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Hair Loss



Posts about Hair Loss

hair loss1Constipation,thyroid,hairloss8Hair loss4Excess grey hair and heavy hair loss11Uterine fibroids and hair loss4Female sever Hair Loss3Severe hair loss1Female hair loss2carcinosinum and hair loss6hair loss1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive hair loss possibly due to thyroid Page 3 of 5

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Sure. I havent taken any till now too. Also, what all precaitions do I have to taken while eating?
will this med also help me in concentrating while studying and control panic and anger?
prachi21 last decade
Pls can anyone suggest me remedies for hair loss and masturbation
[message edited by Armaan006 on Sat, 05 Apr 2014 09:57:37 BST]
Armaan006 last decade
Have u taken the remedy?
Zady101 last decade
I have started today. The medicine was not available at the local store. What kind of disposable glass am i supposed yo take it in, plastic, thermocol or cardboard?
prachi21 last decade
Zady101 last decade
Hi, i have taken the,meds fr the said 3 days. Thee has been improvement in my mood and i feel calm. Also hairfall seems to have improved a bit. I dont feel so sleepy as I was earlier. But the problem of constipation persists. Though i eat fruits and vegetables.
how shall i continue?
prachi21 last decade
No homeo med for few days now.

For constipation take isabghol with warm milk
Zady101 last decade
Hi, till how long will the meds are not supposed to be taken.
prachi21 last decade
Hi, in past dew days my hair fall had been normal. Also, my mood had been calm. But since 1-2 days, hair fall has increased back to the same level. What shall i do? Also will mu grey hair also stop greying?
prachi21 last decade
Please take one more dose and update after 5 days
Zady101 last decade
Hi, my hair fall is normal now. But there is this thing that its very difficult for me to concentrate while studying for more them 1 hour and sometimes not even that. I have an exam for job in Aug and a lot of things are left,to be studies and revised. My saturation level comes ver easily and there are days when i dont study at all. Is it normal? Also will my grey hair become normal with the meds i am having?
prachi21 last decade
Also There is always a kind of restlessness in my mind.
prachi21 last decade
Hi. . .the hairfall has again started increasing after being ok for some time. What shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
Can u elaborate further on this:

'Also There is always a kind of restlessness in my mind'.

What is exactly happening? What r u feeling?

Also, did u have some better mood, energy and peace of mind after thuja.
Zady101 last decade
Yes i did have a peaceful effect after having thuja.
Restlessness in the sense that i am not able to concentrate while studying. There are always a 100 things going on in my mind. Everyday i attend a 3hour class wrt my prep and there only after 15 mini feel like going out. I feel i can achieve the goal but i am not able to make myself sit and study .and that makes the goal seem distant. With just 4months for the exam and almost not much prep its vital for me to study atleast 10 hours a day but cant do that for more than 2. Even though thuja had a good effect on hair and calming the mind but this restlessness still persisted.
i am thinking of getting my TSH tested cuz when i get up in the morning i feel very weak and unable to get from bed.my legs also ache after walking little.
prachi21 last decade
4 tabs Calc phos 6X + 4 tabs Calc Flour. 6X twice a day for 5 days.
Zady101 last decade
I have also,noticed that ally hair are thinning towards the end although,i just got them trimmed.
prachi21 last decade
Hi I have completed the medicine course. My hair fall did show some improvement but when I washed it today, it came out in,heaps. Like around 100 i guess whereas initially after i had started with homeopathy, it had gone down to 30-40.
also i haven't been able to study at all in past 3-4days. I wasn't restless,but i couldn't get myself to study and concentrate.

also i have started having some pimple,like thing,on my face in past 2wewks and the skin is also dull.
please tell me what,shall i do?
prachi21 last decade
Hi , how shall i proceed? My hair fall is same. Around 100 when i wash it. Also, i have not been able to concentrate in class nor able to study for more than 5 hours in total in past one week. The weakness in limbs persists after getting up though,not as much as it was in past week. How shall i proceed?
prachi21 last decade
Repeat Thuja 30 once more and update me after 5 days
[message edited by Zady101 on Fri, 25 Apr 2014 20:12:54 BST]
Zady101 last decade
Shall i take thuja for 5 days?
prachi21 last decade
No. One dose only. It is a deep acting remedy.
Zady101 last decade
Hi, My hair fall is around 50 to 60 when i dont wash it and arounfd 100 -120 when i do. I had taken thuja as you told me -once.
what shall i do now?
prachi21 last decade
How are you feeling overall?
Zady101 last decade
i feel a bit irritated with things
around. cant stand people joking about things. i feel like crying thinking that i wont be able to get thru the exam. i dont even feel like studying but have to make myself sit cuz otherwise i feel too scared of what would happen if i dont get through. its this job that is all i want ryt now. . if u dont i cant imagine as to what i would do ahead in life. . i wanna study hard but i am just not able to. also my legs feel weak. my hair are thinning towards the tip. i keep on modifying my plans all the time cuz i am never able to complete. that gives me even more tension. sometimes i feel like leaving everything and running away to luve a peaceful life where i am able to do what i wany to. i feel like all my life o have just given one exam,pr the other to get some academic reward. it seems too much now. but i also know that this is going to be the last exam of my life and if i am able to get thru this time,,i will have all the tme in the world to live lfe my way.
i am just in a werd situation of how to prepaee for this exam in such a short time.
[message edited by prachi21 on Thu, 08 May 2014 16:30:24 BST]
prachi21 last decade
Please get Thuja 200 and let me know when u hv it
Zady101 last decade

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