The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Itchy skin
1. Each symptom in as much detail as possible. For example, for a headache, describe the type of pain (ie sharp, dull, stabbing, pulsating etc etc)Itching and flaking of skin in perineal area. The skin behind scrotum feels rough. A lot of dead skin flakes off if I scratch it. On butt cheeks close to anus it also gets itchy. Area around testicles feels sweaty.
Also have a dry rash behind my left ear, in each of my underarms and on penile shaft. The skin on the penis shaft is very flaky at times and gets itchy.
All these rashes can get very itchy at times. The scrotal area itch is quite severe.
2. Where each symptom is located (ie at right temples)
Behind scrotum.
In each armpit.
Behind left ear lobe.
Penile shaft.
Belly button.
3. What first started it off (ie walking in a cold wind)
Not really sure what first started it off. Just noticed intense itching in anal area. A year before I had fungal infection on my penis and bellybutton which I treated with an anti-fungal medication.
4. When it's worse (ie on seeing bright lights, on stepping, before period, etc)
It is worse when I have been sitting for a while and sweat has accumulated over time.
5. When it feels better (ie lying down in a dark room, when warm, when cold)
Feels better when I have dried it off or when I have scratched it. Although the scratching leads to the skin getting cut and bleeding which results in a different pain.
6. Your sleep pattern and details of any recurring dreams.
Sleep pattern is regular. I get 7-8 hours of restful sleep. No recurring dreams that I recall.
7. What you are sensitive to (ie, heat, cold, touch, criticism, etc)
I am sensitive to cold. My hands and feet will get numb in moderately cold weather. I am sensitive to criticism.
8. Your state of mind (fears, anxieties, attitudes, moods, etc)
Mind is relaxed most of the time. I get bored quickly so must keep myself busy. Occasionally I can be overly paranoid.
9. Any desires or aversions for particular foods, and wether certain foods make you feel better or worse.
I have desires for sweet foods and then must counterbalance that with some salty. Usually I eat more sweet and then eat only a little salty to change the taste in my mouth.
10. Details of any major diseases suffered in past.
No major diseases currently. I had high cholesterol a few years back but my cholesterol is now in the good range as a result of eating a better diet.
11. Detals of any reactions to other medicines taken.
Anti-fungal creams help for a little bit but then cause me to feel more itchy in the areas where I have put them on.
12. History of homeopathic treatment if any.
I have not taken any homeopathic medicine for this ailment but have taken in the past (more than 6 months ago) for fever and cold.
13. All other symptoms you have (ie watering eyes, cold feet, thirst).
I have seasonal allergies. Sensitivity to cold. My hands and feet get cold fast. My skin gets very dry in the winter to the point where it can crack and bleed if I dont use moisturizer. The inside of my left nostril also has a tendency to crack and bleed when I have colds or allergies.
What do you suggest I take to help with my condition?
Thank You
[message edited by synergy3000 on Fri, 04 Nov 2011 00:36:53 GMT]
synergy3000 on 2011-11-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Graphites 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in next 7 days.
If there is no relief you may take the following remedies one by one in the above fashion. Please stop if any remedy gives relief.
lycopodium 30
sulphur 30
Calcarea Carb 30
psorinum 200 (single dose instead of 6 doses as above).
If there is no relief you may take the following remedies one by one in the above fashion. Please stop if any remedy gives relief.
lycopodium 30
sulphur 30
Calcarea Carb 30
psorinum 200 (single dose instead of 6 doses as above).
♡ kadwa last decade
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