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stomach pains and heaviness Page 3 of 5

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There is a remedy Raphanus which has reflux after surgery
there is a very lill possibility for you but I think you should try at least one dose of Raphanus 30 and see how you do with it.First I suggest you to read the remedy and than take it after discussing with me.
bapu4 last decade
o.k.sir . I will read the remedy
souravi last decade
Sir I have read the remedy . Do you think it will be helpful for me?
souravi last decade
You can take one dose and see, this is for bloating and acidity
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:12:32 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Ok sir I will take raphanus 30 , 6 pills once.
souravi last decade
ok lets see how it works for you.
bapu4 last decade
Sir I am yet to take raphanus. It'll take someday for me to get the medicine.
It has been one week I took kali Carb 200 and everyday taking kalimur 6x And also taking Robinia. My back and body pain has reduced considerably 60-70% . But sometimes I am still having back pain, pain in legs and stomach sometimes. I am also very depressed and worried about my health. Should I take Kali carb 200 again? Pls guide me.
souravi last decade
pl. take plsatila 200 6 pills and tell me,have you started calc phos 30x?
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 27 Aug 2014 17:09:59 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Should I stop Kali mur , Kali carb and Robinia?I haven't start calc phos 30x. will do that from tomorrow.
souravi last decade
Sir pls see the above post and guide me
souravi last decade
pl continue all the meds except kali carb.
bapu4 last decade
sorry to disturb you again sir.Should I take plsatilla 200 only one dose?
souravi last decade
Any reservation,if yes,please come out !
bapu4 last decade
Sir It has been 1 day I have taken plsatilla200 along with other medicines prescribed by you.
After taking
1.reduction in acidity heartburn-20-30%
2.no change in runny nose and sneezing in the morning.Runny nose is profuse and also short of breath sometimes.

3.Body pain is same 30-40% still there.
I have also purchased raphanus. Pls guide me when should I start that.
souravi last decade
Raphanus is to be taken when you have acidity and bloating.
Lets observe for Pulsatila for a week.pl keep a good observation on the symptoms.
you have still not started Calc phos.
Did you have Ganapati at home?
[message edited by bapu4 on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:06:15 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Yes sir I have started calc phos from yesterday. No sir we didnot have Ganapati puja at home. But we visited local puja. We are planning to go to Kolkata during Durga puja and celebrate .
souravi last decade
ok wish you happy journey
bapu4 last decade
Thank you sir
souravi last decade
how much do you fit in to following symptoms
Cracking in cervical vertebrae when moving the head. Pain on top as from a nail. Pressure on vertex, in morning; worse till noon and in warm room. Stitches. Objects appear too large. Migraine; first on left side. Twitching of upper lip.

Violent sneezing; stopped up. Nasal catarrh, with redness and swelling at tip of nose. Acute pain at root of nose, extending to vertex and through temples. Throat. Sore, right side with great tenderness; SORENESS TO TOUCH EXTERNALLY. Strangulated feeling. Gastric. Gone, empty feeling in epigastrium, WITHOUT DESIRT FOR FOOD. Acute gastralgia with pains extending to shoulder. Thirst and INTENSE HICCOUGH. Sour, fetid secretions ooze from molar teeth. Diarrhoea and tenesmus after milk.
bapu4 last decade
Sir i have sneezing, blocked nose, my right side of throat is mostly sore due to acidity,gastric feeling also same and I have no desire for food. sometimes .But I don't have hiccough and don't have thirst that much.I have migraine . It can be on either side.

Sir my acidity has reduced 50% from last 5-6 days .I don't know it is because of Pulsatilla or robina. But I am better than what I had for last 7 months.
souravi last decade
ho!waw!I am happy you are well responding to puls,Robina is remedy for hiatal so continue,thats a very good news,I hope you will be able to enjoy the celebration fully.
Repeat pulsatila when symptoms start reversing back,pl hit the bottom of the puls bottle 10 times on a table then take it,thats all for now,continue other remedies as told.I am happy!
bapu4 last decade
All credit goes to you sir. Thank You. I feel that the end of my suffering is very near.
souravi last decade
sure it is
bapu4 last decade
My acidity is much less 50-60% reduced.But my runny nose is still there and with that I am experiencing breathlesness and my one side of nose is blocked . So I have to breathe through my mouth.My back pain is also there mostly upper back but much less.I am also getting irritated as I am getting tired easily.
souravi last decade
pl take a single dose of Cal Carb 200 and tell me how do you feel
bapu4 last decade
It has been 5 days I have taken Cal Carb 200. mentally I am feeling good from the next day40%. My acidity has increased 30-40%.Pain in upper neck and upper back decreased 10-20%.Nose running no change. Breathelessness improved 50-60%.

Pls guide me what to do next.
souravi last decade

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