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hayfever/rhinitis (evocationer) Page 8 of 10
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I discontinued all meds 4 days ago , I don’t know what’s going on with me but I have loose stools from past 2 weeks and it’s not getter any better…. Constant urge to use bathroom is there with discomfort in stomach , a tablet of Lemotil just delays the urge only temporarily … and when it gets little solid it changes colour during single session (gets darker)… and 3 weeks prior to these recent two weeks it goes solid and loose … I am sensing there could be something really wrong with me . I experience sneezing just after tennis session when my body cools down a little and throughout playing tennis I feel out of energy , tired and out of birth (stamina has gone down…. After playing tennis yesterday fingers of my hand and my toes started stiffening and felt constant cramps till I had a heavy dinner . I sense deficiencies of nutrient/ vitamins etc , I don’t know if it’s IBS and whether I should go for colonoscopy etc
allergic69 5 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
On the second day my stool got normal(solid) only once but then in morning it again changed into liquid . On 3 rd day experienced extreme allergy / flu at night with slight temperature ( contracted from family member) , this I experienced after 25 years as I never got flu after getting injected flu shot in younger years. Now I have greenish yellow thick phlegm extracting from chest and nose as flu subsided but I am not sensing complete taste of food and it’s aroma , stool remained liquid on 4 th day , yesterday stool was solid and in morning again liquid , a doc suggested stool test .
allergic69 5 months ago
Nux to continue.
In addition Calc Fluor 6X, Kali Sulph 6X-five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
In addition Calc Fluor 6X, Kali Sulph 6X-five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
After 2 days I had constipation and then 4th day it got normal but on 6th day again slightly loose stool and on 8th it’s diarrhoea again… I am sure I have some major bacterial thing like SIBO or food allergies, will do these tests tomm … my depression started in 2009 when I consumed fast food for complete 1 month with carbonated drinks so it’s definitely connected with my stomach … if I consume a trace of chillies my anus burns during passing of stools so I must be having ulcers
allergic69 4 months ago
Since the issue wasn’t resolving so I had to check it at the hospital, ran some tests of stool but it has not traces of blood or H-pylori… they diagnosed me with irritable bowel syndrome and prescribed meds with controlled diet … condition emerged long time ago but aggravated by consuming BBQ food as being away from home it was the only option… further aggravated after taking histamonium … now too much bloating, with pain in stomach and loose stool
allergic69 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Issue of tummy discomfort and diarrhoea persists , got myself checked by doctor who referred me to gastroenterologist for colonoscopy on the findings that family history of GI TRACT…ncer , has blood in my stool in year 2021(stool test) plus when constipated a mucous used to be in my stool … the only benefit of meds prescribed by you is increase in libido and morning erections are back , slightly mood got better but constant worry over this issue has dampened my feelings. Docs say if it’s not a big issue after colonoscopy then it’s your stress that’s causing gut issues … yes I am stressed because of my boss and due to non adjustment with this new place of posting… apart from gut discomfort and constant need to pass stool my anal area burns after I pass stool regardless of having consumed chillies or not …
allergic69 4 months ago
Issue of tummy discomfort and diarrhoea has decreased considerably as stools got normal to certain level interns of regularity of timings unless I skip a session then it loosens a little. I experienced constipation for a day only. Gurgling sound from tummy still persists and it can be heard outside.
Stiffness in knee joints is experienced as they ache and crackle ( lack of flexibility ) more now on next day after a session of tennis. Mood swings have lessened but they are related to office work especially when I fear that I may get scolded by boss or there’s delay in completing a task. I’ve realised that it’s my job that has devastated my life … which I can tell from the fact that I enjoyed two phases of my life (1) my childhood before joining this job (2) during my job but when I was sent abroad on a course when I was temporarily taken off from the strength of my office …. This sort of happiness was not even felt during honeymoon when I went abroad but was on active strength of my office and used to be contacted by office (stress).
Imagining fights and venting anger still persists whenever I am alone .
Stiffness in knee joints is experienced as they ache and crackle ( lack of flexibility ) more now on next day after a session of tennis. Mood swings have lessened but they are related to office work especially when I fear that I may get scolded by boss or there’s delay in completing a task. I’ve realised that it’s my job that has devastated my life … which I can tell from the fact that I enjoyed two phases of my life (1) my childhood before joining this job (2) during my job but when I was sent abroad on a course when I was temporarily taken off from the strength of my office …. This sort of happiness was not even felt during honeymoon when I went abroad but was on active strength of my office and used to be contacted by office (stress).
Imagining fights and venting anger still persists whenever I am alone .
allergic69 3 months ago
Argent Nit 200 one dose every alternate day.
Kali Phos 6x and Calc Phos 6x five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
Kali Phos 6x and Calc Phos 6x five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
I used the medicine for half a week but discontinued…. During these two weeks my tummy trouble (loose stools) completely vanished , started probiotics and fish oil as well. Now living separately with wife and kid but feeling so demotivated and low , medium depression of 40 % , only strong desire for sex makes my mood good but after such activity I feel low for a day or two, office time keeps my mind occupied or when walking or basking in the sun other I feel low … even don’t feel like playing tennis which I love the most … don’t have desire for anything… eager to meet whole family on weekends as I don’t enjoy living alone … I don’t know if it’s low levels of testosterone, low vitamin D or I married so late that I am not used to married life … completely lost that freedom … how to get rid of this low mood
allergic69 3 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Depression decreased from 40% to 10 %, two pimples grew on my belly area one after another …. Started probiotics supplement as well so my bowels became normal after a long time … my sleep is disturbed as I dream about my office deadlines or some issues all night …. I ruminate all the time asking if I am happy and then I feel low and depressed… feel better late at night
allergic69 2 months ago
Hypertension The Corporate Disease.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-09 07:38:45]
Hypertension The Corporate Disease.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-09 07:38:45]
♡ anuj srivastava 2 months ago
In first two days no drastic change was felt but from 3rd days my morning mood got substantially better (depression decreased from 20% to 10%)… woke up with happy feelings and even evening of better … but on the day I played tennis I immediately felt worse so when I skipped it for next few days my mood got better again…. Yesterday I played tennis I didn’t feel bad at that time but when I woke up today my body aches and mood is low…. No wonder my depression started during a match of tennis this time in 2020.
allergic69 last month
Depression levels remained minimal at 9% , one day during walk with my son the depression fluctuated down to 4% became more talkative and interactive with family next day it came back to 9% … after two days while remaining at home all day depression increased to 15% . Mostly have acidic taste in my mouth early morning or before sleeping don’t know if it’s due to acidic aura inside or lack of acidic digestive fluids that’s causing it …. Today I remained outdoors whole day with friends and colleagues so no rumenating n remained busy so tonight I am feeling stress free … which means the more distracted I am outdoors the less depression I have …. Not comfy in morning a bit of phlegm due to cold room plus I feel my brain doesn’t get enough oxygen at night either due to DNS or sinuses… too much snoring mouth breathing
allergic69 last month
♡ anuj srivastava last month
Pollen season has started again … so far my rhinitis is at bay because I am spraying rhinoclenil in nostrils but hayfever is still there because I wake up with wheezing and shortness of breath and I require puffer every 4 hours … this is the reason behind my depression/ anxiety attack in 2009 when I visited emergency room off and on for corticosteroid injection and nebolization … sir how to go about it … my depression so far is at bay too around 7 % but I do observe anger bouts of having fights with my bosses or road rage … how to equip myself from upcoming pollen season and related allergies
allergic69 yesterday
Ambrosia Artemisiifolia 200 five drops in an ounce of water two times a day.
In addition Nat Mur 6x and Silicea 6x five tabs three times.
Feedback after 4 days.
In addition Nat Mur 6x and Silicea 6x five tabs three times.
Feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 15 hours ago
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