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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

About Lycopodium

6 days ago i went to an homeopath for a psychiatric problem that i have for 5-6 years.

Feelings and phobias about women and relationships. Afraid of being cheated/abandoned due to sexual insufficiency due to penis size (although my penis size is above average).

All these due to a traumatic period of my life (bad relationship with my father, betrayed, bad attitude and many more).

He gave me:

1st day Lycopodium 1M.
2nd day Lycopodium 10M.
And Lycopodium 6ch 1 dose a day (but i was taking 2 doses because i feel totally frustrated and scared about not being healed).

The 2nd and 3rd day i felt some (not strong) pain in my left inner ear.


When Lycopodium is going to start changing my mental/emotional state?
  brain on 2012-04-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is what you have a doctor for.
If it is the right remedy I would think
you would be noticing something by now-???

Taking more of the 6c than the dr.
told you can produce an aggravation.
Did you tell the homeopath that you are
doing that?

Remedies can produce a flare up of old
things and then turn into a better mental
state and then more physical things
and old states start leaving. That is
the right direction of cure. Usually
people are told to wait and watch
how things are affecting them over
a week to 2 weeks to see if they
are doing anything. What does your
homeopath say about this??
simone717 last decade
I am somewhat sceptical about using so many high doses of a remedy in a short space of time. He should decide on one and give a single dose, waiting a reasonable amount of time to give another.

That aside, you would not expect to see marked improvement for several weeks, and with many long term conditions it may be months.

The degree of improvement will vary quite a bit too. Some people might experience 90%, while another will only feel about 20% better. These responses are assessed by the homoeopath who will then decide on how to take the next step in treatment.

However small improvements should generally show after about 1 week. These should continue to increase over that week and the next, and will usually stabalize throughout that third week. Individual reactions vary, so some people might relapse at this stage, while others will remain at this level of improvement for some time. The number of doses you need, and the length of time those doses continue to work for you, depends on many factors.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 02 Apr 2012 00:15:37 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Reply to simone717:

My doctor said that he cannot answer my question (when lycopodium will start changing my mental state) because there are no general rules for that.

I talked to him some minutes ago. He can't even evaluate my symptoms before I get all my remaining 30caps of 6ch lycopodium.

He is a good doctor, but he can't feel this dramatic period of my life. Everyday is so hard.

If I knew that lycopodium is the right the remedy I could wait, but how can I wait for a month without being sure that I'll get some good changes?

That's why I asked about Lycopodium, in order to take a reply from someone with personal/clinical experience.

Replay to brisbanehomoeopath:

If every week I could feel something light but different I would be ok, I need everytime to know that I'm going better.
I know it's a deep-acting remedy but my life is a total disaster now and I want to get off it as soon as possible and start my life from the beginning.
brain last decade
Hi- so sorry but this is just the way
it works. You have to wait for at least
a couple weeks to see what the remedy
is doing or not doing. Write down
every day what you are noticing and
keep your doctor informed. Sometimes
a remedy will peel off a layer of things
where then the homeopath can see
what is the next remedy.Many many
cases work like this. You can get better,
and you are doing the right thing here
by using the homeopathy.You have to
give your doctor and this prescription
a chance right now for another 10 days
at least. If you feel you are getting
nowhere with your doctor after a few
weeks you can come on here and
try someone on here to help you.
simone717 last decade
I suppose that I can't do anything else except from waiting...

The only positive thing is my 2-days inner ear pain. I suppose that's an aggravation which means it's the right remedy. Who knows.
brain last decade
Hi brain,

the inner ear has a lot to do with the
brain !! - keep the faith, I know this
homeopathy can fix this-and it will if
you hang in there.You can use the forum
to connect with people if that helps-
you are not alone in your journey here!!

simone717 last decade
Well, it was not placebo, It was really aching.

I hope I'll win.

Thanks for the support :)
brain last decade
Yes, you have the entire forum support
healers and patients who are in total
agreement that people are healed. Feel
free to update as you go along. Many
good healers on this site- they don't
work the same way, but they are devoted
to ending suffering and volunteer their
time. This is a good place-we want what
you want , no matter how many twists and turns it takes to get there.Just
knowing that can give you strength-
everyone needs good support.

simone717 last decade
simone it is a clear case of hurt sentiments and in my view his remedy is staphysagaria .this suggestion is not for patient. this is a exchange of view between two doctor .pl donot presume i am interfereing in any way. j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
To akshaymohl:

Hm... staphysagria?
One of my previous homeopaths suggested to me this... When I took it a 2-3years wart in my finger disappeared.
I couldn't though continue with this homeopath because he was living to an other city.

So I stopped taking staphysagria.
brain last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.