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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello -

My boyfriend is being treated for lung cancer. He has had four radiation treatments and just started chemotherapy yesterday. He is receiving carboplatin and taxol. I hav been reading a lot of the effects of chemo, and a couple of message boards have mentioned lycodium as having some benefits to lessen or slow down the side effects of chemo, namely hair/nail loss, along with a few others. I know NOTHING about homeopathic medicine or lycodium. I am hopeful that some of you could comment on this and specifically on the benefits of lycodium and how it is used (quantity/dosage, etc). Of course, we will talk to his oncologist about taking this before we start. Thanks very much.
  txhart on 2005-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most MDs have been told to stop taking care of the patient that insists on alternative remedies and such. If you want to try stuff do not tell doc.

The allopathic meds most likely alter any alternative meds, not the other way around. They have been used together many times.

There are numerous listings in past postings about the workings of Homeopathy. Please read back through. I would have to take two hours to fill you in and I have a number of people I must give this time to.

Homeopathy is regular herbs and other stuff that has been made up WAY past the brown herbs you have seen in the health store. It is diluted hundreds of times and it is stronger with each dilution. This is a scientific fact, even in the real world.

One just cannot pick out one that one has read about, it must match the "picture" of the one using it.

We need to know things of a personality type of the man. Age, likes/dislikes, etc.

Give us more to work on. There are at least 25 remedies that say is good for cancer. Must choose the best one.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I have often used Xray [the remedy] after radiation treatment . 10m potency [3 doses ]

Many people feel that chemotherapy is not a good thing after cancer treatment .

Personally I would suggest Nat Mur 10m daily while the chemo is going on.
passkey last decade
I respect passkeys knowledge.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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