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stomach pains and heaviness Page 2 of 5
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sir that feeling is not there now. Should I take robinia and carboveg also with this two medicines?
souravi last decade
Ya Robina to continue,carboveg as per the requirement,Kalicarb only one single dose,kalimur 6x for 7 days,ok?
bapu4 last decade
sir now I am taking Robina for 1 week . My acidity is 20-30% improved. The pain and irritation in throat is 70% improved. I am taking robina , 6 pills twice per day and nux vom 30 in wet dose twice per day. I didn't take carbo veg because there was no bloating this week.
I couldn't get Kalicarb and Kalimur as I am out of town.
I will start them from Monday.
Should I continue robinia or stop.
I am still having stomach pain and lower back pain.
As you know I was taking arsenic album 200 for 2 months prescribed by a local dr. Now should I test my blood for Arsenic?I am really worried of arsenic ovedose.
I couldn't get Kalicarb and Kalimur as I am out of town.
I will start them from Monday.
Should I continue robinia or stop.
I am still having stomach pain and lower back pain.
As you know I was taking arsenic album 200 for 2 months prescribed by a local dr. Now should I test my blood for Arsenic?I am really worried of arsenic ovedose.
souravi last decade
Regarding Arsenic ,Not to worry at all. Contnue robina,
bapu4 last decade
Yesterday I took kalikarb 200 6 pills in the morning. My pain was too much at night back pain middle and uper. after resting for some time it got little better. Today morning also my back is sore.
I have also started taking kalimur 6x, 1 PALLET morning and evening each. I am also continuing Robina.
Yesterday I took kalikarb 200 6 pills in the morning. My pain was too much at night back pain middle and uper. after resting for some time it got little better. Today morning also my back is sore.
I have also started taking kalimur 6x, 1 PALLET morning and evening each. I am also continuing Robina.
souravi last decade
Yes sir ...similar pains. Pains from neck to my feet. I can feel pain all over my body. Sometimes back pain in in the uper and middle portion sometimes lower back.
souravi last decade
souravi last decade
Sir I will arrange the medicine.
I want to update you sir I tested my blood yesterday all the other report is normal but my Vit D level is very low only 10 . Dr told me it should be more than 30. So he gave me vit D injections and told me to take vit d and Calcium daily for 3 months.
[message edited by souravi on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:45:38 BST]
I want to update you sir I tested my blood yesterday all the other report is normal but my Vit D level is very low only 10 . Dr told me it should be more than 30. So he gave me vit D injections and told me to take vit d and Calcium daily for 3 months.
[message edited by souravi on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:45:38 BST]
souravi last decade
vit.D is ok but for calcium you pl try calc phos 30x one tab alt day because cacium results inhard stool which creats complications like pilesand you will go on taking calcium without knowing this and the doc will never tell you because they get patient for a long time second thing is the piles is a different disease it has nothing to do with your back headache/backkache bloating per allopathy.In case you take calc phos you have to adjust the dose as per your own judgement,start with 1 tab /day and reduce the frequency like evry 2 days 1 tab or every 3 days as per it suits you,calcium is given to you so that vit D can be absorbed so take calcium also but in reduced qty.Your doc will not agree to this if you discuss this with him but this is as per my experience rest is up to you to decide.
I have given you the Idea of future so that you dont get puzzled.
If you talk of homeopathy-It doesn't address a single pin point pathological issue it addresses on whole where in your all dificiencies will be replenished with the homeo remedies,how ever for a stopgap arrangement you can take it cause I appreciate
your concern hence wont object for this stop gap arrengemnt.
[message edited by bapu4 on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:45:15 BST]
I have given you the Idea of future so that you dont get puzzled.
If you talk of homeopathy-It doesn't address a single pin point pathological issue it addresses on whole where in your all dificiencies will be replenished with the homeo remedies,how ever for a stopgap arrangement you can take it cause I appreciate
your concern hence wont object for this stop gap arrengemnt.
[message edited by bapu4 on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:45:15 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Thank you sir for your suggestion.o.K. i will take calc phos 30x as u prescribed.I have full faith in homeopathy and your prescription.
souravi last decade
Sir today my pain is much less in my back. Only total body ache a little.Specially my hands and legs.
souravi last decade
Sir Improvement of body pain 60%.
Improvement of stomach pain and heaviness is 80%.
Only pain in my hands and legs mostly. I am feeling like my self again. All thanks to you sir. Only acidity and sore throat is still there so I am taking nexpro sometimes.
Improvement of stomach pain and heaviness is 80%.
Only pain in my hands and legs mostly. I am feeling like my self again. All thanks to you sir. Only acidity and sore throat is still there so I am taking nexpro sometimes.
souravi last decade
Thats very good.Did you have any surgery few months before this Reflux started ?
continue with Robina
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:00:50 BST]
continue with Robina
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:00:50 BST]
bapu4 last decade
I had one cyst removed from my ankle 2.5 yrs ago with local anesthesia and 5 yrs back c- section. Didn't have any very recently.
souravi last decade
There is a remedy Raphanus which has reflux after surgery
there is a very lill possibility for you but I think you should try at least one dose of Raphanus 30 and see how you do with it.First I suggest you to read the remedy and than take it after discussing with me.
there is a very lill possibility for you but I think you should try at least one dose of Raphanus 30 and see how you do with it.First I suggest you to read the remedy and than take it after discussing with me.
bapu4 last decade
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