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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Allergies or Asthma Please Help

In January both myself and my 4 yr old son developed a cough along with a headcold and we can't seem to get rid of it. Both of us have taked antibiotics, and the symptoms have gotten better. The cough for both of us is periodic, but my son has started having what I would call coughing fits when he is running or playing hard. He gets red faced when he coughs and it stops with drinking water and rest. At night when he lays down he coughs as well but not as long.

There is no history of asthma on either side of our family, allergies yes.
I have taken him to the pediatrician and he does not have chest congestion so we started zyrtec, but it doesnt seem to help.

I have taken him to the pediatrician and he does not have chest congestion so we started
Any ideas???
  tlogsdon on 2009-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arsenic Album 30 + Belladonna 30 two times a day for 3 days and report.
what kind of allergies your family has?
Ataulkaafi last decade
I analyse ur case.Take Ipecac 30 and Spongia 30 alternate two times a day,After three days report me.
Good Luck
drhomeo2003 last decade

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