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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive hair loss possibly due to thyroid Page 2 of 5

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Are foods with onion garlic allowed with thus medicine?
prachi21 last decade
Yes no prob.
Zady101 last decade
But some people told me that it us not taken with homeopathic medicine?
prachi21 last decade
Hi, u have been taking the meds regularly now for one more week. I think thee us some improvement in the constipation condition. I feel less moody and sad, but there is always one day in every week when i feel very afraid of failing in future, not able to get the job that i want.
also hair fall has not improved and thee is some dandruff ( although i use this shampoo called k2zole).
i have been feeling too sleepy also, almost 10 hours of sleep at night. I have exams coming up and i dont know what to do. Also thre is some weakness in the morning after i get up in the hands. Probably due to thyroid.
what would be your advice?
[message edited by prachi21 on Sat, 15 Feb 2014 04:51:43 GMT]
prachi21 last decade
Hi, I have been taking the meds regularly now for one more week. I think thee us some improvement in the constipation condition. I feel less moody and sad, but there is always one day in every week when i feel very afraid of failing in future, not able to get the job that i want.
also hair fall has not improved and thee is some dandruff ( although i use this shampoo called k2zole).
i have been feeling too sleepy also, almost 10 hours of sleep at night. I have exams coming up and i dont know what to do. Also thre is some weakness in the morning after i get up in the hands. Probably due to thyroid.
what would be your advice?
prachi21 last decade
Hi, Dr zady. How shall i continue with the medicine?
prachi21 last decade
Sorry to be repetitive but can you please advise me in the future course ti be followed?
thanks :)
prachi21 last decade
Hi zady, would really appreciate if you can tell me about the continuance of the medicine. Thanks:)
prachi21 last decade
Yes please continue Lycopodium 6C. Update me after 10 days.
Zady101 last decade
Hi, i have been having the med regularly now but though i no longer feel angry anymore but i do get really nervous sometimes. And feel this fear all the time of failure. My hairfall saw a bit of improvement a week back but they have again started falling in huge bunches. How shall i continue? Also is chocolate allowed. . .cuz i ate somethings with choclate in it . . And somehow i fear that it myt be because of that. I am really worried about my exam and hair. . Pls help me :(
prachi21 last decade
Please discontinue lycopodium for 1 wk. Instead, take Kali phos 6X twice a day.
Zady101 last decade
Are kali phos are tablets? And dp they have any side effects?
[message edited by prachi21 on Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:05:22 GMT]
prachi21 last decade

No side effects.
Zady101 last decade
How many tablets of kaliphos are to be taken in one time?
prachi21 last decade
4 tabs
Zady101 last decade
Hi, i have taken kaliphos for a week now. The medicine has had the effect jus like lycopodium, but though i could see that wth lycopodium my hair fall had become quite less, with kaliphos it has increased . What shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
Lycopodium 6C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this ONCE everyday for 5 days on how you feel.
Zady101 last decade
Also my constipation is not improving anymore. How shall i proceed?
prachi21 last decade
Proceed with lyco onlg. Eat more fibrous fruits to keep constipation at bay. You may also take isabghol 2-3 spoons with warm milk at night time.
Zady101 last decade
Hi, i have taken lyco as told by you . .but i have been having immense tension wrt my studies and i don't even feel like studying. I just cant concentrate. I feel sleepy all the time. How shall I proceed further?
prachi21 last decade
Please stop lyco. Take kali phos 6X, 4 tabs twice a day for 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
But that leads to hairfall and constipation and sleepiness.
prachi21 last decade
Ok let me analyze once again. Giv me a day
Zady101 last decade
Hi,how can I proceed further?
prachi21 last decade
Thuja 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 3 days.

No further doses after 3 days. Use disposable cup and disposable spoon (mandatory). Throw away the cup and spoon after 3rd dose on 3rd day.

Note: You will not take any allopathic med without first discussing with me.
Zady101 last decade
Sure. I havent taken any till now too. Also, what all precaitions do I have to taken while eating?
will this med also help me in concentrating while studying and control panic and anger?
prachi21 last decade

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