The ABC Homeopathy Forum
homeopathy case discussion
case: A person aged 67 suffering from ankle ulcer,when i visited his place ,all relatives many allopathic reports ,i asked the patient to tell about his complaint,he said doctor because of ankle ulcer ,my relatives,sons are said that hereafter you take rest pls dont do anywork,my son and relatives said they take care of everythingand they said my health will become alright soon.
in this case patient is indicating moral support from his son
software keyword:syphili,moral
under the remedy tarentula hispanica despondency,sadness,moral depression has mentioned
tarentula hisp 10m single dose has given patient is making rapid recovery and doing all the work like earlier
homeo3 on 2017-04-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
case : a lady has complained has lost the sense of smelling for last 7 years,upon enquiry she complains coryza,watery discharge,nose block(sinus)
one or more complaint in nose is taken as congest.
software keyword: congest,mucous
under the chelidonium mentioned as "congestion of mucous membrane" chelidoinum 10m single has cured her .
one or more complaint in nose is taken as congest.
software keyword: congest,mucous
under the chelidonium mentioned as "congestion of mucous membrane" chelidoinum 10m single has cured her .
homeo3 7 years ago
This is ashok.Let me tell the case.His name is Vinoth 30yrs.He had masturbation practice from 14th to 20th age.Afterwards he had spermatorrhoea for one year at nights.He got cured somehow by medicines.From that he has low back pain for past 10 years with sexual weakness also.He is desparate or having despair to get married but his low back pain not getting cured inspite of many medicines taken.He has done more than two PG degrees.When he sees somebody he feels that everybody is happy and he is not married and at times he feel dejected and thinks that no need of marriage.At times he has spermatorrhoea now a days and some digestive problem at times also.I tried him Lyc,Puls,Agnus,Stramonium but in vain
This case has cured with graphites 10m with a single dose
read lilienthal under the chapter melancholia "propensity to himself unhappy"
This case has cured with graphites 10m with a single dose
read lilienthal under the chapter melancholia "propensity to himself unhappy"
homeo3 7 years ago
case:a lady has complained about her problem,she is having leucorrhoea problem for the last 6 yrs,everytime before menses leucorrhoea and also said about her dream issue,anxiety issue and thyriod issue
read lilienthal under the chapter scrofula,leucorrhoea under the remedy bartya carb,one single dose has cured her.
read lilienthal under the chapter scrofula,leucorrhoea under the remedy bartya carb,one single dose has cured her.
homeo3 7 years ago
Homeo 3,
You are nisha,dit,vas,bon etc removed from forum using all these names due to relentlessly promoting 10m potency as some miracle that will instantly cure a person-
You are not a real homeopath and want to experiment with people on here without even taking a case.
Cases you mentioned are from real homeopaths who saw the patient in person.
You cannot compare REAL homeopaths seeing a patient in person-
to prescribing 10m on a forum with
No case taking,and when it Does not work you tell the person " it should have worked" or take it again !! After 2weeks or take another remedy 10m.
This is not safe and 10m can work for months and start aggravations after 30 days- which is why you keep getting removed from this forum.
You are nisha,dit,vas,bon etc removed from forum using all these names due to relentlessly promoting 10m potency as some miracle that will instantly cure a person-
You are not a real homeopath and want to experiment with people on here without even taking a case.
Cases you mentioned are from real homeopaths who saw the patient in person.
You cannot compare REAL homeopaths seeing a patient in person-
to prescribing 10m on a forum with
No case taking,and when it Does not work you tell the person " it should have worked" or take it again !! After 2weeks or take another remedy 10m.
This is not safe and 10m can work for months and start aggravations after 30 days- which is why you keep getting removed from this forum.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
i think simone 717 you are dont have good teacher to teach homeoapthy ,thats the reason dont know anything about homeopathy
i have given 10m single dose only ,not hundred doses.and suppose if a homeopath or practioner give 10m single dose ,so if sick doesnt attracts in tissue or dont affect the body or mind,immedietely it will go out and it dont cause homeopath aggravation
only you guys are creating homeopath aggravation like 100c 20,im for months,i have take care well about patients.
i have given 10m single dose only ,not hundred doses.and suppose if a homeopath or practioner give 10m single dose ,so if sick doesnt attracts in tissue or dont affect the body or mind,immedietely it will go out and it dont cause homeopath aggravation
only you guys are creating homeopath aggravation like 100c 20,im for months,i have take care well about patients.
homeo3 7 years ago
i am dr krishnamurthy student ,again you dont cross me,i hope you understood.because he only told us to practice well that give 10m for chroni disease and also said these days homeopths are doing silly things like giving low potency for months and years ,heremostly all of them break hanemann rules ie., giving 3 to 4 remedies at a time
homeo3 7 years ago
Dr k only prescribed to people he sees in person.He rejects emails or phone consults. He says even after 5years of case taking in homeo college students still do not know how to take a case correctly.
He does not only prescribe 10m single dose,but sometimes herbs first or whatever he feels is right.This is after listening and observing the speech and manner of the patient,
And often that is what he prescribed on,not symptoms or pathology.
The last time you were suspended you told a person with an autistic young child -"this is such an easy case" take 10m (whatever it was)
10m based on nothing but a couple sentences.
You have been repeatedly told it is not safe to suggest 10m in a forum setting-Dr k would agree.
Besides this you have already been banned by the owner,4times with 4
Different names for lying about who you are,unsafe prescriptions and
Using one name to praise another.
The forum is privately owned -
You are "crossing " the owner.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 29 Apr 2017 23:01:47 UTC]
He does not only prescribe 10m single dose,but sometimes herbs first or whatever he feels is right.This is after listening and observing the speech and manner of the patient,
And often that is what he prescribed on,not symptoms or pathology.
The last time you were suspended you told a person with an autistic young child -"this is such an easy case" take 10m (whatever it was)
10m based on nothing but a couple sentences.
You have been repeatedly told it is not safe to suggest 10m in a forum setting-Dr k would agree.
Besides this you have already been banned by the owner,4times with 4
Different names for lying about who you are,unsafe prescriptions and
Using one name to praise another.
The forum is privately owned -
You are "crossing " the owner.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 29 Apr 2017 23:01:47 UTC]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
see knerr rep,there is few sentence is enough to give correct remedy.
according to dr yingling prescribing 10m is safe and also said no need to repeat at all ,only god can save homeopathy.
ok send me the owner mail id i want talk with him.
according to dr yingling prescribing 10m is safe and also said no need to repeat at all ,only god can save homeopathy.
ok send me the owner mail id i want talk with him.
homeo3 7 years ago
respected sir, please don't try to be wiser than lilienthal and yingling. my question again and again to you is have you ever read the preface and introduction to the reference work the accoucheur's emergency manual by dr. w. a. yingling?
homeo3 7 years ago
Knerr and Lilienthal and yingling
Did not have the internet- dr k does not use the internet to prescribe or the phone either.
They all saw people in PERSON-
And by doing so decided what was
To be used in the reperatory.
Your last sentence is a direct quote from dr k who asks that all the time-
And dr k chooses the correct sentences from the rep based on
Looking and observing and listening-
You cannot choose correctly based on a couple paragraphs written on a forum- dr k will not do this-either should you. If you want to do 10m single dose see the person face to face like dr k. Btw,he has been on this forum , not to prescribe but to explain his casetaking and what led him to decide the remedy and if it
Should be 10m or 200 c or even herbs first.
The remedies shop on here has the abc email.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 30 Apr 2017 15:33:53 UTC]
Did not have the internet- dr k does not use the internet to prescribe or the phone either.
They all saw people in PERSON-
And by doing so decided what was
To be used in the reperatory.
Your last sentence is a direct quote from dr k who asks that all the time-
And dr k chooses the correct sentences from the rep based on
Looking and observing and listening-
You cannot choose correctly based on a couple paragraphs written on a forum- dr k will not do this-either should you. If you want to do 10m single dose see the person face to face like dr k. Btw,he has been on this forum , not to prescribe but to explain his casetaking and what led him to decide the remedy and if it
Should be 10m or 200 c or even herbs first.
The remedies shop on here has the abc email.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 30 Apr 2017 15:33:53 UTC]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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