The ABC Homeopathy Forum
A good case. Please discuss.
A 42 year old man came with the chief complaint tinnitus in left ear. It was described by him as a 'humming' sound. 8 months ago he complained of vertigo, giddiness and tinnitus(both ears). He consulted an ENT specialist and was on vertin and vit B complex supplements for 2 months. Vertigo and giddiness subsided, but the tinnitus persisted. k/c/o HTN detected 8 months ago and is on anti hypertensives. agg night, when surroundings are silent. amel during day, hearing music. His sleep is not disturbed by the sound, only occasionally feels irritated. He is chilly. His constitutional seemed to be Nux Vom. Please suggest some specific remedies for the case.cahn.pattrick on 2008-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It appears neurological problems, try Gelsemium 30C once a day for a week.
♡ girilal last decade
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