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Lachesis: Phosphorus: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


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[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:22:14 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:22:29 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:22:44 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:23:02 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:23:39 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:24:05 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:24:23 BST]
Silicea last decade
You obviously have a problem with any kind of rule. I cannot consult with no rules at all. If you cannot even follow one thing I ask you to do, then I don't really want to use up my time here.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:24:49 BST]
Silicea last decade
deleted because I am not to happy at the moment
[message edited by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:25:21 BST]
Silicea last decade
you can delete all the emails I sent you, no need to read them.

I can not take it that everyone is getting replies but me, Its to much for me, My ego has problems with this. It causes to much stress. I rather avoid all this. Over email it cannot work. I get to angry and stressed if I am not getting replies every day or so.

Never mind. Thanks anyway
[message edited by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:18:25 BST]
Silicea last decade
I calmed down. I saw earlier I got many wrinkles under the right eye when I smile. I must have gotten them from all the skin stretching I did in an attempt to fix a few things on my face and this put me in a bad mood.
No need to help me still, if you dont wish, after I posted again.
[message edited by Silicea on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:23:55 BST]
Silicea last decade
I sent you a big email full of dreams. It took me a while. I tried to make it ordered, readable, but the formatting got a bit messed up, sorry. Dont know what happened. It looked all good before sending it.

I hope it will be helpful
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 02:37:44 BST]
Silicea last decade
Palladium seems to fit the histrionic personality disorder very well too which I have been told by some people online I apparently have.

People with this personality disorder are apparently uncurable because they always act and tell you what you want to hear... that is in terms of psychological treatment. Rarely such people with this personality disorder will want to give up their need to act and approval seeking which is needed to get cured

I might be dreaming but I think I am right about palladium describing the histrionic PD

I first thought pulsatilla, phosphorus, or even natrum muriaticum might describe the Histrionic PD, but the acting component was sort of missing, not strong in those remedies, which palladium has I would think
[message edited by Silicea on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 07:26:26 BST]
Silicea last decade

[message deleted by Silicea on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 02:37:21 BST]
Silicea last decade
Some words that describe this so called personality disorder:

strong need for applause, gets angry and frustrated if they don't get what they want, likes to be popular, believes winning is no fun unless people know you won, desires more attention, competes for the spotlight, grew up feeling they had to stand out to be happy, gets attention through negative behavior, self absorbed, frequently feels envious, likes to manipulate others, superficial, tends to become involved with people quickly, feels best when admired, wants things done their way, used to getting their way, uses their looks to get what they want, quick tempered, impulsive, vain, loves to win awards, performer, entertainer, pleasure seeking, swayed by emotions, prefers instant gratification, self promoting, believes in success through appearances, wealth seeking

1.self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotions;
2.suggestibility, easily influenced by others or by circumstances;
3.shallow and labile affectivity;
4.continual seeking for excitement and activities in which the patient is the center of attention;
5.inappropriate seductiveness in appearance or behavior;
6.over-concern with physical attractiveness

P - provocative (or seductive) behavior
R - relationships, considered more intimate than they are
A - attention, must be at center of
I - influenced easily
S - speech (style) - wants to impress, lacks detail
E - emotional lability, shallowness

M - make-up - physical appearance used to draw attention to self
E - exaggerated emotions - theatrical

Wonder what remedy or remedies this sounds like
[message edited by Silicea on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 03:14:59 BST]
Silicea last decade
There are things I would disagree with there about Palladium.

They do not create intimacy where there is little or none.

They are not influenced easily at all except in so much as that if you flatter them they like you.

They are not emotionally shallow.

Being told online what you are, is not the truth, and a remedy should never be given based on the opinion of others. Only the patient knows the truth, even if they cannot translate it across into a remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thanks for reply. I deleted above posts because I did not want to post about my case. Decided to delete as I think I can live without needing to share.

I did think the same that no remedy describes it perfectly, so it maybe is than a mix of remedies, and you would prescribe on what is most prominent in the person, example the suggestability intimacy problem which sounds more like phosphorus, or the acting and approval seeking which sounds more like another remedy.

I went to the beach and had a good experience, I did not avoid people as usual, and had a small conversation about something with a dog owner, without the usual bad feelings.
I dont know what to think. It seems a bit to easy that I happen to take a remedy and feel well again. Although I dont want to speak to soon. Wait a bit more, but I feel fine and think I am good looking.

Ah I shared again. Argh its difficult to keep inside. Hope its ok. Its the approval seeking. Makes me feel good sharing that I feel good because people gona like hearing this.
[message edited by Silicea on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 05:33:52 BST]
Silicea last decade
You will know that you have taken a truly curative remedy, because you will not be thinking about what people think, or your looks, or any of those things. Health is a kind of forgetting, Disease is a kind of obsessing.

This has happened before for you. Phosphorous, Lachesis, Nat-mur - same kind of reaction. It is either palliatve, or it is placebo.

I had a patient the other week who continually came to me after every remedy complaining of the emotional pain she felt every time she took one. Similar kinds of reactions each time, hysterical, over the top, blaming and accusing. I had given her 10 different remedies! So last time I saw her, I gave her water, and she had the same reaction. I realized that the remedy had nothing to with it, she was reacting to the IDEA of the remedy, and it was always HER reaction.

Watching this pattern forming with you as well, I would say that it is the same thing. You react to what the remedy represents, rather than any actual homoeopathic effect.

A remedy, in the beginning, should aggravate those symptoms it will cure, and it should clearly provoke old feelings and symptoms. I haven't seen that happen with any of these remedies yet - they always start by making you feel better. This, I think, would be a more accurate prediction of a remedy's long term usefulness for you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Double post

I might add I had an aggravation in my social anxiety yesterday. Physical effects of anxiety, eg tensions were aggravated. But mentally I felt good
[message edited by Silicea on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:16:00 BST]
Silicea last decade
I am aware of the points you brought up very well myself. I sent you an email just before I saw this reply from you on here. And I mention the thing of placebo there.

I am a suggestible person I would say in many ways although when it comes to things like homeopathy I am not at all, and don't believe until I see for myself.

I can see your point. I am open to the fact that it might be true. At this moment though I doubt it based on how I feel. But we will see in the end anyway.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will keep to email now again, if its ok.
Silicea last decade
Ah I had a bit difficulty yesterday night. WHile lieing in bed to fall asleep and listening to music I thought about something like this: I won, I fought off all the animal remedies, row 2, 3 and 4 of the minerals and the Low lycopodium.

This thought again caused me to feel this heavy feelings on my chest and head, it was the same feeling/sensation I get when I have my 'ego struggle'. heaviness and opression on my chest and head.

Well the feelings didnt go away and stayed for many hours. I couldnt sleep. I was in a 'fight mood' and even visualizing in my mind of people climbing up my window and me cutting their hands off with an axe to make them fall down or something and I visualized some other similar things like that

I dont know, I think I got some of that syphlitic miasm. this opression on my chest, heaviness that comes on mostly when I am in my ego struggle or in a fighting mood is quite heavy and makes me destructive. So its not always here though, certain things trigger it only as I mentioned.

I couldnt sleep for hours, my head felt heavy too as if I have a heavy weight on my head, and its squeezing my brain. Than I kept thinking to myself that nothing can defeat me over and over in my head and it made me feel good in a way although I felt horrible. What I mean is as I mentioned before I am the type of person who feels good when he has something to fight or battle in the sense that nothing is big or strong enough to defeat me. So this makes me feel good.

Although I used to hate seeing it in this way for the past years, since I read some spiritual books and from the knowledge or enlightment I gained from reading those type of books, it does not seem to intelligent to see it as a fight or battle anymore. It seems unintelligent and low. When I hear people use the words to fight an illness I have to laugh, or I remember I laughed with my brother when I heard the prime minister speak on the _______ earthquake that happened here a few months ago by calling it a violent act of nature. I couldnt help but laugh and think how unenlightened some people are. Earthquakes are things that happen, you cannot call it a ruthless act of nature. Thats an ego thing, calling it this way and sounds pretty low. Although I am aware what I am doing right now, which is trying sound smarter and more enlightened is also a low thing... to me at least. So I shouldnt do this and need to stop.

Well today I had to go with my mother to get my warrant of fitness for my car. And I sure see some improvement. The bad feelings about me are fading... I felt ok with being close to people, no bad feelings really. And felt good about myself. For some reason I feel when someone looks at me that they look at me for a long time as if they see someone 'special' in front of them. It might be just in my mind. I dont know. Although I doubt it. I see it with my own eyes. I feel like people take a good look at me. That something about me is different than from other people in a good way. I must stand out and am not like everyone else.

I also thought to myself and asked my mother: how can people decide to be auto mechanics or panel beaters... even out some bumps and holes on vehicles for their whole life time. I could not do it. I would rather die. I would need to do something bigger than this and something where I would be seen by many many many people otherwise its not a job for me.

I would prefer posting my case on here than by email. It makes me feel better when I have more exposure. If its ok

I have a question... you say when you take a truly curative remedy you will know it because you will not obsess about anything anymore, which I know... but what I dont know is how long since taking a curative remedy does this happen... Its only day 6 since taking a dose of palladium.

A dream I had tonight very briefly, dont feel like writing it in detail... I watched a movie, it was about jesus... than it seemed I was jesus in that movie or the dream changed or something.

I was at a place that looked like a castle or something and destroyed all flags of the enemy. THan the guards were alerted by it and I was chased by the whole army protecting the castle - it was the swiss army. They were throwing sharp things at me. It was difficult to escape. Then I found me a scooter outside the big building and drove off but a guy chased me on a faster motorbike and kept shooting at my wheels. Although I kept driving and my wheels were still ok. Than he yelled a few things at me about him needing to take me back to those people in the castle or whatever this big building was. And I stopped. Than later I just saw in a 3rd person view Jesus again, standing with his mother on the side of the road with all his wounds from being tortured going to the man to take him away.

A bit confusing dream. No idea what to think of it.

I had more dreams tonight but cannot remember them in detail. One was about some big battles forming, although none happened. It was like I was back in time, the setting was like in the old times, Greek, rome, egypt. I remember I was on a big land, , running to safety, behind a big wall in a village or something, looking back at the big open land hoping no army will be there or something. Although not sure. All i remember from it is, horses, big land, going behind the wall, than some people in a house had a crystal ball and looked into it to tell the future or something. Cannot say much more, dont remember much
Silicea last decade
My current view is this:

I feel better about myself and therefore I am unwilling to take any remedy that is considered low to me at this moment, which is pretty much every remedy anyway.

My view might change again, but for the moment I am unwilling. Based on that I dont see what I would gain from taking a low remedy. I would only loose. I would not want to live being a low remedy. I rather have my problems which arent to bad at this moment than consider myself a low remedy.

Being low but free of anxiety does not sound to appeasing to me.
Silicea last decade
I found out that this words: 'nothing can defeat me, I won' help a great deal with my anxiety.

I walked past people saying this words over in my mind and it helped. I felt so tense, my abdomens were hard like stone. But anxiety did not enter my mind which was very good. Although I was walking around looking like a killer probably from the tensions and coz I was in a fight state. But it felt good. Empowering. And I yawned a 100 times with tears rolling down my face after saying above words many times . Seems to have a curative/releasing effect on me. And my chest expands whenever i say those words.

Otherwise nothing new to report.
Silicea last decade
Today it was all day about “Nothing can defeat me, I won” again. These are words that act like a remedy on me and feel empowering. They give the power back to me, into my hands. It changes everything. Going out for a walk feels like a battle again. One I am looking forward too. I am not one to avoid a good battle. If I would avoid it I could not live with myself. I feel like I am on the winning side again. At this moment for now I don’t feel like taking any remedies anymore. I certainly don’t want to quit and take the easy way out with taking a remedy, now that the battle has become interesting again; the tides of the battle have turned into my favour. Although on the other hand, thinking outside of the box I can see I am fighting a small battle, although it seems rather big to me. So if I took a remedy I would probably start fighting bigger battles than these small ones that I am fighting now (taking an observing look).

Anyway had some situations today where I did not avoid conflict but fought for what I thought was right and wrong. Had an argument with my brother in front of my father and I won it. My father didn’t even say a word to me…. And that’s how I like it. The magic words of “Nothing can defeat me, I won” made me fight when the anxiety hit me by being accused wrongly in front of my father. I usually would not argue in front of my father, but today I did and there was no doubt in my mind that I won and later without a doubt in me whether I won or not I went to my brother and talked to him about something and could see how he was a bit anxious in front of me by the clear defeat he got.

I feel good in this moment.

My verdict on palladium after 7 days is: I like the improvements, although it still all a battle. So palladium probably is not the remedy, not big enough improvements.
Silicea last decade

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