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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive hair loss possibly due to thyroid Page 4 of 5

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Please get Thuja 200 and let me know when u hv it
Zady101 last decade
i have got thuja 200.
prachi21 last decade
hi i have got thuja 200. will it treat,my white hair too? and also with memory cuz i tend to forget what i have studied after a day or two and where i have kept my things. .i have to write eveything down. .
prachi21 last decade
Thuja 200

Dissolve 1 drop in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon

Throw away the cup and spoon.

Update after 5-7 days or earlier if needed.
Zady101 last decade
hi dr. can you tell me,in how much time does the medocone work. i took the med two days back. off late i have been feeling very angry and dont feel,like studying at all. my mind fewls clogged when i study though i am able to retain what i study but the amount that i study has gone very down. shall i wait forr some more days and see?
prachi21 last decade
hi dr. its been around 6ays since i took the meds. but my hair fall has increased andmy hair has become very fragule and brittle.. i feel angry but not so much. whule syudying i feel hopeful. but my hair is fallung. what shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
I am not doing hair treatment here. I am doing overall treatment.

Pls wait 1 more wk
Zady101 last decade
jaborandi hair oil by SBL is also effective. massage your scalp with this oil in night and you will see change within a week. if you also take scalptone tablets by sbl then it will also help to control hair fall . take this only 2-3 time a day .
justin99 last decade
hi dr. in the past one week i have noticed that at night when i sit to study i feel very scared of what would happen and that makes me work almost neglible. this feeling sets in almost as the evenjng sets in. also, i feel irritaed on small things sometimes.
i got my tsh tested and its 6.5 and maybe thats why i am javing more hairfall than normal and my hair has also become very brittle and fragile.
i tend to forget things very easily. i study very hard and revise twice but i forget details and even when i recall,,i manage to blabber.
prachi21 last decade
i am also patient not dr. but i have used above two medicine and got relief from hair fall.
Did you ever take any homeopathic treatment by Hair transmission homeopathic method. means treatment of disease by using patient hair.
such dr. may misuse this method and can give you odd problems mainly related to mind and hormone.
justin99 last decade
no. i never took any homeopathy treatment before like that.
prachi21 last decade
then its ok.
actully i have also thyroid problem from last 2years . i am trying to getting complete cure of this problem thats why i check your questions.
justin99 last decade
sorry to interrupt you. Please keep answering this questionnaire Dr. Zady.
justin99 last decade
Hair fall is mostly depends upon the diet plan. If we take healthier food, then we have a very less chance to affected by hair loss problem. Due to illness also, we can affect by this problem, It will be happen in rare cases.
frankyjannie last decade
hi dr. in the past two weeks i have noticed that at night when i sit
to study i feel very scared of what would happen and that makes me
work almost neglible. this feeling sets in almost as the evenjng sets
in. My output after evening is almost zero. I am unable to concentrate and tend to procastinate that i will study after one hour .

also, i feel irritaed on small things sometimes.
i got my tsh tested and its 6.5 and maybe thats why i am javing more hairfall than
normal and my hair has also become very brittle and fragile. i tend to
forget things very easily. i study very hard and revise twice but i
forget details.
i feel very hungry all the time. i have been feeling very tensed due
to which i havent studied anythinng in past one week. even during mock
exams im not able to concentrate on the paper but just feel like
getting out of the exam hall.
prachi21 last decade
Silicea 6C

Dissolve 1 drop or 2 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this twice a day for 3 days and update me.

keep a cup separate. Preferable use a disposable cup which you keep aside for dosing.
[message edited by Zady101 on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 08:43:37 BST]
Zady101 last decade
hello dr. after taking the med i feel very optimistic and that sometumes motivates me to work more, though i still dont work much and keep on procastinating feeling i will be able to. i no longer feel scared at night. also i dont feel veey hungry as i used to all the time so thats good.
my hair fall is also too much and my hair is becoming brittle. there us thus weird kind of dandruff-like thing which doesnt fall on clothes but seicls to my scalp. like oil frozen in winters but creamish in colour and that too mostly at the top back side of my scalp.

what shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
Pls continue for 5 more days.
Zady101 last decade
as in shall i take med for 5 more days?
prachi21 last decade
hello dr. i have completed the dive day course.

i feel much calmer and can concentraye on things better even while giving exams. i dont feel excessively hungry. my habit of procastination though still persists but to a great extent ut is lesser than before.
but my hair fall has not gone down. i know that the meeds i am taking are for my overall well being but my hair are thinning dad by day.

what would you advise now?
prachi21 last decade
Take for 1 wk more
Zady101 last decade
hi dr. i havr completed the 1week course. but this time . . i have not been calm . . very tensed and didnt feel like studyung . . .i keep feeling angry and irritated. my exam is next month and i feel like not atudying and just leave everything. Also i feel very sleepy . . as soon as i sit to study i feel like going to sleep

my hairfall has not gone down too. its too much.
what would you advise now?
[message edited by prachi21 on Sun, 06 Jul 2014 04:46:24 BST]
prachi21 last decade
hi dr. i have been very restless al day. and i am unable ro concentraye even for 15min. i am feeling very tensed with my exam only a month away. alao i keep on procastinatung my studies. my hair fall is also around 50 a day from 15 earlier.
what shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
arsenic alb 30
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 3 days.
Zady101 last decade
hello dr.
today when i brushed my hair (did not wash) wi
prachi21 last decade
hello dr. just wanred to update
today when i brushed my hair (did not wash) with every stroke of comb i had 15 strands coming out
i had around 150 hair by the end
my restlessness and tension has increased so much that i start crying due to it as soon as i get up in the morning,
i am not able to study a word in the entire daay.
i also feel that no one undersrands me and even my parents dont care
should i still take arsenic alb?
prachi21 last decade

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