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hayfever/rhinitis (evocationer) Page 7 of 10
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While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
That swelling underneath the tongue drastically started to shrink on first dose of medicine … pain stopped and now it’s the size of tiny grain of salt completely non existent… depression was at its lowest, but now that am back at home in sedentary life it has gone up to only 5 % , asthma was a lowest but yesterday when I took fish oil after food experienced fishy burps and need for inhaler… went for blood tests etc which revealed low platelets count (just few numbers lower than the range)… my ETT showed vibration in readings so conducted two more and last one came out normal , ECG was normal too. Intensity of sounds from ears (when ears open during flight or when water is stuck inside feeling on suddenly sitting down) has decreased. The only issue is that from past two weeks my bowels are irregular sometimes it’s constipated and most of times the way around…. I’ve drastically reduced my imaginary fights with bosses and during road rage ….yesterday I played tennis at 5 pm in 40 degrees and became exhausted while other players were fine … I can’t seem to take stress from physical activity in extreme heat … though I later took cold shower but recovery was slow and felt like fainting and weak as if my adrenaline’s have completely exhausted. I have completely exhausted my adrenaline over time due to anger , resentment over my job and fear of not making to hospital during asthma attacks in past, can they be revived
allergic69 8 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
I took aconite twice a day (dose 5 drops) mistakenly. That swelling underneath the tongue has completely disappeared … depression has reduced significantly. Slight discomfort left side of chest in morning , mostly due to gases. Asthma persists as I feel the need to use inhaler once besides its use before playing tennis. Become easily out of breath on climbing stairs I don’t know if it’s age factor (45 years). Intensity of sounds from ears has decreased. I haven’t experienced it lately. my bowels are irregular sometimes it’s constipated and most of times the other way around…. Even if initially it’s constipated it turns out to be some what loose. I’ve drastically reduced my imaginary fights with bosses and during road rage … over all my depression remained minimum
allergic69 8 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Thanks , I will go for it right away but tell if I should stop homeopathy medicine or continue with last prescription? One more thing there’s a patient of kidney disease who is going towards dialysis due to low eGFR etc should I recommend homeopathy to to her is there a permanent cure here at cuz I don’t trust homeopathy in our country
allergic69 8 months ago
This to be read with previous message, slight allergies in form of sneezing has started … usually it doesn’t happen in this season… during early morning exercise heavy amount of phlegm drops down in my throat from nose area on jumping
allergic69 8 months ago
or continue with last prescription? CONTINUE
usually it doesn’t happen in this season…START SILICEA 6X THREE TIMES A DAY IN ADDITION.
usually it doesn’t happen in this season…START SILICEA 6X THREE TIMES A DAY IN ADDITION.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
depression reduces when I am busy doing physical activities and physically interacting with people. Slight discomfort at left side of chest has reduced I only feel it when I am in journey in bus I guess we’ll call it anxiety. My allergies are aggravated in this season too , sneezing runny and stuffed nose and extremely dried and layered tongue in morning as I am mouth breather … as long as don’t fix my sleep apnea issue nothing seems to help as my nostrils are fully clogged due to DNS , sinuses and polyps… this is why I cannot practice kapalbhati yoga … the more I sleep the more stressed I feel as I struggle for air all night… issue of becoming out of breath on climbing stairs has decreased with decrease in humidity. My bowels are irregular as usual sometimes it’s constipated and most of times the other way around…. I’ve increased my imaginary fights with bosses due to further increases in injustices and change of service conditions… my stresses started because of this stressful job…
allergic69 7 months ago
CANNABIS IND 200 one dose every day.Cell Salts to continue.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-07-14 06:26:44]
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-07-14 06:26:44]
♡ anuj srivastava 7 months ago
Would buy that but I came across this article
The four homoeopathic drugs, Gelsemium, Cannabis Indica, Graphites and Agaricus Muscarius, administered orally in 30th and 200th potencies on white rats, enhanced restraint-induced catalepsy in a similar manner to the two standard drugs pilocarpine and haloperidol (IP injection at 5 mg/kg). All the drugs tested differed from each other in the duration of cataleptogenic effect, which was more prolonged with Cannabis, Graphites and Agaricus than with Gelsemium and the two non-homoeopathic drugs used. The 200th potency of any homoeopathic drug tested acted longer than its 30th potency.
Would it be safe ?
The four homoeopathic drugs, Gelsemium, Cannabis Indica, Graphites and Agaricus Muscarius, administered orally in 30th and 200th potencies on white rats, enhanced restraint-induced catalepsy in a similar manner to the two standard drugs pilocarpine and haloperidol (IP injection at 5 mg/kg). All the drugs tested differed from each other in the duration of cataleptogenic effect, which was more prolonged with Cannabis, Graphites and Agaricus than with Gelsemium and the two non-homoeopathic drugs used. The 200th potency of any homoeopathic drug tested acted longer than its 30th potency.
Would it be safe ?
allergic69 7 months ago
Ony Cannabis and Cell salts.Stop other remedies.
♡ anuj srivastava 7 months ago
Before starting following meds I was struck badly with allergies rhinitis: CANNABIS, Kali Mur, Ferrum phos & May phos
Day 1. Even though my nostrils were completely clogged and I had to breathe through mouth, I woke up fresh with great reduction in depression, love towards wife suddenly increased (as if some sort of spell of black magic has been lifted away) , motivation for doing house chores enhanced. Started enjoying details in nature documentary on TV like I used to when I was kid, however around 11 am felt extra drowsy and by 2 pm the feelings of euphoria started subsiding real fast and I started fighting against the speed of sleep….but overall the day went ok… the mucous in me started thickening and I was mostly effected by inability to sense smell and taste of food due to clogged nostrils… took anti allergy as precaution… slept early
Day 2: I experienced a series of dreams which I didn’t experience from a long time , on waking up same symptoms of clogging of nose and side effects of breathing from mouth … Though I woke up twice in sleep for urination but sleep was deep. gradually I started feeling panic in terms of low mood and weird feeling of falling in deep depression, felt light headed , weak and didn’t feel the strength to exercise… too much sleepy , no more euphoria or extreme love felt towards wife but normal feelings. Spending all day at home further worsened the feelings…. Felt like my head was being pressed in from all sides which increased the panic I felt relief after I put vix vapourrub in my nostrils, so my mood got better as sinuses got opened.
Day 3: I skipped cannabis but took salts … went out a little so day went normal.
Day 4: took cannabis again but the panic did not return … got myself busy in office work and then played tennis so the day went very good … playing good tennis further increased happiness. Allergies stopped but thick mucous and semi clogged nostrils.
Day 5 (4th dose of cannibis): day spent well at office with minimum anxiety and mood swing… drowsy feelings and weaknesses subsided completely.. however after sleeping from 4 pm to 6 pm I felt more anxious (wonder why extra sleep causes this especially in evening time) however I went on long walk so day went very well.
Day 6: woke up with great feelings of romance towards wife, have chatted with her for two hours as she’s in different country. My depression has decreased to bare minimum, feeling euphoria again. my stool gets normal when I move out of my house and live at city of work station… maybe due to mild allergies back at home… HISTORY: My depression this time in 2020 had started over use of coffee plus extreme tennis (weakness), food poisoning, being away from family due to covid pandemic and decision of marriage with her… but this medicine is making me fall in love with her don’t know by either increasing testosterone or it’s just a feature … last time in 2009 depression started with intake of coffee extreme pollen allergies, being away from family and friends and fast food consumption for 1 month. I’ve learnt a lesson that our childhood sweets moments were result of stress free life and there was nothing special about it so we can’t make such memories as we are stressed … sorry for being so descriptive. Doc what’s next for today onwards
Day 1. Even though my nostrils were completely clogged and I had to breathe through mouth, I woke up fresh with great reduction in depression, love towards wife suddenly increased (as if some sort of spell of black magic has been lifted away) , motivation for doing house chores enhanced. Started enjoying details in nature documentary on TV like I used to when I was kid, however around 11 am felt extra drowsy and by 2 pm the feelings of euphoria started subsiding real fast and I started fighting against the speed of sleep….but overall the day went ok… the mucous in me started thickening and I was mostly effected by inability to sense smell and taste of food due to clogged nostrils… took anti allergy as precaution… slept early
Day 2: I experienced a series of dreams which I didn’t experience from a long time , on waking up same symptoms of clogging of nose and side effects of breathing from mouth … Though I woke up twice in sleep for urination but sleep was deep. gradually I started feeling panic in terms of low mood and weird feeling of falling in deep depression, felt light headed , weak and didn’t feel the strength to exercise… too much sleepy , no more euphoria or extreme love felt towards wife but normal feelings. Spending all day at home further worsened the feelings…. Felt like my head was being pressed in from all sides which increased the panic I felt relief after I put vix vapourrub in my nostrils, so my mood got better as sinuses got opened.
Day 3: I skipped cannabis but took salts … went out a little so day went normal.
Day 4: took cannabis again but the panic did not return … got myself busy in office work and then played tennis so the day went very good … playing good tennis further increased happiness. Allergies stopped but thick mucous and semi clogged nostrils.
Day 5 (4th dose of cannibis): day spent well at office with minimum anxiety and mood swing… drowsy feelings and weaknesses subsided completely.. however after sleeping from 4 pm to 6 pm I felt more anxious (wonder why extra sleep causes this especially in evening time) however I went on long walk so day went very well.
Day 6: woke up with great feelings of romance towards wife, have chatted with her for two hours as she’s in different country. My depression has decreased to bare minimum, feeling euphoria again. my stool gets normal when I move out of my house and live at city of work station… maybe due to mild allergies back at home… HISTORY: My depression this time in 2020 had started over use of coffee plus extreme tennis (weakness), food poisoning, being away from family due to covid pandemic and decision of marriage with her… but this medicine is making me fall in love with her don’t know by either increasing testosterone or it’s just a feature … last time in 2009 depression started with intake of coffee extreme pollen allergies, being away from family and friends and fast food consumption for 1 month. I’ve learnt a lesson that our childhood sweets moments were result of stress free life and there was nothing special about it so we can’t make such memories as we are stressed … sorry for being so descriptive. Doc what’s next for today onwards
allergic69 7 months ago
Mood swings are at bay and I am having good time … have gained stamina in tennis despite its being more humid… however, allergies have returned with great intensity, I don’t know what’s triggering it … I start sneezing in outdoor and inside as well plus when I have direct exposure to cold air of air conditioner… only during journeys I feel slight pain in heart area and left arm , my imagination has become so strong that when I think of pain I feel it
allergic69 7 months ago
The progress is almost the same , mood swings are very low as long as I eat healthy and stay busy outdoors… but living alone without having fridge and other amenities that help in storing/ making healthy food is a hindrance in progress so I resort to restaurants…… I often get allergic reactions out of nowhere, sneezing clogged nose and slot of phlegm even phlegm is seen in my stools …. A single episode of acidity heartburn aggravates my asthma …
allergic69 6 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
That day I committed a folly by playing tennis in humid weather after skipping lunch plus proper water intake and same fainting / weakness/ disorientation took place ( the same that lead into depression in 2020) which made me anxious till I stabilise after having food however I still feel it’s adverse effects ( every time I play tennis the veins on my forehead always pop out). Yesterday when I came to capital where my home is I was badly struck with allergies rhinitis sneezing and itchy eyes when I was walking outside, even when I am in room it starts as we may have mould inside… sir now I am sure that all my issues sprout from histamine from allergies which may have caused inflammation in brain too (my initial depression started in pollen season) and there research on depression and allergies, sir you got to stop this allergies / sinuses / DNS in me which will resolve all my other issues . my nostrils are completely clogged and my tongue is coated in morning as I had to breathe through mouth, impaired sense of smell . Plz suggest medication before I resort to antihistamine
allergic69 6 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
The apparent effects of hayfever very slowly diminished but I Developed that different sort of allergy I used to experience once in year ( too much thick phlegm in morning without sneezing or other symptoms and breathlessness during speech coupled with anxiety and on climbing stairs ) moved back to city where allergies are less. Now use inhaler once or twice a day. Gradually developed a white pimple at left bottom of my gums (under front teeth) it hurts a lot , left testicle is starting to pain along with left side of pelvic area (same as previously experienced once in two years i.e. extreme bout of UTI , which is now increasing), started cranberry juice but pain still starts in morning and evening. Nose is extra dry and hurts too, very viscous and sticky fluid inside. I would want to get relief from these immediate symptoms plz . Plus I have analysed my case , I’ve had this histamine intolerance issue since my early childhood but anxiety/ depression set in when my adrenaline’s got exhausted due to constant emergency visits to hospitals, use of coffee, angry bouts at office , long hours of playing tennis( low energy) etc. sir slowly work on replenishing my adrenalines because I am sure I experience all its symptoms ( constant urination, waking up early, dizzy upon standing etc) as per latest study plus my DNS and probable sleep apnea may also be taking toll on adrenalines.
allergic69 6 months ago
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-08-19 02:36:06]
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-08-19 02:36:06]
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
After taking remedy for 4 days , the boil / white patch on the gums has disappeared, it’s completely healed . The nose remains dry in the morning but that thick and sticky discharge from nose has gradually gone . However, I had very bad episodes of allergies ( blocked nose, decrease sense of smell , sneezing ) , especially on arriving at my home town which is known for pollen allergies, I feel allergies even inside the room . Can’t enjoy food due to clogged nose and feel extra sleepy in afternoon and evening way before bedtime… even depression has increased from 10% to 25%. This actually shows how histamine intolerance has ruined my brain /life .
allergic69 6 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
After taking these meds for 3 days , my mood / depression decreased from 25% to 8% … stool became soft and during constipation , a white jelly type phlegm come out in beginning of passing stool . Had no allergies at 3 days at allergy prone area but on 6th and 7th day , allergies flared up when sitting outside during dinner nose runny and clogged even ears. Asthma has increased from 30% to 60% , especially on waking up in morning…
[Edited by allergic69 on 2024-09-02 23:40:52]
[Edited by allergic69 on 2024-09-02 23:40:52]
allergic69 5 months ago
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