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21 month baby has Constipation for last 15 days
hi i am chandra we have 21 month old baby girl. she is potty train. we came from long road trip last month during the trip she did drink the weater but she use to drink milk very often. 2 3 days after we came she started showing the signs that she is constipated like she use to cry for 2 3 hrs they she will go for potty. 2nd after she had potty stool was hard and she had rectum prolapse we rushed to ER. they put rectum back next day we took her to the pediatric they told us to give constulose 1/2 tsp 3 times a day we did that but during this time also she had same problem after ever stool her rectum prolaps then dr did sweat cloride and barium enema test but all result came very normall then dr increase the dose of constilose upto 3/4tsp 3 time days. but still stool are still heard we talk to pediatric surgen he the surgery is not reqire for rectum prolaps. and also said stools are still hard now we have stop all dairy product as dr directed. she take rice milk and soya milk rice two time a day soups of different vegitables as she is not eating vegitables as it is also we add different vegitable to her rice but no luck yet we are feeling realy help less. pl help us. thankschandoba on 2004-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
She has fallen into a fear habit. Please go to the health store and talk with a nutritionist about what they may have for softening the child's stool. If it is soft, she will let go.
Evidently, the road trip was hard on her. So many adjustments. Little ones have problems with things like this.
She may also be cutting teeth?
Please tell us more about her as an individual. The medical things you mention are unknown to most of us in homeopathy.
We deal with symptoms. There are more than 60 remedies for constipitation in the books. We need to compare symptoms of what kind of child she is. Or was before all this began.
Blessings, Sabra
Evidently, the road trip was hard on her. So many adjustments. Little ones have problems with things like this.
She may also be cutting teeth?
Please tell us more about her as an individual. The medical things you mention are unknown to most of us in homeopathy.
We deal with symptoms. There are more than 60 remedies for constipitation in the books. We need to compare symptoms of what kind of child she is. Or was before all this began.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Namste sabraji
thanks a lot.
medical terms as follows
Rectum prolaps= rectum came out after the stool about an inch this is happening because she is pressing and pushing too hard.
constilose = stool softner basicaly dr told us that it is lactose extract from the milk eqivalent to lactilose.
barium enima test = as they wanted to see any deffects in the rectum any physical obstraction which may cause constipationso they fill the rectum with barium and see the flow in x-ray.
sweat cloride test in which they test sweat for the cloride level and other allergyies
but both test came normall there no physical problem or allergies
another thing which i have to mention that on last sunday we gave her mineral oil only two drops almost like 1/8 tsp
but then on monday she had loose motion abot 4 to five timesin hour but still rectum came out about inch. so dr said no more mineral oil
in past she had no problem she is very helthy baby (touch wood) but not even cough or fever. as we all are vegiterian. before that she weight around 21 lb and 3 feet tall. she had around 12 teeth. 4 each on top and bottom on the front side 2 each side top and bottom at the back side (which we call Dadh).she dont drink water as much she use to be good fan of milk she use to drink whole milk. now we stop this milk she is drinking rice milk in which we add water so that she can have some water. now we are giving papya,grapes, water mellon, and Dr told us to stop giving banana which she use to like a lot. today we gave silicea 30x and alumina 6c as local store person for herbs and medicine section suggested i gave one dose of silicea in the evening and two dose of alumina but still this 10:30 sunday night she is still waiting for the potty very egerly. she is telling she want to go but she is having fear. and she understand every thing every word. she got potty train within week when she was 15 month old she use go for potty once a day before this. now also she doing that but ithink very painfully.
thanks a lot.
medical terms as follows
Rectum prolaps= rectum came out after the stool about an inch this is happening because she is pressing and pushing too hard.
constilose = stool softner basicaly dr told us that it is lactose extract from the milk eqivalent to lactilose.
barium enima test = as they wanted to see any deffects in the rectum any physical obstraction which may cause constipationso they fill the rectum with barium and see the flow in x-ray.
sweat cloride test in which they test sweat for the cloride level and other allergyies
but both test came normall there no physical problem or allergies
another thing which i have to mention that on last sunday we gave her mineral oil only two drops almost like 1/8 tsp
but then on monday she had loose motion abot 4 to five timesin hour but still rectum came out about inch. so dr said no more mineral oil
in past she had no problem she is very helthy baby (touch wood) but not even cough or fever. as we all are vegiterian. before that she weight around 21 lb and 3 feet tall. she had around 12 teeth. 4 each on top and bottom on the front side 2 each side top and bottom at the back side (which we call Dadh).she dont drink water as much she use to be good fan of milk she use to drink whole milk. now we stop this milk she is drinking rice milk in which we add water so that she can have some water. now we are giving papya,grapes, water mellon, and Dr told us to stop giving banana which she use to like a lot. today we gave silicea 30x and alumina 6c as local store person for herbs and medicine section suggested i gave one dose of silicea in the evening and two dose of alumina but still this 10:30 sunday night she is still waiting for the potty very egerly. she is telling she want to go but she is having fear. and she understand every thing every word. she got potty train within week when she was 15 month old she use go for potty once a day before this. now also she doing that but ithink very painfully.
chandoba 2 decades ago
It would be well worth while looking at Podophyllum.
passkey 2 decades ago
i wnet to the store they for this and i found Podophyllum peltatum is the same as you are talking and another thing in this store they have put symptoms below each medicine and symptom on this is saying diarrhoea; is that ok! because she is not having diarrhoea;
chandoba 2 decades ago
If the bottle of remedy says diarrhoea, this means it corrects, and you really do not want a remedy that causes the bowels to "tighten up." Be careful of interpretation.
Please do not believe what every bottle says. I have never seen this to be totally accurate.
Please stop giving several remedies. Silicea only once.
When I wrote about the medical terms, I meant we deal with emotional and body symptoms only.
Podophyllum does treat the rectum and things dealing with digestion, but remarks of an excessive loose stool. This indication is for correction. Something you do not want at this time.
You are looking for a softer even slightly loose stool.
From what you write, I suggest you are doing a very good job.
A child this bright will respond to your reassurance that these things get well in time and she only needs to be patient cooperate and wait. Tell her about how well the body knows how to heal itself. Young bodies heal well.
I think you all are more than half way to being back to where you want to be.
If any symptoms change or you remember something to tell us, we will check from time to time if you have written in. Blessings, Sabra
Please do not believe what every bottle says. I have never seen this to be totally accurate.
Please stop giving several remedies. Silicea only once.
When I wrote about the medical terms, I meant we deal with emotional and body symptoms only.
Podophyllum does treat the rectum and things dealing with digestion, but remarks of an excessive loose stool. This indication is for correction. Something you do not want at this time.
You are looking for a softer even slightly loose stool.
From what you write, I suggest you are doing a very good job.
A child this bright will respond to your reassurance that these things get well in time and she only needs to be patient cooperate and wait. Tell her about how well the body knows how to heal itself. Young bodies heal well.
I think you all are more than half way to being back to where you want to be.
If any symptoms change or you remember something to tell us, we will check from time to time if you have written in. Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
thanks sabraji! sorry but i am confuse i have dought!
you mean i should stop giving alumina 6c?
and only continue with silicea 30x?
does this potency is correct?
how many times in day we should give this?
and how many tablets?
pl advice me! thanks a lot
you mean i should stop giving alumina 6c?
and only continue with silicea 30x?
does this potency is correct?
how many times in day we should give this?
and how many tablets?
pl advice me! thanks a lot
chandoba 2 decades ago
Silicea is a remedy that should only be given once a week. It is very deep acting.
The Alumina 6C should be OK to continue once a day for 4 days. If the pellets/tablets are large, give 3. Tell her to melt them in her mouth. If they are tiny granules, give 5-6, no need to count, just a few. Melt in mouth.
Homeopathy is not taken with water like a pill. It must melt in mouth.
Talk to her about getting well. Suggest to her that the vegetables will help her and her potty. Also will help her grow big and strong.
Discuss the value of one spoonful each meal with her fruit. Then in a day or two, make it two spoonfuls, etc. Figure out some sort of reward. The fear must stop at all costs.
I could feel anxiety in last posting. Not good for you or her. Please remain calm.
Calm, the situation continues healing. Anxiety, the situation becomes harder to heal.
When I suggested the health store, I meant things other than homeopathy. There are many things to soften stool, ask there.
You could teach her a fun excercize. Get down with her and show her how to be on knees, bent forward with head and arms on blanket with her little butt up in the air. Sway the tummy downward. Count to 10 and try to laugh. Tell a silly story in this position. Make it a game. Good for her colon and rectom.
Blessings, Sabra
The Alumina 6C should be OK to continue once a day for 4 days. If the pellets/tablets are large, give 3. Tell her to melt them in her mouth. If they are tiny granules, give 5-6, no need to count, just a few. Melt in mouth.
Homeopathy is not taken with water like a pill. It must melt in mouth.
Talk to her about getting well. Suggest to her that the vegetables will help her and her potty. Also will help her grow big and strong.
Discuss the value of one spoonful each meal with her fruit. Then in a day or two, make it two spoonfuls, etc. Figure out some sort of reward. The fear must stop at all costs.
I could feel anxiety in last posting. Not good for you or her. Please remain calm.
Calm, the situation continues healing. Anxiety, the situation becomes harder to heal.
When I suggested the health store, I meant things other than homeopathy. There are many things to soften stool, ask there.
You could teach her a fun excercize. Get down with her and show her how to be on knees, bent forward with head and arms on blanket with her little butt up in the air. Sway the tummy downward. Count to 10 and try to laugh. Tell a silly story in this position. Make it a game. Good for her colon and rectom.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
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