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Need discussion
Need to discuss on the meds in Homeopathy which can kill someone if used without proper diagnosisanindya384 on 2016-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are many classical homeopaths who think that other homeopaths are killing people by giving wrong remedies. Whenever a case comes up for discussion there is rarely any consensus among these homeopaths. There are so many facets to each homeopathic remedy that one cannot tell with certainty that which remedy should be deployed as a single remedy. So by classical logic all homeopaths are doing harm to their patients instead of doing any good.
In my opinion a homeopathic remedy can do no harm. Anything that happens after taking a remedy cant be attributed to the remedy. It should be attributed to the immune system. Instead of hunting for the best homeopath patients will do good to themselves if they focus more on healthy food, exercises and life style.
Homeopathy has its limitation as any other medicine. One who thinks that it has cure for anything and everything is certainly living in his own paradise.
In my opinion a homeopathic remedy can do no harm. Anything that happens after taking a remedy cant be attributed to the remedy. It should be attributed to the immune system. Instead of hunting for the best homeopath patients will do good to themselves if they focus more on healthy food, exercises and life style.
Homeopathy has its limitation as any other medicine. One who thinks that it has cure for anything and everything is certainly living in his own paradise.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
In this way, Dr. Hahnemann was the most dangerous and murderous person ever who invented and developed a killer system of medicine and handed over to the people who are smarter than him and can mix, repeat and prescribe to save lives which he could never do in his lifetime.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
I think the seeker wants to discuss about the specific remedies that can kill a patient, if used indiscriminately, without proper diagnosis.
Kent mentions some remedies, and the other authors too caution against using some remedies in certain cases.
For example, silecia in high potencies is prohibited , for people having implants like pace makers.
If the seeker confirms that he wants to know about such medicines, I can give the details.
Kent mentions some remedies, and the other authors too caution against using some remedies in certain cases.
For example, silecia in high potencies is prohibited , for people having implants like pace makers.
If the seeker confirms that he wants to know about such medicines, I can give the details.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Kadwa says
"Anything that happens after taking a remedy cant be attributed to the remedy. It should be attributed to the immune system."
I see a contradiction here. Homeopaths believe that our remedies help the immune system by showing the disease magnified than what it was really, and thus help it ( the immune system/ vital force) to fight against it more vigorously.
If the immune system is already weak, then a similimum, may produce such a strong reaction that, it can't be handled by the vital force. The patient is likely to die in such cases.
I agree it is a theory. But there has to be some sort of explanation as to how homeopathic remedies work. The above explanation at least suits the logic.
A medicine that can cure can also kill in case used indiscriminately. That is the case with any system of medicine. Homeopathy is no exception.
The people who say homeopathic medicines can't do harm, never explain why they feel so. They just have that gut feeling. They can't propose any alternative theory as to how homeopathy works. They ridicule Hahnemann's attempt to explain it, without having any other clue as to how it works.
Kent says, many people are saved from death by these irrational prescribers, simply because of their inability to find the true similimum. Their medicines simply touch the periphery and allow the patient to live on with medicine induced complex miasma.
Unfortunately, many prescribers just read and believe in materia medica. They never bother about the philosophy behind homeopathy. Perhaps some are not even aware of it.
For them, the homeopathic medicines are some sort of wonder drugs, which can be used on the principles of allopathy. They resort to polypharmacy. They believe that will hasten the cure. They strongly believe homeopathic medicines can do no harm.
Perhaps these prescribers are not aware that there are some very sensitive people, who react violently to the homeopathic medicines, and need extreme care when prescribing.
They don't bother about the vitality of the patient and will prescribe these poly pharmacy of homeopathic potencies even to old, already debilitated people.
If the person dies, they blame the immune system and not the remedy. That is exactly what hospitals say when the patient dies.
Enough for now.
"Anything that happens after taking a remedy cant be attributed to the remedy. It should be attributed to the immune system."
I see a contradiction here. Homeopaths believe that our remedies help the immune system by showing the disease magnified than what it was really, and thus help it ( the immune system/ vital force) to fight against it more vigorously.
If the immune system is already weak, then a similimum, may produce such a strong reaction that, it can't be handled by the vital force. The patient is likely to die in such cases.
I agree it is a theory. But there has to be some sort of explanation as to how homeopathic remedies work. The above explanation at least suits the logic.
A medicine that can cure can also kill in case used indiscriminately. That is the case with any system of medicine. Homeopathy is no exception.
The people who say homeopathic medicines can't do harm, never explain why they feel so. They just have that gut feeling. They can't propose any alternative theory as to how homeopathy works. They ridicule Hahnemann's attempt to explain it, without having any other clue as to how it works.
Kent says, many people are saved from death by these irrational prescribers, simply because of their inability to find the true similimum. Their medicines simply touch the periphery and allow the patient to live on with medicine induced complex miasma.
Unfortunately, many prescribers just read and believe in materia medica. They never bother about the philosophy behind homeopathy. Perhaps some are not even aware of it.
For them, the homeopathic medicines are some sort of wonder drugs, which can be used on the principles of allopathy. They resort to polypharmacy. They believe that will hasten the cure. They strongly believe homeopathic medicines can do no harm.
Perhaps these prescribers are not aware that there are some very sensitive people, who react violently to the homeopathic medicines, and need extreme care when prescribing.
They don't bother about the vitality of the patient and will prescribe these poly pharmacy of homeopathic potencies even to old, already debilitated people.
If the person dies, they blame the immune system and not the remedy. That is exactly what hospitals say when the patient dies.
Enough for now.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
"Unfortunately, many prescribers just read and believe in materia medica. They never bother about the philosophy behind homeopathy. Perhaps some are not even aware of it.
For them, the homeopathic medicines are some sort of wonder drugs, which can be used on the principles of allopathy. They resort to polypharmacy. They believe that will hasten the cure. They strongly believe homeopathic medicines can do no harm."
That's right, "Ignorance is always a bliss".
For them, the homeopathic medicines are some sort of wonder drugs, which can be used on the principles of allopathy. They resort to polypharmacy. They believe that will hasten the cure. They strongly believe homeopathic medicines can do no harm."
That's right, "Ignorance is always a bliss".
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
I just saw this.
Depends what you call harm. Two people on here saw homeopaths in person, and got nat Mur 1m. Sensitive artistic people. They were out of their body for many weeks. Lost their job bc they struggled to just function.
Tried to antidote with coffee, Vicks etc, no luck. Asked on here aund told by a previous homeopath that nothing can be antidoted.Retake the case. They were "done" with homeopathy. Since they were USA I told them get a shiatsu massage which really anchors you in. After 90 minutes they were back to normal
and the nightmare , (literally!) was over.
Call it their immune system or whatever, this is something nat Mur too high does. And it did cause them harm and huge stress of work loss and stress on their loved ones.
One of these people wrote me a year later. Found another homeopath. Her remedy is nat Mur. 30c. Which she takes one dose of now and then when feeling out of balance and that is all she needs.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 13 Oct 2016 23:15:37 UTC]
Depends what you call harm. Two people on here saw homeopaths in person, and got nat Mur 1m. Sensitive artistic people. They were out of their body for many weeks. Lost their job bc they struggled to just function.
Tried to antidote with coffee, Vicks etc, no luck. Asked on here aund told by a previous homeopath that nothing can be antidoted.Retake the case. They were "done" with homeopathy. Since they were USA I told them get a shiatsu massage which really anchors you in. After 90 minutes they were back to normal
and the nightmare , (literally!) was over.
Call it their immune system or whatever, this is something nat Mur too high does. And it did cause them harm and huge stress of work loss and stress on their loved ones.
One of these people wrote me a year later. Found another homeopath. Her remedy is nat Mur. 30c. Which she takes one dose of now and then when feeling out of balance and that is all she needs.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 13 Oct 2016 23:15:37 UTC]
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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