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Sir I’ve married, was excited the first day but depression in morning plus loss of libido…. However performance is good but the shaft doesn’t remain hard for long… can you recommend something for libido and desire / depression and extreme tiredness on waking up (sleep) probably due to sexual activity !…I couldn’t continue the medicine prescribed during marriage and prior…. Depression goes when I am too much indulged in company of many …
allergic69 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I’ve been busy in post marriage parties where I get to sleep late so feeling lethargic all day long… only feel depression free in last two hours before sleeping or when I forget about depression in a large gathering …yesterday I woke up without depression maybe due to the reason that I took half tab of anxit (benzo) which means that it’s all sleep related issue…. Some Homeo doc also recommended taking selenium 3x tabs … it’s characteristic matches my case soo much I.e sexual weakness (mood swings after love making), emission of semen during passing of stool, … sir what’s next
allergic69 3 years ago
It’s been 3 weeks now, in the first and second week depression decreased from 80% to 10% , started taking interest in family and fav activities. During these 2 weeks I exercised regularly + your medicine but not much consistency + bachflower gentian, mimulus & crab apple(hypochondria) + omega 3 capsules glutathione. Now depression again in this week when I contracted throat infection + slight allergy + stress / tussle at work (feelings of anger & revenge) + skipping of exercise & meds because of two days journey. Depression is 40 % + wheezing in chest due to clumps of phlegm as result of throat infection and slight allergy.
allergic69 2 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Day 1. 60% depression which lowered in afternoon after consuming beef steak to 20% (day spent outdoors), enjoyed rest of day and listened to music which is indicative of lifting of depression
Day 2. Woke up with 25% depression, headache, low stamina during tennis due to humidity, slept late with stable mood
Day 3. 20% depression feeling fresh . Tired at work but enjoyed while occupied with work and friends… multicoloured stool always dark in the end . Feelings of love for mother( another indication that depression is gone. Couldn’t resist temptation of masterbation
Day 4. 20% depression, sleep deprived, thick sputum , asthma attack on the start of rain
Day5. 25% depression, motivated during work but depression 30% on watching boring movie
Day 6. 20% depression, motivated, dark stool, asthma attack
Day 7. 20% depression, spent day indoor brought depression to 40% despite playing video games , exercise brought it down to 20%
Day8. 40% depression on waking then 20% at office. Nebulising decreases depression and constipation increases it. Difficulty in throwing out phlegm
Day8. 15% depression, love for family but then sleepy , good mood after tennis and gym. But allergy during outdoor activities
Day 9. 30% depression, running thoughts which subsided at work place, indigestion/ constipation
Day 10. 15% depression, constipation eased after intake of magnesium, destructive and aggressive thoughts of fight with bosses, asthma attack during rain asthma 80%.
Day 10. 20% depression, jealousy and worry about promotion, hate against injustice and discrimination. My LFTs got lower from 80 to 48(42 is normal level).
Day 11. 20% depression, imagining fights during sleep, multicoloured stool,
Day 12. Moved to a hotel for 5 days. 40% depression but lowered to 20% after playing tennis… stamina increased after few days of playing tennis. Worries and jealousy that they may not include my name in foreign visit.
Day 13. 25% depression, regrets of wasting time on unproductive activities, when tired I skip healthy activities and resort to vice of masterbation in order to deviate mind.
Day 14. 20% depression which decreased to 10% after tennis and hanging out with friends late at night with decrease of depression to 5%.
Day 1. 60% depression which lowered in afternoon after consuming beef steak to 20% (day spent outdoors), enjoyed rest of day and listened to music which is indicative of lifting of depression
Day 2. Woke up with 25% depression, headache, low stamina during tennis due to humidity, slept late with stable mood
Day 3. 20% depression feeling fresh . Tired at work but enjoyed while occupied with work and friends… multicoloured stool always dark in the end . Feelings of love for mother( another indication that depression is gone. Couldn’t resist temptation of masterbation
Day 4. 20% depression, sleep deprived, thick sputum , asthma attack on the start of rain
Day5. 25% depression, motivated during work but depression 30% on watching boring movie
Day 6. 20% depression, motivated, dark stool, asthma attack
Day 7. 20% depression, spent day indoor brought depression to 40% despite playing video games , exercise brought it down to 20%
Day8. 40% depression on waking then 20% at office. Nebulising decreases depression and constipation increases it. Difficulty in throwing out phlegm
Day8. 15% depression, love for family but then sleepy , good mood after tennis and gym. But allergy during outdoor activities
Day 9. 30% depression, running thoughts which subsided at work place, indigestion/ constipation
Day 10. 15% depression, constipation eased after intake of magnesium, destructive and aggressive thoughts of fight with bosses, asthma attack during rain asthma 80%.
Day 10. 20% depression, jealousy and worry about promotion, hate against injustice and discrimination. My LFTs got lower from 80 to 48(42 is normal level).
Day 11. 20% depression, imagining fights during sleep, multicoloured stool,
Day 12. Moved to a hotel for 5 days. 40% depression but lowered to 20% after playing tennis… stamina increased after few days of playing tennis. Worries and jealousy that they may not include my name in foreign visit.
Day 13. 25% depression, regrets of wasting time on unproductive activities, when tired I skip healthy activities and resort to vice of masterbation in order to deviate mind.
Day 14. 20% depression which decreased to 10% after tennis and hanging out with friends late at night with decrease of depression to 5%.
allergic69 last year
Allergies started when I returned home from hotel after 7 days.
Day 1 . 35% depression despite being with family, napped 4-6 pm depression increased to 60%, mood fluctuations
Day 2. 25% depression, frustration at office but remained occupied so depression decreased to 10% on returning home. So with mood my sexual urge increased too.
Day 3. 25% depression, frustration at the office with late sitting so liked the idea of coming home but mood remained at 30%, slept at 2 am.
Day 4. 25% depression started playing tennis at 5 am… initial play mood 30% then decreased to 20% … fear of getting posted away from family… mood remained 10% rest of day therefore sexual urge increased.
Day 5. 25% depression asthma under control these days …. Feeling of hating my job , imagining fights with bosses , imagining catastrophe do also started cherry plum Bach remedy for anger and white chestnut for recurring thoughts… waking up twice in night for passing urine. Disorientation on waking up as if short of oxygen
Day 6. 30% depression, watching a hopeful video on YouTube regarding depression decreased my depression… made progress at office work so depression 5 % till late at night, enjoyed the day.
Day 7. 25% depression, felt good during tennis but then boredom and recurring thoughts gets me… again slept in evening and woke up with bad mood 40% depression
Day 1 . 35% depression despite being with family, napped 4-6 pm depression increased to 60%, mood fluctuations
Day 2. 25% depression, frustration at office but remained occupied so depression decreased to 10% on returning home. So with mood my sexual urge increased too.
Day 3. 25% depression, frustration at the office with late sitting so liked the idea of coming home but mood remained at 30%, slept at 2 am.
Day 4. 25% depression started playing tennis at 5 am… initial play mood 30% then decreased to 20% … fear of getting posted away from family… mood remained 10% rest of day therefore sexual urge increased.
Day 5. 25% depression asthma under control these days …. Feeling of hating my job , imagining fights with bosses , imagining catastrophe do also started cherry plum Bach remedy for anger and white chestnut for recurring thoughts… waking up twice in night for passing urine. Disorientation on waking up as if short of oxygen
Day 6. 30% depression, watching a hopeful video on YouTube regarding depression decreased my depression… made progress at office work so depression 5 % till late at night, enjoyed the day.
Day 7. 25% depression, felt good during tennis but then boredom and recurring thoughts gets me… again slept in evening and woke up with bad mood 40% depression
allergic69 last year
Have one dose of Carcinosinum 200 .No other remedy to be taken.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-09-03 04:26:24]
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-09-03 04:26:24]
♡ anuj srivastava last year
Day 1. Felt good in morning due to tennis, Took med in evening, sexual urge at night. Depression was 20% , asthma 10 %
Day 2. Depression 30% but after tennis 20% but sleep deprived. Slept very early at 9:30 pm took GABA pill and saffron infused honey
Day 3. Woke up fresh with 20% depression, slightly sleepy but relieved
Day 4. 20% depression, felt agitated during long wait at hospitals for brother, since I was wearing mask so felt suffocated used inhaler most of the day. Felt bored but was relieved of not having cell fone and social end of day I feel and think that my day was not satisfying so I try to compensate it by indulging in masterbation without having much mood for it
Day 5. 35% depression but came down to 20% when read my notebook having points how depression in life occurs. When I receive validation that when I am out of this stupid job that’s draining my energy I would be ok and when I accept that now I have a baby boy and a good wife I should stick to them and don’t chase other dreams it feels good. Whenever I am ok I start imagining fights with bosses and exhaust my adrenaline
Day 2. Depression 30% but after tennis 20% but sleep deprived. Slept very early at 9:30 pm took GABA pill and saffron infused honey
Day 3. Woke up fresh with 20% depression, slightly sleepy but relieved
Day 4. 20% depression, felt agitated during long wait at hospitals for brother, since I was wearing mask so felt suffocated used inhaler most of the day. Felt bored but was relieved of not having cell fone and social end of day I feel and think that my day was not satisfying so I try to compensate it by indulging in masterbation without having much mood for it
Day 5. 35% depression but came down to 20% when read my notebook having points how depression in life occurs. When I receive validation that when I am out of this stupid job that’s draining my energy I would be ok and when I accept that now I have a baby boy and a good wife I should stick to them and don’t chase other dreams it feels good. Whenever I am ok I start imagining fights with bosses and exhaust my adrenaline
allergic69 last year
♡ anuj srivastava last year
Day 1. 20% depression, sleepy all day due to extended session of tennis in humid weather, allergies after having chilling mango shake, slight rashes on upper cheeks , urge to masterbate , sudden pain under right rib aggravated on breathing, subsided after an hour ,acidity after dinner. Good stool movement
Day 2. 30% depression…. Went down to 15%… slight acidity, again pain under right rib for 30 minutes in afternoon, acidity came and went, pain at right temple over the right ear , aggravated by movement of jaw, maybe due to tension in jaw due to mouth guard at night or my very long gum problem as there’s few gaps in molar teeth which I floss every day otherwise it becomes painful and smelly or maybe due to teeth grinding. Slept in loud instead of sleeping in room where the money plants are kept
Day 3 .woke up with 5% depression why sudden lower rate of depression due to absence of plants in lounge etc? …. Very exhausting session of tennis in humidity, no pain under rib in office hours no acidity,, jaw and temple pain was there , pain extending to right side of head,, 5% depression, wife came after 6 months, excited, disturbed sleep at night due to newborn baby crying
Day 4. 30% depression. Increased to 45% I don’t know due to last night session or sleeplessness and sudden drop in libidos , disoriented, focuse returned after cup of tea , 30 % depression all day fluctuations may be due to change in change in routine due to wife’s return… stressful in big change , always trying to impress spouse instead of making myself comfortable…. I usually have multiple coloured stool light in beginning and a bit dark thereafter.
Day 2. 30% depression…. Went down to 15%… slight acidity, again pain under right rib for 30 minutes in afternoon, acidity came and went, pain at right temple over the right ear , aggravated by movement of jaw, maybe due to tension in jaw due to mouth guard at night or my very long gum problem as there’s few gaps in molar teeth which I floss every day otherwise it becomes painful and smelly or maybe due to teeth grinding. Slept in loud instead of sleeping in room where the money plants are kept
Day 3 .woke up with 5% depression why sudden lower rate of depression due to absence of plants in lounge etc? …. Very exhausting session of tennis in humidity, no pain under rib in office hours no acidity,, jaw and temple pain was there , pain extending to right side of head,, 5% depression, wife came after 6 months, excited, disturbed sleep at night due to newborn baby crying
Day 4. 30% depression. Increased to 45% I don’t know due to last night session or sleeplessness and sudden drop in libidos , disoriented, focuse returned after cup of tea , 30 % depression all day fluctuations may be due to change in change in routine due to wife’s return… stressful in big change , always trying to impress spouse instead of making myself comfortable…. I usually have multiple coloured stool light in beginning and a bit dark thereafter.
allergic69 last year
Rinse your mouth with a mixture of Plantago Q and Kreosotum Q,5drops of each in a glass of water.three to four times a day.
Rest no change.
Rest no change.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
This means I need to continue phosphoric acid 30 and salts with it? And when shall I report?
allergic69 last year
To be read with above msg , for how long I should rinse and should i completely spit the liquid out? as one of them has potential for curing depression so it not be ingested?
allergic69 last year
for how long I should rinse and should i completely spit the liquid out?RINSE TWO TO THREE TIMES A DAY AFTER MEALS.
Should not be ingested.
Continue other remedies giving weekly feedbacks.
Should not be ingested.
Continue other remedies giving weekly feedbacks.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
1st weekly update.
1st day. 20% depression on waking up then 15% after tennis, jaw pain reduced from 100% to 70%. Aggressive behaviour with a boss.
2nd day. 15% depression. Negative thoughts and imagining fights but 10% depression all day with loving feelings for wife and kid. No more urination late at night, stool movements got normal, no acidity, asthma slightly returned, jaw stiffness 60%.
3rd day. 10% depression, love for family increased , negative self talk road aggression and imagining fight when all alone driving. Slight dizziness after consuming coffee (slight fainting spell) after along time. But 7% depression remained outdoors all day.
4th day. 5% depression, good session of tennis but depression increased to 20% when thinking too much thinking if I am happy or not , posing to entertain others, depression 25 % after siesta but 10% late at night. Warm room aggravates mood.
Day 5. 15% depression feeling good in cold room but felt asthma . Negative feelings and self talk about office. Road rage and in built anger.
Day 6 & 7. Depression 15% on waking up but then reduces to 7%, jaw stiffness reduced to 30% and pain is gone. Get emotional on trivial matters and sometimes utter offensive remarks for family when not given attention.
1st day. 20% depression on waking up then 15% after tennis, jaw pain reduced from 100% to 70%. Aggressive behaviour with a boss.
2nd day. 15% depression. Negative thoughts and imagining fights but 10% depression all day with loving feelings for wife and kid. No more urination late at night, stool movements got normal, no acidity, asthma slightly returned, jaw stiffness 60%.
3rd day. 10% depression, love for family increased , negative self talk road aggression and imagining fight when all alone driving. Slight dizziness after consuming coffee (slight fainting spell) after along time. But 7% depression remained outdoors all day.
4th day. 5% depression, good session of tennis but depression increased to 20% when thinking too much thinking if I am happy or not , posing to entertain others, depression 25 % after siesta but 10% late at night. Warm room aggravates mood.
Day 5. 15% depression feeling good in cold room but felt asthma . Negative feelings and self talk about office. Road rage and in built anger.
Day 6 & 7. Depression 15% on waking up but then reduces to 7%, jaw stiffness reduced to 30% and pain is gone. Get emotional on trivial matters and sometimes utter offensive remarks for family when not given attention.
allergic69 last year
Have not been too consistent in taking meds in these two weeks but did take them … that gum / jaw stiffness is no more ….mood swings is 20% but it decreases when I am sexually/ romantically aroused but feelings subside after ejaculation ( even during adolescence used to feel guilt and tiredness after masterbation … as I am totally drained from energy and romantic feelings , feel better outdoors not at home …. Posting issues again so feeling gloomy for being far off home with discontinuation of tennis with brother worried about staying solo and to face a harsh boss… disturbed sleep due to infant crying at night …
allergic69 last year
♡ anuj srivastava last year
A day prior to starting medicine I experienced food poisoning due to indigestion… but I resisted vomiting so only dysentery on following day , my depression increased to 70% so I started this medicine along with antibiotics like ciproximine . On the following day my depression came down to 20% with stool regularisation. On 2nd day to 4th day my depression came down to 5% and for first time stool got normalised otherwise it’s always in thick liquid viscous type that causes the water in commode turn blurry. My desire for sex increased so every night I masterbated being solo in room. Apart from feeling guilty in morning the whole day remained depression free. Couldn’t resist the temptation of this vice but happy about regular stools and mood enhancement… always my depression starts from a weird session of food poisoning or a month long consumption of unhealthy diet.
allergic69 last year
♡ anuj srivastava last year
I have duly noted these instructions. I am not having nausea anymore but would take these meds whenever needed. Should I continue with previous meds plus salts or stop them.
allergic69 last year
I no more have nausea and food poisoning my ALT levels are normal now…. I rarely feel depression especially when I am active, play tennis and walk and avoid being on cell phone…. But depression does creep in when I over think rumenate and specifically I catastrophise … I always had this issue of concentration from childhood… deviated thinking during praying , catastrophic thinking after death of my father from where I slowly developed low interest in life ….plus my hate for job and my bosses drained life out of me…. These days I only arouse when I think of illicit thinking while mating with wife probably sue to low testosterone and bad habit of masterbation…. Kindly help relieve my depression forever … sorry I couldn’t continue meds
allergic69 last year
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times a week.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times a week.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
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