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stomach pains and heaviness Page 4 of 5
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It has been 5 days I have taken Cal Carb 200. mentally I am feeling good from the next day40%. My acidity has increased 30-40%.Pain in upper neck and upper back decreased 10-20%.Nose running no change. Breathelessness improved 50-60%.
Pls guide me what to do next.
Pls guide me what to do next.
souravi last decade
nose block is there. One nose mostly left is always block.
I forgot to mention earlier my neck and upper back pain is mostly on the right side back and sometimes on my right chest too.
I forgot to mention earlier my neck and upper back pain is mostly on the right side back and sometimes on my right chest too.
souravi last decade
pl. take Sinapis nigra 30 one dose for nose block and tell me what all things happen.Because your mentle condition is good pl keep observing -no extra medicins for now continue robina,cp etc.
bapu4 last decade
After 10 days of taking Cal Carb 200 my mental condition is better now 40-50% . Only few times I felt little depressed.
Acidity is again reduced and is now same as what it was before taking cal carb 200.
Runny nose is not there any more.
I feel my left nose is partially blocked don't know why.
I am still feeling fatigue and breathlessness but some days I am better and have more energy.
Stomach pain and digestion is better. I am craving for sweets and always feeling hungry.
Back and body pain is almost same or maybe 10% better.Pain is on neck and right side of spine to shouder blade in my uper neck.My hand and feet are also achy.
I didn't got Sinapis nigra30.will bye the med this weekend.
I am now continuing Kali mur, Robina anc calc phos.
Pls guide me what to do next.
[message edited by souravi on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 05:05:15 BST]
[message edited by souravi on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 05:16:15 BST]
Acidity is again reduced and is now same as what it was before taking cal carb 200.
Runny nose is not there any more.
I feel my left nose is partially blocked don't know why.
I am still feeling fatigue and breathlessness but some days I am better and have more energy.
Stomach pain and digestion is better. I am craving for sweets and always feeling hungry.
Back and body pain is almost same or maybe 10% better.Pain is on neck and right side of spine to shouder blade in my uper neck.My hand and feet are also achy.
I didn't got Sinapis nigra30.will bye the med this weekend.
I am now continuing Kali mur, Robina anc calc phos.
Pls guide me what to do next.
[message edited by souravi on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 05:05:15 BST]
[message edited by souravi on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 05:16:15 BST]
souravi last decade
for craving of sweets pl avoid sugar instead pl always prefer molasis(Gud) when ever you eat sweet,sugar slows the digestion tremendously where as molasis promotes it.
I will study and revert to you.
Pl elaborate what is the kind of pain (neck to shoulder) timing ,aggravation,comforting situation etc.
Tell me what all sweets do you eat with this cravings.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:29:19 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:30:26 BST]
I will study and revert to you.
Pl elaborate what is the kind of pain (neck to shoulder) timing ,aggravation,comforting situation etc.
Tell me what all sweets do you eat with this cravings.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:29:19 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:30:26 BST]
bapu4 last decade
I like to eat chocolates, plum cakes , sugary drinks even plain sugar.I also like gulab jamun. I try to avoid as much as possible.I will try gud instead.My cholesterol level is also little high. total cholesterol is 224.
The pain initially was on my whole back radiating towards my legs and arms.But after taking kali carb one dose the pain is now less severe and only located on my upper back. It is not on my spine but a little right of spine towards my shoulder blades and on my neck Other than that my whole body feels achy including my wrists and feet.When pain increases I feel weak and prefer to lie down. Sometimes work, walking increases the pain. sitting, lying helps with the pain. I feel good if I put hot compression.I have noticed my breathlessness increases when the pain increases.
The pain initially was on my whole back radiating towards my legs and arms.But after taking kali carb one dose the pain is now less severe and only located on my upper back. It is not on my spine but a little right of spine towards my shoulder blades and on my neck Other than that my whole body feels achy including my wrists and feet.When pain increases I feel weak and prefer to lie down. Sometimes work, walking increases the pain. sitting, lying helps with the pain. I feel good if I put hot compression.I have noticed my breathlessness increases when the pain increases.
souravi last decade
Pl start cretagus q 5 drops in 1/4 cup of water at bed time for 15 days then check your cholestrol if there is lill reduction in chlestrol pl continue for another 15 days if good reduction then you can stop cretagus after initial 15 days.
Take Ruta 30 one dose for 2 days at night
Pl give me 1.what kind of pain it is that you feel.
2.Is that pain in joints also if it is so then where is the predominance of pain in the joints or in the muscles.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:08:57 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:06:00 BST]
Take Ruta 30 one dose for 2 days at night
Pl give me 1.what kind of pain it is that you feel.
2.Is that pain in joints also if it is so then where is the predominance of pain in the joints or in the muscles.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:08:57 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:06:00 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Thank you sir for your reply.The pain is not in the joints it is in the muscle.My hand muscles , leg (pain at feet and calf)back is always sore . Sometimes pain increases in my upper chest and back. That time it hurts more.There is a pressure like feeling and pain on my neck also. The area of my right shoulder blade is also painful.
Is Ruta 30 for cholesterol ? I will start this medicines asap.
Is Ruta 30 for cholesterol ? I will start this medicines asap.
souravi last decade
Cretagus is for cholestrol,Ruta is palliative for rheumatic pains.
Tell me your pain condition before AND during thunder storm
How you feel after massage,rubbing,pressure.
What position you prefer to lie down during pain,do you prefer the to lye on paining side?
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:18:34 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:25:52 BST]
Tell me your pain condition before AND during thunder storm
How you feel after massage,rubbing,pressure.
What position you prefer to lie down during pain,do you prefer the to lye on paining side?
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:18:34 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:25:52 BST]
bapu4 last decade
I am not sure about thunderstorm because this pain is very recent 1 - 1.5 month old .I feel good during message but cannot bear too much pressure. I like to sleep on my back . The pain reduces as soon as I lie down .No I dont prefer to sleep on paining side.But I think leg pain increases in cold weather.
souravi last decade
See this season in India is of rain now so if you are telling that this pain is from 1.5 months do I take that you have aggravation during damp/rainy whether ,Even you say that we will have to wait and see how do you fare in dry season then only we can conclude that modality right?
bapu4 last decade
May be sir It is due to rainy season. I never thought about that. But I always hate cold/damp weather and prefer warm/dry.
souravi last decade
pl see if you can get Sarracenia Perpura 30,also bring Chelidonium Q
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:08:05 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:08:05 BST]
bapu4 last decade
should I get Ruta also with these med.
souravi last decade
ya,pl take ruta.g.30 too,how about your thirst now a days?
[message edited by bapu4 on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 07:59:29 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 07:59:29 BST]
bapu4 last decade
I have got all the medicines. Pls guide me how to take the medicines.
Can I take Rubina and other meds that I am taking with these meds.
Can I take Rubina and other meds that I am taking with these meds.
souravi last decade
please continue Robina,plz take Ruta 30 at bed time 6 pills.
Ranunculus B. 30 at morning 6 pills for two days.and give feedback. Keep Chelidonium at bay for time being.
Ranunculus B. 30 at morning 6 pills for two days.and give feedback. Keep Chelidonium at bay for time being.
bapu4 last decade
I have taken Ruta and rananculus for 2 days . Now after 2 days of stopping medicine my pain is still the same. After taking the med on the first day I was feeling very depressed and irritated. Now it is better.The pain now I realised is on a fixed spot 1' right of my spine on the line of my shoulder blade. It is the size of a one rupee coin. It hurts if I press on it. My dr told it is fibrositis and from there the pain is radiating to my whole body . I am putting voveron gel and sometime hot compression.My acidity is much less almost negligible.
Pls guide me what to do next .
Thank you in advance .
Pls guide me what to do next .
Thank you in advance .
souravi last decade
bapu4 last decade
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