pain in stomach 10 cente meter away from navel at right side.
i took the medicine triple therapy allopath for two weeks but no benefit.
today i am feeling throat burn and sour test in throat and feels like watery fluid comes up to mouth.
i am having gas problem since 10 years.
i am having some tension and stress problem due to exam.
i am 40 years but i am studying mba for good reason
please prescribe homeopath medicines for me.
i took the medicine triple therapy allopath for two weeks but no benefit.
today i am feeling throat burn and sour test in throat and feels like watery fluid comes up to mouth.
i am having gas problem since 10 years.
i am having some tension and stress problem due to exam.
i am 40 years but i am studying mba for good reason
please prescribe homeopath medicines for me.
mpalam76 last decade
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