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DepressionSocial Phobia



Posts about Depression, Social Phobia

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Low self confidence and social phobia22Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Atypical depression/social phobia - "details"

- Extreme fatigue, lack of (really feels like absolute abscence of) physical energy
- eating calms the hunger pangs but no energy
- loss of motor control, absolutely no energy. Sometimes even holding a pen and signing my own name is a major task.
- trembling, shakiness - sometimes just standing makes me tremble
- marked daytime drowsiness
- Don't feel like doing anything - mainly due to drowsyness and lack of energy
- "constant" pain in lower back and right side of abdomen. Pain sometimes goes upto right testicle. No pain on left side at all. Pain does not travel from right to left or vice versa. Only on the lower back - "from middle to the right" side.
Numerpous x-rays, cat-scan, mri has shown no abnormalities!
- small boils with sticky water on hands, cracks and fingures speially after consumption of alcohol, after sex or in hot weather
- dry lips year around (no cracks though - just dry lips and hands, usually after shower)
- Can't urinate in public restrooms - must find toilet with doors AND usually far away in some lonely/isolated corner away from crowded place or public traffic!
- close curtains as soon as come home even during daytime
- inhibited/suppressed emotions, no free flowing emotions. Can't blurt out how or what I feel
- get angry very easily
- Not much alliviation or aggravation in any of my symptoms. Usually constant and non-changeable as if body, mind and spirit are locked into fix state or position.
- can't express emotions freely. Usually will inhibit, suppress anger inside even when other person is wrong!
- some dyslexic behaviour noticed
- Usually do things in "hurry"
- Not obssesed with or desire to do anything
- usually dwell on or have sexual thoughts though (can't help it!)
- easy going nature, crack jokes and like to make people laugh!
- can't bear criticism
- can't answer back usually
- sensitive to loud noise, music, light (sun light or man made light) - prefer semi darkened room
- get startled very easily
- definitely can't express anger - will bury anger inside.
- as far as food goes, no particular craving or aversion to any particular type of food. Like little warm food then cold though. Can't handle sour foods - gives acidity
- feel very fearful in public places - room full of people, stagefright. Center of attention - can't handle it, walking along a footpath is a major task!
- very forgetful, can't remember names or something someone just said
- won't wear new clothes, shoes...basically don't want to be noticed - again don't want to draw attention is the basic feeling (tendency to be inherently fearfull and timidity is playing a major role here and all my interactions with outside
- introvert rather then extrovert - in speaking as well as most interactions in life
- Imagine a lonely lady walking alone at night - will definitely feel more comfortable even if a small child was to accompny her. Even though it is only a small child, it gives her some comfort and confidence. Likewise, if I am in new place , I seek some company - this gives me some confidence inside but otherwise like to be alone
- I must know everything before hand otherwise feel very uptight and uncomfortable
- usually don't suffer from any kind of headaches.
- very little sweat.
- prefer little cold weather then hot
- not at all worrytype, constantly anxious or depressed even though some degree of depression is expected. Instead, it is
"sudden" apprehension, shear terror feeings that seem to come out of no where, specially interactions where people are involved!
- no bad dreams or horrific dreams.
- no fear of animals or spiders or snakes or dreams of fearful nature. Just the day-today "social" interactions are fearfull!
- I don't think I ever felt wide awake or alert or in control - it is usually foggy, drowsey and dull - day or night.
- no power in voice or speaking. Sometimes can't hear myself speaking! Very weak and feable voice. (I think it is because of
inherent fearfulness or timidity - meaning how can I speak loudly!)
- If I ever argue then my whole body starts shaking and trembling
- get tearful eyes when spoken to in loud voice or criticed.
- highly sensitive - entire system gets "overwhelmed" very very easily. Start trembling when excited - positively or negatively!
- usual reaction of fear is fight or flight - mine is freeze! My entire system gets frozen where I can't see or think anything! Imagine a rat just sensed a snake. Instantly rat is mobilized of shear terror!

Numerous therapies from tradtional to nontraditonal have not yeilded any positive result. My main complaints are total
physical fatigue or lack of physical energy, day-time drowsiness even after good night sleep, heaviness of limbs/body again due to lack of energy and very fragile emotional makeup -specially in social settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  bobmt on 2005-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Very detailed post. Your case is a complicated one and might be difficult to treat with online treatment. You can be certainly benefited by a qualified Homeopath as Homeopathy helps by stimulating the Curative Energy in the body to address the problem.

We can certainly try with Argentum Nitricum to see if it can benefit you as you are presenting a classical picture of this remedy.

Take Argentum Nitricum 200C four times on a single day.
Wait for a week.
Take Selenium 30C four times on a single day.
Wait for a week and repeat the above pattern.

You need to take the above two medicines for at least two months.
Svara last decade
Thank you Svara for responding. I was begining to doubt if my post was even valid since no one had replied. Anyway...

Thank you for your suggestions. I will certainly give it a try. But quick question though: Do arg nit. and Sel have primary function of treating fatigue by any chance? Because I have suffered from this fatigue issue ever since I think I became conscious, and that would be for last 45 years - and I am 45 years old! I think if I can get over this "fatigue" issue then I will be in a much better position to handle the "other" issues since "energy" is what will allow me to handle myself in any given situation, better. If you don't mind then please educate me a little more as to why you chose these particular remedies. Thank you very much in advance.
bobmt last decade
The symptoms loss of motor control, trembling, shakiness, drowsiness, heaviness of limbs/body are somewhat pointing to Locomotor Ataxia and Argentum Nitricum is one of the principle remedies that can treat this.

General anxiety, depression, social phobia, disturbance in memory, doing things in a "hurry", are the mind symptoms that match the mind symptoms of Argentum Nitricum.

Selenium is often given for the symptoms like great debility and nervous prostration after prolonged illness.
Svara last decade
Thank you Svara for valuable information. I will get the med and report back on how things are working. Thanks again.

PS: I was going thru site and some posts and came across Nat Mur. I am wondering what the basic difference would be between arg nit and Nat Mur because Nat Mur also seem to match to many of my symptoms - any after thoughts? Please advice. Thanks.
bobmt last decade
There are some symptoms that are common in Natrum Muriaticum and Argentum Nitricum from the symptoms that you are presenting. However, the mind rubrics are the ones that are most important to consider for choosing a remedy. The most striking and peculiar symptoms like "do things in hurry", "Social Phobia" along with other mind symptoms are unique to Argn Nit. Also, modality "Right side affected" is pointing to this remedy. Moreover, Argn Nit is indicated for fatigue and locomotor ataxia type of symptoms that you are presenting. It is also indicated for acidity, as this symptom is also present in this remedy.

With best regards
Svara last decade
Things to consider while taking homeopathic remedies:

-- No food or drinks 30 minutes before and after taking the remedy.

-- Limit your coffee intake to very minimum (if you can avoid, much better).

-- No soda or pop that contains caffeine.

-- If you smoke and/or consume alcohol, keep it to minimum as these stimulants may interfere with the action of homeopathic remedies.
Svara last decade
Thank you so much for explanation Svara. Just a one more quick question: I already have few homeopathic remedies but they are in 1M strength. If I was to take 1M arg nit and 1M Sel then what would be the dosage and frequency? Thanks. And are these remedies for acute or chronic illnesses? Because I, preferably, am not looking for temp relief, that is, take it as per needed basis but rather for longterm relief. Per one recent post someone had indicated that she takes Arg Nit before the anxiety "anticipaptory event" and that provides her relief and that in itself would be nice but not a cure that I am looking for. Any feedback? Thanks.

PS; I chew tobacco with bettle nuts quite a bit that contains menthol. I know it is not good but I think that is the only thing that keeps me going or so it seems. Is that going to interfere with the remedies? I don't drink alcohol or coffee or pops much at all.
bobmt last decade
It is always preferable to start with the dosage (argn nit 200c, sel 30c). With 1M potencies, the waiting time is generally more. Also, these medicines are indicated for chronic ailments.

Try to keep your tobacco chewing to a minimum (or avoid if you can). Since you chew tobacco, make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly before taking the remedies.
Svara last decade
Okay, thanks svara for your time and information. I will post results back in due time...
bobmt last decade
dear savra i have same problem means depression+weakness like low suger(hapogulcemia) feel better after i take same meal.i have high pb but right now normal.acidity righ now normal no sugar problem.itake rawifia q and nat phose..age 36 mother of three kids house wife +doing part time job too.i dont feel like going at work i feel lazy weak.
uzma khanum last decade
'Take Argentum Nitricum 200C four times on a single day.
Wait for a week.
Take Selenium 30C four times on a single day.
Wait for a week and repeat the above pattern.'

Do you take 1 tablet 4 different times in a day, or do you take 4 tablets at once?

I'm a smoker, i can stick with 1 coffee a day to minimize my caffeine intake...... will this work?

Thanks guys
escobar last decade

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