The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Question regarding lycopodium clavatum
About 2 years ago, I used mercurius vivus 200 for paranoid thoughts. This was recommended by a homeopath, and delivered good results.I am again experiencing paranoid thoughts, this time to a greater extent, but also coupled with anxiety and extreme fear.
I used the Remedy Finder here, several times to be sure, and it indicated that lycopodium was best suited for my case.
I had extreme anxiety today, and took 200c, 1 dose. About 2 hours after that, I began having some extremely upsetting thoughts and images in my mind, directly related to what is contributing to the anxiety. It brought me to tears, violent weeping and sobbing, that came in several episodes. It took some time to get myself under control. This has passed, for now, but I do not feel any different, cleansed, or lighter. I know these things take time to work, I just mention this because many people say that crying often will make one feel better afterwards.
From studying, I know lycopodium is a remedy for worry and fear... what I am wondering is, does this remedy bring up thoughts and perhaps cause one to cry in order to get it out of your system? I know I havent worded this well...
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Chatran on 2024-08-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what I am wondering is, does this remedy bring up thoughts and perhaps cause one to cry in order to get it out of your system?QUITE POSSIBLE.
Homeopathy believes that the diseases originate at the life force, which is dynamic in nature and when a dynamic remedy interacts with the life force, it produces an artificial or transient set of symptoms, provided that remedy is similimum. This intensification of the symptom is called Homeopathic aggravation. The symptoms can last for 1 week or less.
Homeopathy believes that the diseases originate at the life force, which is dynamic in nature and when a dynamic remedy interacts with the life force, it produces an artificial or transient set of symptoms, provided that remedy is similimum. This intensification of the symptom is called Homeopathic aggravation. The symptoms can last for 1 week or less.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Don’t be surprised if you have more emotional things appear. I have often given ignatia to ppl with trauma.I tell them to take it on a weekend when they have no obligations. What often happens is they start releasing old memories and emotions, one after the other.
It can feel like a roller coaster and emotions always feel like real time, and it’s very uncomfortable but they release and then the person feels more at peace.
With trauma the body codes those memories and stored them in a different place in the brain- They are set to trigger fight or flight chemicals-bc the body is doing this to keep you alive. Ignatia -if taken within a week or so after trauma prevents the memories from being coded and stored them as normal memories.
You chose well, now you have to see what happens for a couple weeks.
It can feel like a roller coaster and emotions always feel like real time, and it’s very uncomfortable but they release and then the person feels more at peace.
With trauma the body codes those memories and stored them in a different place in the brain- They are set to trigger fight or flight chemicals-bc the body is doing this to keep you alive. Ignatia -if taken within a week or so after trauma prevents the memories from being coded and stored them as normal memories.
You chose well, now you have to see what happens for a couple weeks.
♡ simone717 6 months ago
Chatran 6 months ago
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