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stomach pains and heaviness Page 5 of 5

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yes sir dr is saying so.I think I don't have any pain in my spine.Only that point and area surrounding is tender.
souravi last decade
Pl sit down at one place be calm ,close your eyes and observe how the pains travel,you had pain in calf/foot also , so do you mean this pain travels from or originates from the fibroid near shoulder?
If so the whole philosophy will change,of course it is for good.Only you should confirm this what I ask.
You should appreciate one thing that Homeopathic meds have confined the area of pain so that you can realise the origin of pain,otherwise so far you were also confused about the origin of the pain.
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 09:42:39 BST]
bapu4 last decade
plz use forever aloevera gel and honey for 45 days. they both will clean ur whole body and stomach in side naturally. and with in these days you will feel the energy. and you body will healing its self naturaly. also drink lots of water every day..
mrsingh last decade
Yes sir it is true I was very confused and felt that pain was in my whole body. Now I can clearly understand the pain travelling from that area to my neck shoulder and to my right arm. But I am not so sure about my foot pain. The muscle in that area is a little hard to touch and is swollen which can be seen when I lie down.
This pain started when I was on Ars Alb. I never experienced any kind of body pain before that. Is it due to the side effects of Ars Alb .
[message edited by souravi on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:40:05 BST]
souravi last decade
It may be coincidence.Ars will not do that.You will have to start FerPhos30x+MagPhos6x stop CP continue rest of meds as it is.Tell me if that fibroid is hard or soft.
By the way my wife is not well
I will be busy attdng her so pl bear..
bapu4 last decade
ok sir I will start asap.the area (fibrosis) is little hard.
should I take 1 tablet of each and how many times per day?
I understand sir .I appreciate your help.wishing your wife quick recovery.
[message edited by souravi on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:50:34 BST]
[message edited by souravi on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:51:56 BST]
souravi last decade
ya one tab of each 3 times a day in one cup hot water sipping it in fifteen minutes (sip by sip) you can put both the tabs in same water.
[message edited by bapu4 on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:20:43 BST]
bapu4 last decade

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